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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Lennie, [24/04/2022 12:28]
#Funding_Proposals : One member view!
"We need 2 special tweaks to our process:
1. Anyone who wants their project and/or paid position greenlit, declares prior to the election, Then we take that group of people, randomize them, but evenly across the election rooms first.. Then we randomize and add everyone else to fill the rooms. That way a bunch of projects/pitches don't get clumped in a few rooms and we can have a genuine discussion.
2. The group can reach multiple consensuses depending on how many pitches are in their group. So it's not winner take all, it's each room makes the decision as to whether or not to greenlight the projects which have been randomly assigned to their room, with the 2/3+1 consensus.
3. I guess there's a 3rd change. we only do one round. just an hour and we're done.
I think we also pre allocate budgets either for each room, or for the CDs to distribute after via pomelo. Either way though, I think we take additional money for this directly from the treasury, assuming the CDs approve it."

#Empowering_Eden_Contributors : Weekly meetings on "Mighty Networks"!
"Based on the results of the POLL, I've initiated a recurring weekly meeting starting Wednesday, April 27th. Please consider RSVPing and attending! "

#Eden_Telegram :
-- M1 --: "Might I suggest in lieu of recent discussions regarding lack of engagement, challenges following community news and activities, that we avoid things like promoting pomelo projects in here? It’s kind of shitty to take advantage of peoples attention in a way that they’re not expecting in a private channel. Think about it. If you’re honest, you’re posting in here because you know it’s going to get in front of people because this channel isn’t full of spam and members tend to make an effort to keep on top of the channel. "
-- M2 --: "I'd vote to keep this channel 100% clear of any promotional content. If this chat was focused on strictly organizational matters it would be a lot more sparse, but also far more focused and deliberate. This would allow for likely more participation from those who only check out the channel every so often."
-- M3 --: "Agreed".
-- M4 --: "It's a tough question. I don't like the "spam" for lack of a better word(I don't really want to categorize anyone's Pomelo pitch as spam). I think adding search or categories of "by Eden Member" in Pomelo would definitely be a plus. As membership increases though, if we dont control this in the channel, it will get flooded by Pomelo Ads."
-- M2 --: "If we're going to tackle this I think we need to consider that the issue is more than just Pomelo adds. YouTube vids, people's tweets, anything that is self-promotional could likely be all bucketed together and encouraged to go to the public Eden channel. Keep this channel as clean as possible and focused on the objectives and actions of Eden on EOS as an organization."
-- M5 --: "I agree that shouldn't be in here".
-- M6 --: "sry I'm a spam bot, please don't ban me 😂"

#Chief Delegates-meet :
" EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #2 - Thursday, 21 April 2022 on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/chief-delegate-meeting2:2 "
-- M1 --: "New Chiefs are on fire! - Regarding the convo about 45 mins into the meeting... I think having a separate sub-org is an excellent idea. I've been advocating lately to call it Eden Contributors. We have Eden Members and Eden Delegates, but we don't yet have an organizational structure of Eden Contributors to manage the priorities. These are the 3 key roles that so called "DAOs" have."
-- M2 --: "Awesome intro!"

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