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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Chief_Delegates-meet : #12 (2022-06-30) :
"Eden Chief Delegates had their 12th meeting last week. Check out meeting notes below 👇🏼 with links to the recorded video.
Topics covered: ▶️ Accepted election administration RFP bid by Domenic, ▶️ Selected EDAO to support the contract changes, ▶️ Created top level .eden domains for apps, vote, tech, media, & NFT, ▶️ Executed the MSIG Tx to officially transfer the genesis.eden account permissions to the CDs., ▶️ Vendor reimbursement, ▶️ July 9th, 13:00 UTC election preparations 🔥👀, ▶️ Hypha as a potential DAO tool for Eden to use. "

#Chief_Delegates-meet : #13 (2022-07-07) :
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #13"

#Eden_elections : 2022-07-07 recording main room. :
"Livestream recording of the open Eden Election #3 Community Zoom Room." https://youtu.be/vag9F_2ClgM

Newly elected #EDEN_CHIEF_DELEGATES : 2022-07-09 :
"Luka - @zeropassio (Head CD), Chris - @Barnzooor, Dan - @DanSingjoy & Hahn - @hahnryu"

#Chief_Delegates_meet : 2022-07-10 :
"The newly elected Eden Chief Delegates with Yves La Rose of the ENF. Discussion on what the future holds for Eden.

- END -
#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-19 : "Want to see the output of last week's session, please check out the doc. If you want to add to it, or have your voice heard, we'll be doing the second session this week at the same time."

#Mission_Vision? : 2022-07-19 : "I believe the disagreement here is actually indicative of a much more fundamental difference in what people's view of Eden is, or what they think it should be. Some think it *should* simply be an actual organization, with shared property, not incompatible with corporate personhood or limited liability. Others think it should simply be a process to identify and fund leaders by their alignment with a shared vision/mission."

#Eden_Infrastructure : 2022-07-15 : "Eden Hand Off and Software Support - A quick background, update and details from Fractally (formerly Clarion) aimed at ensuring everyone knows what’s happening with respect to Eden infrastructure being handed off to Eden members."

#Funding : 2022-07-19 : ENF's Yves La Rose :
"Re: Pomelo funding Eden. CDs should go back to Eden CDs season 1 and the hours spent talking about it. . . "
""Re: costs for code changes / running the election. For reference; There was a bid . . ""

#Eden_Chief_Delegates : @Eden_EOS_Chiefs : 2022-07-15 : "The newly elected #EOS Chief Delegates had a handover discussion with the previous term CDs" - https://bit.ly/3Prr4W0

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 1 : 2022-07-12 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #1 - Monday, July 12, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-1---Odysee:4

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 2 : 2022-07-18 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #2 - Monday, July 18, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-2:5

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (WK40) - posted Sunday 2022-10-09

#Eden_elections for Term #4 : 2022-10-08 : Eden-on-EOS - Saturday October 8, 2022 - Election 4 - Public Room : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCRWUwNvAWM

#Eden_Chief_Delegates : New #EdenonEOS CDs: ▶️ @ReGenRieki ▶️ @xaviercr ▶️ @jessethan3 ▶️ @edenwaxa ▶️ @Barnzooor

#Chief_Delegates_meet #13 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36471 : “EdenOnEOS Final CD meeting Term #3 - Monday, Oct 03, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-13:3

#Eden_Community - election comments : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36066 :
--M1-- : “The lack of participation is an obstacle that would need to be tackled before moving on what would be secondary initiatives to generate more interest.”
--M2-- : “Maybe we need to give options for participants to participate as a voter or as a delegate contender.”
--M3-- : “That is how election runs already. Participants can be voter only or a candidate as well if they so wish. Candidates need agree to potentially move up. If no one agrees then random selection could not be in play.”
--CD-- : “ It has happened but usually someone says "ok fine I'll move on" “
--M4-- : “Even the system as it stands now seems to favor those who are the best in the moment communicators.”
--M5-- : “It doesn't matter who your opponent is, just focus on your value offer, and go for it, . . “

#Eden_Membership increase : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36122 : Words by Head CD prior to election and sortition - “One page plan to increase EDEN membership. Grow Membership for EDEN Plan - Why: Election participation is decreasing. Crypto enthusiasts are not aware of the value propositions of EDEN: On-chain . . “ - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NmY2TOhGDvOpMfeTYXa_QpsS9Xyitf_dQgQmgQQB4pw/edit?usp=sharing
--M1-- : “Awesome, thank you very much. This sounds like a great plan and I’m looking forward to learning more!

#Eden_Community : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36286 : Questionnaire: “To increase engagement and participation, as well as keep you all better informed of what is happening in the EdenSphere please fill out this questionnaire, it is really important that you do or you may miss out on important developments. Using Encrypted Form CryptPad: end-to-end encrypted collaboration suite”

#Eden_OnLine : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36461 : “Here's the site that a few of us have been working on over the past 3 month - https://www.edenelections.com/ - Eden Elections | Join, Influence, Select, & Lead - The Eden up-vote election process can be learned quickly, applied to any community, used to elect leaders for any group of any size, or launch a new organization for any purpose.”
--CD1-- : “Great work on the site and video! The EDEN "Upvote Election Process" is interesting. It's good we named it, at the very least. Better than the EDEN election process, as the new name is a bit more descriptive. We finally have a proper landing page!

Eden_Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36464 : “On the Join Eden Communities page near the bottom this blue button will open a spreadsheet that I will be adding to over the next while to fill out as much as I can. This still may be useful if you want to see how much EOS a past delegate has received. Any delegate that has a link to a summary please send it to me and I'll update it, or if there are any other errors also please let me know.

FIO_Crypto_Handles : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36610 : “More FIO crypto handles created for new members: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses/3462/30?u=lukestokes - Let me know if you have any questions.”

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK44) - posted Sunday 2022-11-06

#Author_Comments: Protection against sybil attacks continue as main topic, best read in full context in Eden Member group itself Here only few snippets." *

#Eden_Bylaws adopted : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38390 : 2022-11-30 - “The CD ratified our bylaws on Friday's livestreamed meeting. Here are those bylaws: …

#Sybil_Protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38394 :
--CD1-- : “Approaching the above discussion from a lens of "what type of culture are we creating here" e.g. "why are people currently attracted, and will continue to attract people to participate here. Current working proposal: Only …
--CD2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38477 : “Here is a flow chart describing the new layout to achieve a sybil protection offering for other projects.”

#Eden_Spark : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38433 : “Our weekly call in Eden - Spark, any member of the hispanic community (or not) is welcome. - Punto de Encuentro de la Comunidad Hispana de la cadena de EOS, La infraestructura más poderosa para aplicaciones descentralizadas para empresas.- https://t.me/eos_espanol

#Eden_Website : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38441 : “Current layout of website im working on as seen in our meeting #4 video. If anyone has any suggestions or changes please DM or @ me.”

#Eden Chief_Delegates-meet #4 : https://youtu.be/HcNe1kXHWW0 : "Streamed live on 4 Nov 2022. Discuss Eden on EOS Governance. To find out more about Eden Up-Vote election process, visit 🌐 https://www.edenelections.com/"

#Eden_Fractal time change? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38430 : “The Eden community is considering changing the time of weekly meetings. This article includes proposals and reasons to change the time. https://edencreators.com/time

#Eden_Fractal meeting 21 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38429 : Nov 02, 2022 - “Discussions about agendas, proposal protocols, legal entities, agreements, and new insights from people in the WAX community ... - https://youtu.be/7MQ3arHfj10

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK45) - posted Sunday 2022-11-13

#Author_Comments: #68M and related MSIGs discussed but not covered here except for the #Eden_Poll.*

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet No.5 - Nov 11, 2022 :Eden Chief delegates discuss Governance. - https://youtu.be/apgF0XTyP1g“ - “"Live Eden CD meeting Fridays 19:00 UTC - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClag0OaWpM0SQeA7GkutlKg/streams"

#Eden_Dispute_Resolution Lead ? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38621 :
--CD-- : Eden now have a Dispute Resolution process as part of community rule-set. Need a 'Circle Lead' to organize and run this process. Anyone interested in this role, please speak up!.
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38626 : “I would like to offer the idea that the Chief Delegates: … “
--M2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38682 : “Some possible responsibilities I can think of are as follows : … “
--CD-- : “Scope: This process addresses the removal of Eden members. Its scope is limited to disputes inside Eden that are affecting the integrity of the system. Violations regarding the Induction process, sybil checks in the first round of election, and different forms of vote buying.”
--M3-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38739 : “I have now looked over all bylaws and think they make sense. Personally I think cost (timewise & money related) involved can be lowered. Many … “
--CD-- : “I think we should test the current version first before we start working on the changes. These all might be … “
--M3-- : “I agree.”

#Eden_Poll : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38909 : --M1-- : POLL Question: “Should Chief Delegates in the name of EdenOnEOS take a position regarding the 68M EOS "Unburn"?”
--M2-- : “This is a good question, but I’m not sure how relevant this org or the CDs are to the governance of the network at this moment. What kind of … “
--M1-- : “To not take positions, is to relegate ourselves to irrelevance.”
--M4-- : “EdenOnEos is the truest voice of the EOS community. It should and does have opinions on how EOS is governed, therefore, imo it has to act as a voice for the community. And the CDs are …”
--M5-- : “non aggressive positioning with rationale is probably the right way. it would go a long way in adoption and understanding of EdenOnEos. From my point of view, key learning for us as community is to be proactive in governance.”

#Eden_Fractal meeting 22 on Nov 9 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38758 : “The momentous meeting when we reached consensus and approved the first proposal with the Eden+Fractal process! - https://youtu.be/eJ7g6wWSPKY

#Eden_Fractal time change! : “Time of weekly meetings changed - now 16:00 UTC Wednesdays. This article includes proposals and reasons to change the time. - https://edencreators.com/time

#Dan_Larimer Nov/2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38689 : “Part I - Daniel Larimer: #EOS, #PSIBASE, #Antelope, NFTs, fractally and much more! - https://youtu.be/j51Mpe8l0Ng

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK46) - posted Sunday 2022-11-19

#Sybil_protection plan : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38955 :
--CD1-- : “Here’s progress on the sybil protection plan.” – ““We believe the following is a realistic timeline. Phase 1: S4 (current term) - * Distribute … “”
--M1-- : “Sounds good. I'd encourage you to join the Tuesday NFT Reputation System Circle meeting and discuss since much of this already built out, we're currently working on … “
--CD1-- : “Any objections –M2--?”
--M2-- : “I would skip phase 1 and 2, those changes are not so big that they need … “
--CD1-- : “Had a great call today. Looks like the ability to distribute an NTT upon voting has mostly already been designed and coded . “
--M3-- : “I think it’s wise to always err on the most simple , elegant approach that limits changes to smart contracts that have been working as expected. I think … “
--M2-- : “Dan L. mashed together democratic playoff with sybil check. I think its a sound solution, but that does make first round special in a sense. Alternative solution would be to have a separate round for sybil check, and then later running election rounds, possibly asynchronous. But … “
--M2-- : “Met with my team today and devised how each functionality can be achieved. Its not easy but its also not that hard to do it in a way to minimize changes to the current Eden contract. We are willing to do … “ - https://t.me/c/1186628781/39075

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet No.6 - Nov 18, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39139 : “The CDs are on live - join and interact - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLqjjThvWMY

Eden_Dispute_Resolution Lead ? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39079 :
--CD-- : “After first posting this there was a good amount of dialogue as to how we roll out and really test this Dispute Resolution process. Some of that discussion did seem to add a lot of friction to making this happen but … “ – “With that I will ask again, does anyone want to run this process?

#DAO_building : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39047 : “3 Questions That Will Help You Build Better DAO Communities - Addressing the challenges of community management in DAOs” - https://link.medium.com/hnTkrsuEZub

#Eden_Fractal time change! : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39051 : “The Eden+Fractal council approved to change start time of breakout rooms in Wednesday meetings to 16:00 UTC. We’ll open the community room 15:30 UTC. Everyone is encouraged to join the community room before breakout rooms to participate in open discussions.” – “I changed the timezone on the event page to UTC to make it easier for everyone to coordinate their schedules around the world.” – “More in Eden Fractal telegram group: https://t.me/edenfractal

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK47) - posted Sunday 2022-11-27

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet No.6 - Nov 18, 2022 : “ The Eden Chief delegates gather to discuss Eden on EOS Governance. - https://youtu.be/TLqjjThvWMY

#Sybil_protection NTT/SBT : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39173 :
--CD-- : “We met Nov 22 to discuss implementing NTT/SBT distribution linked to voting in the election. Follow progress —> https://youtu.be/BfC5mK3VSAU Reviewing Code and Strategy for NTT/SBT Design. Also View @sachitdabas code —> … “
--M-- : “Please review and feel free to contribute and suggest features or changes.”

#Hacks on EOS Network? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39169 : “In reply to question https://t.me/c/1186628781/39167 -
“”Not that I am aware of, but sounds like a solid idea for an article on EOS SUPPORT. Maybe this is helpful for now - https://t.me/c/1186628781/39169 - DeFi Has a $4 Billion Hacking Problem. EOS Has a... (cryptodaily.co.uk)“

#Eden_University : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39189 : “Building on Eden University fantasy 😀.. Eden university can be entry point for new members. It can have a 101 course for new members with at least these topics - a) Election training and mock elections, b) Benefits of members, c) Values of Eden - To be “formally” part of Eden … “

#Eden_Fractal meeting 24 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39182 : “The group plays Eden+Fractal and discusses agenda systems, promoting work, making rules, spreading fractal software, and more! - https://youtu.be/kXiH2dhe9Es

** #Author_Comments: ** - https://pomelo.io/grants/therecaps - if you find value in these #Recaps would be greatly appreciated if you consider donate via Pomelo any small amount to this continuing project. It allows #Recaps to continue and also improve it further plus widen the scope. 🙏

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK48) - posted Sunday 2022-12-04

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet No.7 - Dec 2, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39239 : Eden CDs Weekly Meeting - with the first #Blockproducer representative to join discussion - Michael of EOSUSA. -https://youtu.be/AOR2xWInDLI

#Blockproducers : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39216 : “Eden CDs invite BPs to join live Friday sessions to share insights, challenges, opportunities, etc. Any BP's here that would like to join us on the live broadcast please reach out to me (@Seedsalchemist) and I'll set up a schedule!”

#Eden_Website : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39236 : “Update: https://edeneos.org/ has now been redirected to http://EdenElections.com - more updates published soon.”

#Eden_Fractal meeting 25 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39219 : “After breakoutrooms the group discuss Cagendas, Vlalendas, Pomelo, Hypha, Alien World's and more! 🌱 - Eden Fractal 25“

* #Author_Comment 1: Lately most of Eden Member private group discussions moved to https://t.me/EdenOSinfo and/or https://t.me/EOSproject (=EOS). This week most posts related to Pomelo projects, seen also elsewhere. *

** #Author_Comment 2: - https://pomelo.io/grants/therecaps - if you find value in the #Recaps appreciated if show this by donating to the project on Pomelo. It allows #Recaps to continue and to improve it as well as widen the scope. 🙏 **

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK49) - posted Sunday 2022-12-11

#Eden_CDs on Twitter Spaces Dec 8th : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/43881 : “Use of 500,000 $EOS received … - https://twitter.com/Eden_EOS_Chiefs/status/1600890052313108481?t=qpd2XjstvRfTQuUR8v23oQ&s=19

#Eden_CDs roundtable : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39345 : “Like to join the CD roundtable and ask questions for CD's to respond to? There's been a lot of excited responses … “ - “”If you are L1 or Eden member and like to join the meeting can do so here - … “l
--M1-- : “Thank you for making that call possible. Good stuff👏
--CD-- : “Great call all, thank you for joining. I think these L1 + CD meetings are really valuable.”
--M2-- : “yes, would be nice to do them regularly.”

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet Dec 9th : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/43978 : “Eden on #EOS, CDs Weekly Meeting #9 - https://youtu.be/Im_R9-_l5I4“ - “” CDs discussed and stated our stances on the B1 donation, and how we'll ... - ... Also, a lot more was shared about: …"

#Eden_Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39280 :
--M1-- : “Do we have any timelines for the Eden upvote system “Hypha version”? I have several people interested in potentially using the software across different projects. Running an eden election essentially.”
--M2-- : “No, and i don't think it will be soon either.”
--CD-- : “Hypha just updated their roadmap (see graphic). All funds raised from Pomelo will go towards expediting this process and adding new features that communities need to govern. Hypha aims for Q1 next year to have the Eden process and full EOS deployment.”
--M1-- : “Thank you for this, very helpful.”

#Eden_interviews 1on1 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39391 : “In my role as CD I'm conducting 1on1 interviews with Eden members to better understand the gaps in our organization and governance process. If you'd like to share and participate please send me a PM and we'll set up a time.”

#Eden_Treasury disbursement ratio : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39298 :
--M1-- : “How quickly can CDs act to lower the distribution percentage ?
--M2-- : “Now if Eden could use some of those funds to participate in Yield+ … with 5% of TVL trickling back to the treasury. 🤔
--M3-- : “Any actions or plans initiated how deal with transparency and accountability when now a significant increase in the monthly funding to delegates?”
--M1-- : “Are CDs receiving 2k + 8k ?”
--CD-- : “Yes CD's receive L1 + L2 funds.”

#Eden_Fractal : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39266 :
--M1-- : “Any article about the mechanics of the Eden-Fractal smart contract?
--M2-- : “Draft article https://edencreators.com/tooling describe Eden Fractal tooling and https://edencreators.com/tooling/admindocumentation for instructions how process respect distributions.”

#Up_Vote_Bot : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39374 : “We are planning 30 minute test of Up Vote Bot. We don't need everyone, but … " - “”The testing will be Monday 14:00 EST (19:00 UTC).""

* #Author_Comment 1: Most Eden Member discussions continue in, or already shared to, public https://t.me/EdenOSinfo and/or https://t.me/EOSproject. In case you need to catch up on more than seen here check, maybe even subscribe to, the #Recaps – EOS & Eden channel where you also find the historical #recaps. *

** #Author_Comment 2: - https://pomelo.io/grants/therecaps - if you find value in the #Recaps a donation in Pomelo is much appreciated and secures continuation and improvement plus a widening of the scope. 🙏 **

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK50) - Sunday 2022-12-18
(Post 3 of 3)

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet Dec 16th : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40288 :Eden CDs Weekly Meeting #10 - The Eden Chief delegates gather to discuss Eden on EOS Governance. - https://youtu.be/TGpO_ujmp4Q"

#New_Funding_model : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40316 :
--CDa-- : "A recap from the last CD call: - We came to consensus on a modified funding model where we plan to pull from the Treasury into the OpEx account. This new funding model ... "
--M2-- : " ... terrible idea. Doing so without updating the bylaws even worse. Reducing distribution to 5%, while you pulled 15% in your season, its terrible idea too." - "You are removing the base protection that each CD is approving their portion of the budget; you should at least suggest bylaw change, this is a big depature from how eden worked till now"
--CDb-- : "We should hear what others think on this." - "It is a radical shift of how the current Eden works. There is some merit behind it however. We went over it on the last CD call. You may like where its headed."
--M3-- : "Sounds like meaningful action. Love it!"
--M2-- : "I am only interested to see how this can be stopped on new election" - "Propose bylaw upgrade, let new CDs aprove it, then it will be legit."
--CDb-- : "Most of this will absolutely need to go through the bylaw proposal and ratify process. The only deviation here is that we want to kick start other
Edens with a small amount from the total treasury."
--M3-- :
https://t.me/c/1186628781/40381 - "The Current CDs decided its ok for them to ... "
--M4-- :
"... DO NOT expand until your first location/group/franchise is THRIVING and has proven product market fit, is ... "

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) -
posted Mon 2 Jan, 2023
- (Post 1 of 7)
(Next Eden Member Recap - Sun 8 Jan)

#Author_Comments: *If reader wish more related EOS and Eden material https://t.me/Recaps_EOS posted Saturday 31st Dec 2022 might have what you seek. #Recaps Eden Member group meant to give a hint of main discussion topics, at times with dates and/or links which take members to the original posts"*

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet – Dec 16, 2022 : (#Recap_repeat) : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40331 - Weekly Meeting #10 - https://youtu.be/TGpO_ujmp4Q

#Eden_Chief_Delegate_Proposals - 18/12/22 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40380 : "The Chief Delegates (Chris, Jesse, Xavier, Reiki, Waxa) recently conducted their 10th Weekly Meeting" - https://www.edenelections.com/post/eden-chief-delegate-proposal-18-12-22

#Eden_CD_Proposals Term 4 - 18 Dec, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40316 : "NONE OF THE BELOW IS YET TO BE AN OFFICIAL PROPOSAL BY THE CDs. PLEASE GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK. - Hey everyone, here’s a recap from the last CD call:
- We came to consensus on a modified funding model. The idea is to pull ...
- If the OpEx account is used to fund initiatives that have CD consensus, the ...
- We plan on creating an msig to request funding ...
- We agreed that funding two distinct membership paths is ...
We would like to emphasize that none of the above has been executed. We are open to feedback from all vantage points. To conclude, we ... "

#Eden_Member - few feedbacks and CD words up to Dec 23, 2022:
--M1-- : 18/12 https://t.me/c/1186628781/40325 "... you are removing the base protection that each CD is approving their portion of the budget; you should at least sugest bylaw change, this is a big depature from how eden worked till now ... "
--CDa-- https://t.me/c/1186628781/40320 "... its not that terrible in context of the recent source of funds and their intended purpose. The use in this case is to start other Edens, not some random ... "
--M2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40382 "Why are we jumping the gun on starting other language sections already guys?"
--M3-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40427 "The Member Removal action is a good initiative and I like it getting polished. But another similar action ... "
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40429 "CDs did ask for feedback, so hopefully the changes will only be proposed via bylaw update for next CDs, and not acted on now."
--M4-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40435 "Current CDs shouldnt be spending huge chunks of treasury before next election."
--M5-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40505 "... this exchange and proposed multipoint pinned plan is leaning towards questionable intent for the first time, for me."
--M6-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40586 "... why have elections to select CDs if we’re going to try to micromanage them?"
--M7-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40633 "... it is the CDs that are pushing the narrative and not taking into account the views of the rest of the layers. Only when we .. "
--CDb-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40634 "... my views are changing as we are getting feedback, feedback is a time to change perspectives - https://t.me/c/1186628781/40652 "... we thought it had widespread support, and I'm happy to have messaged in here before taking action.""
--M8-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40986 "All in all, my main takeaways from reading through the discussion that has ensued since the various proposals floated by current CDs can be stated briefly as: All power comes from consent, & when in doubt, ratify. ... " - ""L1 Delegate Distribution .. , Multi-language Eden support & The OpEx Pool .. , Rate of Treasury Emissions .. , Two Tiered Membership ... - Conclusion ... ""

#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) - (Post 2 of 7)
#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) - (Post 4 of 7)

#Eden_Bylaws : continued discussion : https://t.me/c/1186628781/42435
--CDa-- : "This week we went over the Bylaws ... - They're open for commenting and dialogue ... "
--CDb-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/42440 - "awesome...lets leave this open for comment for a few hours and then I'll polish up the final doc tonight to formally present to the community for consideration to be ratified by the next set of CDs."
--CDa-- : " ... feedback directly on the Google doc for candidates this season to read and understand the problem landscape and potentially inform their/our campaigns and how we create consensus/vote."
--CDb-- : " ... it doesn't look like the smart contracts match this. So regardless needs an effort to add this functionality and then amend the wording appropriately."
--CDa-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/42793 - "Ideally next set of CDs carry this forward in: 1. Scraping through Eden code to make sure ... . 2. Adding additional Rights and Responsibilities for CDs and Delegates ... 3. Addressing attack vectors and tensions in ... "
--M1-- : "Generally they look fine to me with one exception: ... "
--M2-- : " ... I will definitely run on not ratifying this ..."
--M3-- : "This is way too generic of a description and I fear that .. "
--M4-- : "Should be stated in the bylaws that we are selecting delegates for the ability to build consensus and lead."
--M5-- : "I propose the current version of this new censorship bylaw be limited to: .."
--M4-- : "Officially proposed Bylaws are due this morning, so many of these ideas are things for the next set of CDs to consider proposing during their term. If .. "
--M-- : "Bylaws can only be proposed until 2 weeks before an election as per current Bylaws. I think that window is closed now so no new edits can be done."

#Eden_CD_funding : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40838 : --CD-- : "... only looking at EOS (not the value of the EOS at time of distribution): Term 1 CDs received: ... - HCD received: ... - Term 2 CDs received: ... - ... Term X ..." - https://t.me/c/1186628781/40849 "" ... politics seems unavoidable :). I think a middle ground reduction is reasonable based on everything I've read. We've not heard from a lot of members mind you, just a vocal few.""

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet *12 - Dec 30, 2022 : - "Weekly Meeting discussing Eden on EOS Governance. - https://youtu.be/Ea54XU-D4Qw" -

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet *11 - Dec 23, 2022 : - "Weekly Meeting discussing Eden on EOS Governance. - https://youtu.be/OXvb1xHyGe8"

#Eden_DGov_dialogues : https://t.me/c/1186628781/45641 : Eden members invited to: Episode 1 - "Eden DGov Dialogues" podcast on **Wednesday Jan 4th, 2023, 1800 UTC - We'll record and share: - How to participate: ... ""

**#Eden_Ricardian_Contract : https://t.me/c/1186628781/42336 :
--M--" ... the ricardian contract for Eden invitation signing requests is outdated. - ... bylaws require 3 months notice before the next election, conflicts with 3 months terms"
--CD-- : "noted thanks for pointing this out , we will make an issue to update ricardian contracts"

#New_Member welcoming orientations : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41441 : "Anyone interested in quarterly welcoming orientations for potential new members and leaders?"

#Eden_Joking around : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41992 :
--CDa-- : "I was just trying to lighten the mood. If that has caused offence then I apologise. It seemed we had moved past this particular issue ... "
--CDb-- : "It was clearly a joke."
--M1-- : "Joking about a very controversial topic is rarely a good idea."
--CDb-- : "You have to lighten the mood now and again. ... "
--M2-- ; "Ok have fun, I come in 2 hours to read 200 messages lol."