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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-01-28

#Author_Comments : 1
Started use acronyms in front of copied posts when deemed helpful. Is not always so but at times worthwhile. Member words then indicated as "M" and if deemed further helpful might be as M, M1, M2 etc to distinguish words by additional members. Keep in mind only a fraction of posts in Eden Member group are shown in these recaps.

#Account_Recovery :
-Member (M) - "Is the Eden Account Recovery Process already usable? I would like to do it."
-Clarion team (CT) - "No"
-M - "Can you say when it will be possible?"
-CT - "The team is very busy on 2 fronts, Mandel and planning Eden v2. After Mandel releases we'll take a look at adding a temporary recovery process."

#Metaverse : a post also in the Eden group and saw discussion at length:
M - "Guys I just had a brainwave let me know what you think? There is huge money being spent on virtual land on the Metaverse atm and my thinking went into Eden 2.0 . . "

#VC : (acronym for Venture Capitalist) interesting post but not much comments:
M - "What I think EdenOnEOS 1.0 should be contemplating is how we can organize a VC division to explore developing or porting over people working on ideas we see have potential."

#Negative_to_Positive : lengthy discussion after first post below:
-M - "I've been watching the pain within the Korean community along with everyone else, and I'm wondering whether they have even had a chance to use the Eden software? I think the best thing Eden 1.0 can do is to fund the various localizations that we've committed to. If there is a desire to have a Korean Eden, is the software in their language? (I'm asking)".
-M1 - "I think it would be a great gesture if our community could take the open source work Clarion has done and create a workflow with which we could create any localization. Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian... just a few possible targets."
-M2 - "This is a great idea as well, maybe set up bounties?"
-M3 - "Without the main eden having a purpose, goal, and direction. Any other eden that branches of would most likely have some problems."
-M1 - "I just think it would be tragic to see the first iteration of the Eden software left on the shelf. We all had such a great experience using it, and I would love to see it shared now with the world. We all know Clarion just wants to see the technique spread too, and they are just overwhelmed with all the other things they've taken on. I think Eden had the ability to take their ball and run with it now!"
-M2 - "Eden 2.0 is going to be differ in from 1.0, I think we have different use cases, and therefore would be against disbanding when/if the time comes where a vote comes up..."

#EOS_Emigration : one recent migration EOS>ETH saw various comments, here just one:
- "Projects go where the money is, period. That’s Eth’s only advantage and it’s enough to keep them in a dominant position. There’s a plan in the works to create a Consensys-like organization which would support all EOSIO chains.
The funds would first go to fund the core codebase development and then if support grows enough there would be VC type funding available."

#Crowdfunding : An idea posted and discussed.
- "Seems like a decentralized go fund me is needed. Is there any way we could leverage what bytemaster7 is making with DAC and pomelo to empower any community to raise money? Each “go fund me” project is a DAC. This build on EOS would make it censorship resistant. Just trying to bring ideas to the community. You could get NFTs for donating."

#Chief_Delegates_Meet : Eden 1 - Chief Delegate Meeting #14, 26 Jan 2022.

#Marketing :
M - "Please give us some feedback on this, those of you who are watching the Chief Delegate meetings (or those who aren't)... This 'condensation' process takes out dead air, ums/ahs, redundancy and off-topic jibber jabber. The long format will always be available, but these condensed versions shave off a significant amount of time, hopefully without losing too much content.