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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-15

#Eden_elections :
" Eden Election livestream (5hr 42m), 9 Apr 2022, courtesy EOS Nation BP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AweOIPNyEnw "

All Election results: https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/election/stats

Courtesy <Maplenut> short edits of new Chief Delegates expressing their thoughts: ""Chief delegates said a few words on being elected and I made subtitle in korean, Thank you, 단풍🍁Maplenut🥜 :

Head Chief - Edgar Fernandez - @edgarithm
CD - Gracie Lau - @GracieLau
CD - Chuck MacDonald - @ChuckMacDonald
CD - Brock Pierce - @brockpierce
CD - Michael O'Sullivan - @heavymossman
https://youtu.be/FDfQFBGaUIw ""

#Author_Comments : The elections had a few glitches but overall went well. The issues popping up were dealt with in swift manner thanks to good preparation and management of election by members from EOS Support and also Fractally (formerly Clarion). I hope and presume there is a follow up underway to try find cause of issues and work on these for an even smoother election next time around.

# Eden_Membership :
-- M1 --: "I'd like us to clearly define these roles and outline their basic responsibilities:
Eden Member - (pay member dues, participate in elections, etc.)
Eden Delegate - (represent interests of members that elected you)
Chief Delegate - (approve and propose changes to bylaws, etc.)
Eden Contributor - (member that's paid for work within the org)
-- M2 --: "The one thing that stands out (especially distinguishing a Contributor vs a Member) is permanence. I believe Eden Membership, once obtained, should be permanent. Now, in the case of bad actors, where suspensions are warranted, Membership is regulated as symbolic (for a time or eternally), even going as far as imposing the ban as a visible sanction on the account.
-- M1 --: "That's an interesting idea..."
-- M2 --: "Maybe anyone who participated in an election earns permanent status. Would like to see how that turns out. That a proposal for a bylaw?"

#Eden_future :
M1 : "I do think Eden + Fractally could improve on how we communicate at the very first level about what we want to do. Idea being the better it’s layed out the better it can filter up, perhaps not just on what is said in the group. We have pretty informed members in general here, especially after so many elections, so it’s not much of a pain point right now. But if we 10xed member size in one election, there would be a lot to process if you have all new members in your group."
-- M2 --: "Indeed, right now we're small enough to contend with radically shifting agendas. And then there's laying a foundation and allowing Eden and Fractally to establish their own identities. I also think it'd be nice to have an idea or current initiative supported by each participating member whether planning to run or not."
-- M1 --: "Came to my attention Eden lacks clarity in mission, currently just to create value, but that ignores process. I submitted suggestion for a new mission statement."
-- M3 --: "<A group of independent minds finding action in consensus achieved through fractal democracy.>
I presented this as a place holder mission statement under your git post. Obviously I agree with you. Just don't think the time is right yet."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"" Watch the new Season 2 Chief Delegates' kick-off meeting!
They discuss: -Introductions, Meeting expectations, Chairing Meetings, Traditional organizational roles, The lack of continuity & The proposed set of bylaws from EDEN 1 CDs. ""
Lennie, [24/04/2022 12:28]
#Funding_Proposals : One member view!
"We need 2 special tweaks to our process:
1. Anyone who wants their project and/or paid position greenlit, declares prior to the election, Then we take that group of people, randomize them, but evenly across the election rooms first.. Then we randomize and add everyone else to fill the rooms. That way a bunch of projects/pitches don't get clumped in a few rooms and we can have a genuine discussion.
2. The group can reach multiple consensuses depending on how many pitches are in their group. So it's not winner take all, it's each room makes the decision as to whether or not to greenlight the projects which have been randomly assigned to their room, with the 2/3+1 consensus.
3. I guess there's a 3rd change. we only do one round. just an hour and we're done.
I think we also pre allocate budgets either for each room, or for the CDs to distribute after via pomelo. Either way though, I think we take additional money for this directly from the treasury, assuming the CDs approve it."

#Empowering_Eden_Contributors : Weekly meetings on "Mighty Networks"!
"Based on the results of the POLL, I've initiated a recurring weekly meeting starting Wednesday, April 27th. Please consider RSVPing and attending! "

#Eden_Telegram :
-- M1 --: "Might I suggest in lieu of recent discussions regarding lack of engagement, challenges following community news and activities, that we avoid things like promoting pomelo projects in here? It’s kind of shitty to take advantage of peoples attention in a way that they’re not expecting in a private channel. Think about it. If you’re honest, you’re posting in here because you know it’s going to get in front of people because this channel isn’t full of spam and members tend to make an effort to keep on top of the channel. "
-- M2 --: "I'd vote to keep this channel 100% clear of any promotional content. If this chat was focused on strictly organizational matters it would be a lot more sparse, but also far more focused and deliberate. This would allow for likely more participation from those who only check out the channel every so often."
-- M3 --: "Agreed".
-- M4 --: "It's a tough question. I don't like the "spam" for lack of a better word(I don't really want to categorize anyone's Pomelo pitch as spam). I think adding search or categories of "by Eden Member" in Pomelo would definitely be a plus. As membership increases though, if we dont control this in the channel, it will get flooded by Pomelo Ads."
-- M2 --: "If we're going to tackle this I think we need to consider that the issue is more than just Pomelo adds. YouTube vids, people's tweets, anything that is self-promotional could likely be all bucketed together and encouraged to go to the public Eden channel. Keep this channel as clean as possible and focused on the objectives and actions of Eden on EOS as an organization."
-- M5 --: "I agree that shouldn't be in here".
-- M6 --: "sry I'm a spam bot, please don't ban me 😂"

#Chief Delegates-meet :
" EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #2 - Thursday, 21 April 2022 on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/chief-delegate-meeting2:2 "
-- M1 --: "New Chiefs are on fire! - Regarding the convo about 45 mins into the meeting... I think having a separate sub-org is an excellent idea. I've been advocating lately to call it Eden Contributors. We have Eden Members and Eden Delegates, but we don't yet have an organizational structure of Eden Contributors to manage the priorities. These are the 3 key roles that so called "DAOs" have."
-- M2 --: "Awesome intro!"

= END =
#Eden_future :
--M1-- : "hmm so is Eden for projects or leadership?
Really was pretty sure after talking to everyone last election we were going for leaders. Haven't seen any direction besides "value". Maybe the bylaws should explain what value means and how the process increases value. Value is subject to a person who values it. Collaborate systems work when focusing on one goal, and I hope to learn what that goal is in more concrete terms."
--CD1-- : "It's still not formulated to anyone's satisfaction. You know how hard a bylaws change is. The bylaws can't explain what value is. The subjectivity of it is what gives Eden members full latitude to pursue/fund any project that they want. If it turns out that they squandered their resources (AND TIME!!!) then Eden members should step up and be vocal about it."
--M2--: "Once we've achieved measurable results, gained the respect and trust of the broader community, including BPs, then we can broaden our horizons and our mission. If we were to follow this with any level of real commitment, I don't think it would take longer than a year for Eden to achieve immense results."
--M2--: "I suggest we come up with some definable ways to measure "value" as I absolutely agree that focus is often critical to success."

#EOSIO_future :
--M1--: "The new coalition of EOS, TELOS, WAX and UX already has a budget for professional rebranding of EOSIO. I recommend we waste zero time duplicating efforts there. We desperately need pros to do this stuff for us."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
VIDEO: EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #3 - Thursday, 28 April 2022
DOC: The Meeting Minutes from 3rd Eden #2 Chief Delegate meeting can be found here : https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-3

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-06

#Author_Comments : Week started with a discussion on Eden treasury status and funding plans ahead. Various other topics as always with also an extensive discussion initiated by idea brought forth by a member. A proposal to aim for and work on a near future "CONFERENCE (Party)?!!" during or soon after June 2022. As member expressed it "EOS and June go together!". The discussion continue, potentially with an event formulated in near future.

#Funding :
--M1-- : "I think you should strongly consider pulling more funding from the treasury. If by doing this Eden as an org can grow and expand faster, then I think this would be a reasonably prudent early use of funds that the BPs and ENF would be ok with."
--CD1-- : "It makes a lot of sense to have the organization itself pursuing more significant goals, rather than just funding a Pareto population of election winners... And then the unelected constantly petitioning them for funding, AND . . . . "
--M2-- : " Why not invite economists to help redesign the economic model? Everyone is in a prisoner's dilemma. Maybe you can hire someone who is proficient in game theory."

#Polls :
--M1-- : "I love idea mentioned in the last delegate meeting to hold symbolic votes about all things related to EOS. It doesn't need to be binding to be valuable."
--M2-- : "That’s what Consortium is for."

#Eden_Contributors :
" We're meeting again today, if you'd like to join.
Focus is on presenting your next steps for Eden.
All delegates and members are welcome to join.
https://gofractally.com/events/empowering-eden-contributors "

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #4 - Thursday, May 5, 2022 - Posted May 6th, 2022

-- "The Eden CD's 4th meeting notes can be found below 👇🏼
Key Highlights:
▶️ Bylaws have been ratified and are now in effect.
▶️ Introducing KPI to measure the success of Eden.
▶️ What services can Eden provide to the broader community?

-- "The Meeting minutes of Eden Chief Delegates are mapped out into the MindWeb Eden Dashboard MindMap."

= END =
#Pomelo :
--M1-- : "You want to build an application that tracks the reputation of pomelo projects? that can be something some active nodes of eden can work on. Will help EOS and also bring awareness that eden members can be of a value to the community."
--M2-- : "Would be interesting if Eden itself was able to use the Pomelo platform in some way, so that only Eden Members can make a proposal for a project and then only Eden Delegates can vote on it from their Eden accounts. And the matching pool is the Eden Treasury or a separate account for this purpose."
--M1-- : "The goal is to really help the community find the best projects and fund them. Technically, if we the people are doing a great job. we should be picking maybe 5 top notch projects that we love and voting for them."
--CD1-- : "So Eden should make donations directly to worthwhile Pomelo grants then. Since it's all just Eden's money anyhow. The entire Organization should vote on it, and make one donation to each grant. On the last day, so that donation numbers don't get inflated to drive mimesis."

#Miscellaneous :
--CD1-- : "The people who run for election on the promise to be good leaders, get elected, and perform the function of good leaders... Is this function as valuable as 'building things'?"
--M1-- : "the question becomes who are you leading? if you are going to be a good leader for yourself and make sure that you deliver on your promise and intent then that is nice. But when you say you are running to be a good leader to provide value for EOS, what is it that you are leading becomes the question."
--M2-- : "I'm participating in the Eden Town Hall Twitter Space right now, and I'm realizing that most of us Eden Members need A LOT more practice in learning how to talk about Eden and EOS to people or to an audience who knows very little or nothing about our stuff. The EOS community has been predominantly stuck in its own bubble and echo chamber. If we want this ecosystem to grow, we must make our ideas, apps, etc. super attractive and welcoming to various audiences who are unaware of Eden or EOS and the value it offers them. I encourage everyone creating media to consider this."
--M3-- : "If eden process would be used by the world then it will be hard to track people and organizations who have legit twitter accounts no? I mean if it would be used by only this genesis group then I understand. We should find a way.
--M4-- : "Well, for Eden, if we could add a field to member profiles / potentially add a special field for CD controlled msig accounts, then it’s all able to be checked against the smart contract. But i’m not a dev, so someone check me here. Similar to adding a pgp key, no? Simple like “@E02=EdenOfficial” or some such thing, in bios. Attest “officialness” and revoke as need be."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Saturday, May 14, 2022

- END -
Lennie, [21/05/2022 17:13]
#Eden_Proxy :
--M1--: "Quick question: if we have 181,815 EOS in the Eden Treasury, why is it the Eden Proxies only have 66,000 votes? Before discussing the ENF voting with their tokens, shouldn't this be taken care of first?"
--M2-- "Eden Treasury doesn’t vote for Eden Proxy"
--M1--: "Shouldn't it?"
--M2--: "It was suggested in the CD meeting. To send a signal"
--M1--: "Hard to discuss whether the ENF should or could do anything in regards to voting if we haven't done it ourselves".
--CD1--: "Eden's elected leadership don't have the active keys for the genesis.eden account yet."
--M1--: "I'm for making bold moves in both the governance and finances of the network. We all know what needs to be done, the question is whether or not we have the power and will to do it. I applaud Yves for having taken the initiative in both and working within the confines of the system as is, and blazing a trail forward where no one new how."
--CD1--: "Maybe many of the paid BPs look around and see the ones doing nothing and want to change things, but they can't. They would be waiting for an organization like EDEN to come along, demonstrate that it understands what is happening, and maybe those BPs would be amenable to giving this organization some voting weight to attempt to address the problem."

#EdenOnEOS :
--CD1--: "The transparency projects that many have been speaking of and hoping for, and building piecemeal - those projects can become a core mission of Eden. Chain Transparency. If Eden wanted to, it could replicate our process, and any other cool apps that we're going to be creating and bundle them into a dapp that others can use. At the moment though, others can't just use Eden without a great deal of wasted energy."
--M1--: "So genesis eden might have to polish edenOS for the best of what genesis eden wants to do."
--CD1--: "Sure, get the contracts and interfaces built so that others can use them."
--M1--: "this brings up the point that the most important thing is "the eden process." The edenOS code can be rewritten but the concept of electing people to distribute funds, or build a community throught consensus is the "gem" perhaps??"
--CD1--: "Yeah, finding that 'gem' has been difficult. I think it's the political playoffs process itself. It seems to work, but only when there is a sufficiently large/diverse group of people playing the game."

#Sybil :
--M1--: "Annual dues and intro meetings are both imperfect sybil resistance, not sybil proof. The election is theoretically sybil proof, although I look forward to analyzing an attempted attack at some point. But it's also not a big deal to allow sybil attacks if there are no positive rights given to the community at large, and all benefits are a function of one's participation in elections."
--M2--: "Maybe at some point Eden should run a test election where it provides a bounty for white-hat sybil attackers who reveal shortcomings and suggest solutions. We are in the era of deep fakes now."
--M3--: "the bounties often stimulate putting fakes in (they again incentivise attackers to collect them, because price of putting them there and pointing to them is far smaller than researching where the real attackers at."
--M4--: "Then we may just need some sort of system that rewards or tracks reputation. Where when someone is caught doing something shady, they have something to lose."

#Chief_Delegates-meet : 1
"Apologies for the delay, Here's the meeting notes from the most recent CD meeting: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-5"

#Chief_Delegates-meet : 2
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #6 - Thursday, May 20, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-6:4 "

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-27

#Author_Comments :
Eden member group in a bit of a lull this week, short work on #recaps this week.

#Eden_debating? :
--M1-- : "I see increasing negativity in the https://t.me/EdenOSinfo public channel. Constructive criticism should be encouraged and supported. Constant repetition of the same negative topic without offering a solution should not be."
--M2-- : "Is the purpose of the public group open debate? Or is it to help onboard people into Eden & EOS? There are plenty other places for public debate. Perhaps a privilege of Eden Membership can be the ability to participate in well structured and moderated, open public debates? No point in joining if you can get that privilege without joining."
--M3-- : "ya maybe it is (the open debate part). Maybe part of what Eden needs to do is define itself and its intentions in a public forum. Our public Eden channel seems to have the eye of many in the EOS community who actually care about EOS' success, so of all the places to debate the negative viewpoints, why not there, and if not there where else?"
--M4-- : "My personal view of the EdenOnEOS Channel is that it's also a place for the EOS Community to engage with Eden. I'd encourage delegates to be present and engage there with the public, especially on governance topics. By the way, toxicity is the real problem, not negativity as long as it's expressed in a civil and rational manner to be debated."

#Eden_Hispanic :
"Happy day EDEN Members! Weekly call in "Eden - Spark", any member of the hispanic community (or not) is welcome. The link to the meeting found in the TG group. Thanks!

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"Meeting Minutes 19 May 2022 - notes from CD meeting #6 last week.
Main items covered:
▶️ Individual updates
▶️ Vote for Yves as ENF President discussed
▶️ What areas should CDs vote on?
▶️ Why Eden & what is Eden's future?


- END -
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-06-11

#Author_Comments : The recap this time with two Chief Delegate meetings - #8 on June 2 and #9 on June 9.

#Chinese_Eden :
--M1-- : "Welcome to follow Chinese Eden, we have a separate Discord and Medium, and all proposals and election process will be posted in the EOS Community Forum. Due to limited manpower at this time, it is difficult for us to keep the English version up to date, so if anyone in the community would like to help us with translation, we would appreciate it!
Discord: https://discord.gg/fy2JYdpR
Medium: https://medium.com/@edencn
Information on past first test election and on upcoming second test election: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/c/eos/eoscn/35
Notion: https://edencn.notion.site/edencn/EDEN-827f60bd124b4d2ead39619444edf07d"
--M2-- : "Sure thing...
I'd love to invite you or any representative of it to the EOS Translation Foundation Telegram group.We want to address all this language barriers and solve them for easier interaction."
--M1-- : "We also have a DAO called EDAO, which we improved Daniel's fractally and used it to provide more support services for elected projects. Everyone in the community can get involved, do the work needed for the project, and report back at the weekly meetings for rewards."
--M2-- : "Come around. We'll be happy to help. https://t.me/EOSTranslationFoundation"

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
"Welcome to Eden members private group 🎉 https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5889843-what-are-the-benefits-of-becoming-an-eden-member"

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected) :
"" "Don't Give Fractally the Time of Day"
This is an extreme and antagonistic statement of how we should proceed.
But I do think, we should focus on building Eden. If we want to adopt aspects of Fractally, why not. But not Fractally. In general, at the current date and time, with the information at hand, my perspective has not changed. I would not vote to "become a Fractal" of Fractally. I encourage greater focus and development of Eden, and EdenOnEOS. I don't want to draw this conversation out more than it needs to given this is Eden, and Fractally is nowhere near a state where we could evaluate its adoption.""

#Accountability :
--M1-- : "Eden members who wish to be vocal and report their CDs on not fulfilling promises should feel encouraged to do so, and ofc address the matter politely and with the respect any person deserves, as well presenting the proof of the claims."
--M2-- : "It is my understanding, that the people who elected the delegates are responsible for holding them accountable. In an ideal system, voters could have the opportunity to rate their delegates or at least make a statement as to whether they have kept their word on what they promised."
--M3-- : "Ideally what would be of use is a place where public comments/questions/concerns can be posted about each Eden Delegate. There the Delegate could publicly respond to defend themselves, or even just to explain their thinking for deviating from a promise or something."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #8 - Thursday, June 1, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-8:8
"Notes from the CD meeting #8: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-8"

"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #9 - Thursday, June 9, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-CD-Meeting-Week-9:5
"Notes from CD meeting #9: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-9

- END -
#MSIG - [14/06/2022 03:48 UTC]
--Dan Larimer-- : ""According to the bylaws, the active keys should be set to the chiefs. I am A-OK with that."
--CD1-- "Do you want the CDs to write the Msig?"
--Yves La Rose-- : "I suggest CDs create an MSIG for the BPs"
--M1-- : "We've already received their (BPs) support. this makes no sense. Uppdating these permissions isn't the bp support we really need. Let this community keep building Eden and get it to the point where its deserving of the support we do need, via funding."
--Dan Larimer-- : "It would be a symbolic gesture for both ENF and Fractally to sign off on it."
--Yves La Rose-- : "Are Eden CDs making the MSIG so it's a three-party action?"
--Daniel Larimer-- : "Yep"
--Yves La Rose-- : "That works for the ENF"
--Daniel Larimer-- : "Then going forward eden active can act unilaterally"
--Yves La Rose-- : "Does it work for Eden?"
--CD1-- : [In reply to Yves La Rose] "It would appear that I am the only one up atm, so I can't speak on behalf of the CDs."
--CD1-- : "We are learning as we go, but going forward all communications like this will have to appear onchain. The CDs have been fully transparent about our concerns about the bylaws, and we went to great lengths to act responsibly in their ratification. We should have presented the active keyholders immediately with the msig for that transfer. The request was restated many times, and it escalated in its earnestness."
--Daniel Larimer-- : "I’m only asking for the steps I feel are necessary to minimize Fractally liability by recognizing our commitment to only use the keys for code maintenance and reinforce our legal stance that this is not our account"
--M2-- : "I think communication is incredibly important and helping others understand the factors motivating our chosen paths in a reputation based system. It will be up to everyone in the community to decide who acted how, and value those actions accordingly.
If at the very least, I'd like to thank Dan for the thought exercise and lessons in what some may view as not the best-case scenario in the transfer of property in a DAO. We should work on means to make this cleaner, as Yves said it should be automated."
--M3-- : " . as someone who has spent most of the last 5 years working with compliance issues surrounding blockchains, DAOs and DeFi, there was never any risk of this organization being considered a general partnership based on transferring keys or because a document was drawn up. If we're really concerned about this issue at all, we simply form one of the Wyoming DAOs and call it a day. wouldn't cost more than a couple thousand dollars to have attorneys ensure everything is in order for us. I spoke with the state of Wyoming several times around the time that eden was forming. So long as we're using the eden consensus protocol to assign funds and elect leaders for temporary assignment periods, there's no partnership here."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #10 - Thursday, 16 June 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-10:5

- END -