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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-11

#Author_Comments: With so much going on in our community it is good to see some focus on spreading the word of these developments, hopefully also beyond our own sphere of interest!

#EOS_Community :
Here words of an initiative by an Eden and #EOS_London member:
- "I’m looking at re invigorating EOS London , with meet-ups and general marketing if you or anyone are interested in supporting (funds or otherwise) would like to see as many big names as possible attend our first meeting. More to follow"

#Blue_Papers : Some are out and others nearing completion.
- "Aaron Cox of Greymass, and EOS blue paper project manager, discusses the significance of the blue papers that are being released. "
An excerpt from Eden Chief Delegate meeting #15.
Production by Chuck McDonald of the Eden Community

#ENF_B1 : This seen many places but significant why choose to include here. Keep in mind for now, as I can judge things, #ENF is doing a "Review of ALL possible legal recourse . . " to judge if any possibilities going forward. Rich discussion on this followed in our Eden member group.
- "As Founder of @EosNFoundation I share your frustrations! We are taking further steps to hold @B1 accountable for its past actions and broken promises against #EOS. Review of ALL possible legal recourse to seek $4.1B in damages underway. Let's do this together! #4BillionDAO coming - https://twitter.com/BigBeardSamurai/status/1491758599395180548 "

#DAOs : Words below by @bytemaster7 lead to yet another wide ranging discussion in the group:
#Dan_Larimer - ""Real #DAOs don’t / can’t file a law suites.
@EosNFoundation Real #DAOs focus on what they are Soveryn over, their own blockchain state. Real DAOs don’t have treasury of other tokens/money controlled by other governance systems. #4billionDAO
https://twitter.com/bytemaster7/status/1491775346500423685 ""

Here one of posts mid discussion with a reaction to all said thus far:
- ""I realize it’s off topic at the moment, but…
re: Dan’s definition of DAOs
I think this is a great discussion and ongoing debate to be having amongst ourselves and others involved in or interested in DAOs.
As much I enjoy being an idealist and idealizing things, it seems that the market is like a force of nature that ultimately decides what the definition of something is or is not.
Excited to get more perspective on this.""

#Chief_Delegates-meet : Chief Delegate Meeting 17 - posted 11 Feb 2022:
This week the Chief Delegates discuss:
-Individual updates
-ENF vs B1 litigation inquiry announcement
-Dan's response
-Advice for a Chief Delegatupdates Entity
-Stories from Lovejoy
https://youtu.be/SBp2yg6dL0Y "

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-03-11

#Author_Comments : #Fractally and #DAOs continue be much discussed in the Eden Member group and so also the future path of #EdenOnEOS. To a great extent these matters also discussed in much same way elsewhere and just wish to remind all reading #recaps that the aim is mainly to indicate any discussions or topics not aired elsewhere.
Eden members best "dive in" and read up on these discussions following the release of Fractally white paper, if not already done!

#EdenOnEOS :
Some of the many comments on path ahead.
- M - : "Regardless of what happens with fractally, Eden exists and it works well. Bylaws and a 'reason for being' are needed for the community to take control of itself and form a true DAO."
- M1 - : "It seems that Eden has some next logical steps to take before it has the power to even decide and move in the direction of becoming a fractal. Determining what version of the Peace Treaty we have agreed to can help."
- M2 - : "Fractally is a great "idea", although it could apply to many different bchains. It doesn't necessarily help address core issues of EOS or EOSIO chains mentioned above."
- M1 - : "Fractally has a lot of stuff that Eden may do well to adopt"
- M3 - : "Dan is not doing a good job presenting how Fractally benefits EOS, in my opinion. I'm personally for him building it, submitting, and EOS deciding if they'd like to adopt it and assign it a corresponding inflation for the LPs. I don't want to pay for an open source product in that price range that has no direct and tangible benefits to EOS."
- M4 - : "The whole problem Dan is trying to solve is for the fuzzy decisions. If there are hard and clear criteria for ranking stuff, you can use a smart contract for that. The problem is that people are contributing in many different ways to advance EOS and you need people to judge who did more than who."
- M3 - : "Each person has their own understanding of what a valuable contribution to their Fractal is. If each thinks they acted in the manner that brought the most value to the Fractal. For that Fractal, it's a win-win. For each individual involved, if they are participating in that Fractal because they care about its goal, they will all be happy with the contributions everyone else made."
- M5 - : "Eden can be a fractal."
- M - : "With fractally so far out in an uncertain future, is it out of line to say ƒractally is off-topic for this channel?"
""Should we look at all of the various DAC implementations that there are? #Hypha is coming to EOS soon, and they are actually built. Should Eden be considering that as an org structure alongside an eventual fractally?""

#Bylaws :
More in focus lately and here just a few snippets:
" . right now some decisions need to be made. And have to be in accordance with our governing documents. So the question is...
Which version of the Peace Treaty and Bylaws are we abiding by? "

"I went over the spreadsheet and get a feeling of emphasis on politics which I personally don't like."
""It's true this list is overly comprehensive, but we do have an opportunity to propose bylaws to be ratified by the next CDs. The idea is to canvas Eden to get ideas from them as to what bylaws they'd like to see. We definitely don't need to cover each item in this spreadsheet, but we should at least address a couple of the big ones: Membership removal, what powers the CD's have, Election frequency changes, ownership of the genesis.eden account...
I edited the doc and made it shareable: ""

#EdenCN :
Update on the Chinese Eden - "EdenCN held our Genesis Convention successfully and is now open for membership! The first trial election will be held on March 20th. Everyone is welcome to submit proposals, participate in the election, and win the funds! It is time to bring the community together to create and improve projects from the bottom up and revive the ecosystem."
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-03-25

#Author_Comments : The use of - M -, - M1 - and so on is to indicate posts by different members when deemed necessary. Each hashtag starts a new sequence from - M -, - M1 - and so on. Does not mean same member as any previous - M - in recap.

#EOSsupport :
" Account Recovery/Replacement Update: We concluded testing today on the updates to the contract that facilitate account recovery/replacement. Tests passed. 🎉""
""Many thanks to the fractally team for getting this done. 🙏🏼""

#EdenOnEos :
- M -: "" If the focus of Eden On EOS is to "create value for the EOS ecosystem" then it may be useful to achieve consesus on what the main value proposition of the EOS Network DAO is as it relations to the various DAO stakeholder profiles. ""
- M1 - : "I'd say it's to provide value for EOS token holders. To put it bluntly. Not investment advice."
- M2 - "Consensus where is not needed should not be sought. My point is that different visions of what it means to create value for the eos are needed. Also that might change over space and time."
- M1 - "In a really rich economy, all of these different factors add up to a healthy currency. :) It's all coming together."

#DAOs :
- M - : "What DAO software exists RIGHT NOW? Is the good stuff all written on Solidity? Should we be looking to Ethereum-based DAO platforms? Are any going to be proactively coming over to EOS?"
- M1 - : "If EOS is a true DAO, then EOSIO is the DAO software?"
- M - : "Maybe at the most fundamental sense. Like saying 'I've created the transistor, therefore computers exist (in my mind)'. We don't have any full DAO software on EOS that I am aware of. How difficult will it be to just bring this open source tech over to our new EVM? Do we need to reinvent the wheel?"

#Eden_Membership :
"Several support agents and squads can serve as witnesses for Eden's induction. It's very convenient. If someone needs a witness, they can always go to the EOSsupport.io website, open the direct chat and ask an agent. There is ALWAYS an agent on standby who would be able to facilitate the induction process."
""Thanks for this. Everything Support does just seems like magic.""

#Pomelo : Important Pomelo Dates
• Open for applications: March 22nd to April 11th
• Open for donations: March 30th to April 23rd

#Eden_elections :
- M - : "Is anyone planning to write an article on the Eden blog to promote the upcoming election? Not sure who all has writing/editing access"
- M1 - : "Great question!"
- M2 - : "This would be great. I am looking for information on it now and am struggling!"

#EdenCN : "Eden China"
"EdenCN held its first meeting of delegates after the first test election, reviewing the issues that arose during the election, clarifying again the allocation of funds, and also discussing how EdenCN can help the Chinese community projects in the second season of Pomelo."

#EdenOnEos_Fractally : Eden CDs seek a technical liason:
"We're looking for a technical liason between Eden and the Fractally team for the upcoming election and beyond. Someone in the Eden community who is willing to take up a technical leadership role and work alongside the Fractally devs in administering this next election, from testing process to the live run on April 9th. We want to make sure this person has a full understanding of the election state changes, and related actions so that they can provide coverage for the next delegates, and ideally, document and train others in what they learn, so the community can take the reigns going forward."

#Chief_Delegates-Meet : #23 - Posted 25 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS
"The Chief Delegates share individual updates and finalize their proposed set of Bylaws to be potentially ratified by the next set of Chief Delegates. Sign up for the next election on April 9th! https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/


= END =
#DAOs_Legal_Wrapper :
"New paper on legal wrapping for DAOs. Read and discuss!
From https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4123737
"'Finally, it is helpful to keep in mind that legal and operational timelines can vary considerably. In many instances, DAOs develop organically before their legal wrappers. DAOs can begin with a catalyst organizing a small community with a particular mission or goal. At the beginning stages, members coalesce around communication platforms like Discord and Telegram. As the DAO grows, members may, but certainly not always, choose to launch a token and potentially raise capital for the DAO’s treasury by having members contribute assets. DAOs commonly also leverage blockchain technology to implement governance over the DAO, a process that can involve using any number of open-source tools and dapps that have preset and customizable organizational structures or protocols. DAOs operating in this model tend to start small, and legal wrappers are often only considered as DAOs scale—or after they run into trouble due to a hack or operational problems that create liability.'"

#ENF_Eden : (related to #DAOs_Legal_Wrapper, words from Yves La Rose) "Please don't make Eden a formal legal entity. Please keep that out of bylaws. Please keep Eden as a smart contract operated DAO."
"CDs can form an entity to interact with the "real world" if they wish (that's not Eden). I will not support, and would campaign against, getting Eden to be a formal entity. Please don't transform Eden itself into a formal legal entity."
"I am not neutral on Eden's future. I wish to see it succeed and fill a key role. Grow your membership. Become a non-arguable weight within the ecosystem."

#DAOs_Legal_Wrapper :
--M1-- : "Uniqueness is attractive. We don't all have to agree on the definition of DAO... It's a logical process set in motion by people. And we have to tend to it carefully, like one does any garden. Gardens are themselves like systems of smart contracts, with various yields from unique processes.
Eden's main strength is that it is a collection of real people from around the world who are not worried about fitting into a single set of regional laws. We're trying to build something that is supra-national. If individuals wish to create a 'legal wrapper' for a specific purpose, it's something that they can do. But they can't speak for the whole organization, without basically inviting an enemy to come and set up in our garden permanently."
--M2-- : "The amount of time and energy on the idea of Eden on EOS being turned into or using a company..."
--M3-- : "From my perspective on what a DAO is, which is the only direction in which I personally support Eden progressing, "Eden's next step..." doesn't even make grammatical sense. Eden doesn't take steps. Members take steps. I member wants to form a legal entity, he should do so. Members can do things, and we are all using the fractal governance process to organize our efforts toward a common goal. I'm starting to prefer thinking that what we are *doing* is DAO. We are exhibiting decentralized & autonomous organization, rather than being "a" decentralized autonomous organization, which apparently implies to most people a form of top-down organization that I think isn't super compatible with fractal gov."
--M1-- : "We have to think about what Eden can be in 3,5,7,10 years. When you really step back and consider the potential, we are on the bleeding edge of DAO technology and techniques. This is much more than just a process."
(Part 2 of 3)

#Chief_Delegates-meeting #11: [2022-06-28 04:02 UTC] :
"Notes & video link - https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-11 - Topics covered: ▶️ New bylaws were proposed for Eden ▶️ Eden's Mission Statement was improved
▶️ Eden account permissions nearly transferred ▶️ Should Eden use @HyphaDAO tooling
--M1-- : "This piece from your document is something I hope might eventuate into action and a way to improve Eden way of getting things done! ""Hypha DAO as a tool for Eden: . . "
--M2-- : "Brock nailed it really. If Eden chose to adopt Hypha it would save us a year of development work. All we'd need to do is simply add the political playoff consensus mechanism to Hypha."
--M3-- : "I feel like we've been saying this for a year now. 😅 But yeah."

#MSIG : [2022-06-28 14:05 UTC] :
"The Chief Delegates now have owner & active permissions for the .eden account, set to a threshold of 4/5." - https://bloks.io/msig/costaricamae/edenownkeys2

#Eden_future : [2022-06-28 14:10 UTC] :
--M1-- : "Hypha DAO is a tool for organizations to support similar structures. Eden is a process to distribute money with fractal democracy. That's my opinion."
--CD1-- : "It was always about more than just distributing the network's resources."
--M1-- : "I agree to disagree. In my understanding, it has always been about distributing inflation to the community through the fractal democratic process."
--CD1-- : "I am convinced that most Eden members want to see the process shared among more communities and organizations. And it makes sense that Eden as an Organization take on that role."
--M1-- : "When I read through everything again, I found the vision to be quite complete. EdenOS, on the other hand, was never completed. We have an incomplete EdenOS (software).

#Dan_Larimer : [2022-06-28 20:28 UTC] :
""With many lawsuits against specific #DAOs today, "...one can accidentally form a partnership just by the manner in which you conduct business. Even without any written or oral agreements...".
- What is the Legal Standing of a DAO? - An in-depth analysis of how governments may classify unincorporated associations of people interacting with a DAO and the resulting risks and liabilities to the various parties."" - https://twitter.com/gofractally/status/1541878347537457152
--M1-- : "Super... Dan... tough but necessary tackle/lead... I'm also thinking its time for the crypto-legal debate to hit talk shows / news desks."
--M2-- : "Thank you for this Dan. I know how much work was put into this and it's by far the best existing reference on the subject I've come across and I've been reading and researching these issues for 5 years now. You make so many clear points, but it's such a complex subject in many ways, that it, opens a ton of new questions!!! hahaha"

#Vitalik_tweet : [2022-06-28 22:11 UTC] :
--M1-- : "Have you checked out Vitalik's co-authored paper on "Souls" and how they see them as a reputation system and more?"
--Dan Larimer-- : "link?"
--M1-- : "Decentralized Society: Finding Web3's Soul" - https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4105763 ""Oh and I must ask you @bytemaster7 was that tweet about EOS being the the superior smart contract platform in the space from Vitalik genuine?""
--Dan Larimer-- : "I have no idea if it was genuine, . . "

#Fractal_Democracy : [2022-06-30 26:47 UTC] :
"Has anyone written a more comprehensive introduction to Fractal Democracy than @James_Marts article on Medium? I find that this is still the best place to send people for an overall view of what's being contemplated. Am I missing something else?" - https://james-mart.medium.com/fractal-democracy-a-primer-c5b1726e8c3a