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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Wyoming_DAO_LLC : Snippet of an initial post which contained links to research and structures. Here just a small sample of the same and discussion:
- M10 - : "I'm really not sure why we haven't simply incorporated a Wyoming DAO for Eden yet. it's really a very simple process and pretty cheap. The only difference between the DAO and a typical LLC is that the DAO requires an operating agreement that outlines how we reach consensus, etc. That can be i the form of a code repository or a written out procedural agreement. I've spoken directly with people from the Wyoming Secretary of State's office and others. they are eager to help anyone create a legal DAO."
- M6 - : "Dan says a dao is not a dao of it owns property"
- M11 - : " I disagree, its fair to point out that other assets within a dao are less safe than the native token, but by that logic none of the chains should have bridges, because that turns them into "smart companies". "
- M10 _ : "I prefer to think for myself. I respect his opinion obviously, but I have a different vision in this regard."
- M12 - : "This is def the case. Anything wrapped or pegged to another asset can't be forked because only one chain would have the backing."

#UX_Network_super_token : An interview with Daryn Soards of UX Network (Helios Spotlight) much discussed in positive atmosphere.
"Not sure if this the right place to ask, but what is everyone take on the concept of super token suggested by the UX Network?"
"Daryn is one of the best minds in the industry when it comes to economic modeling. 0rigin has done well over 100 models throughout the industry now. Most important though is that this community has lacked alignment of financial incentives since day 1 due to the open source nature of EOSIO."
""Daryn/0rigin has been a great value contributor and voice of reason in the EOS Yield+ working group as well""

#Chief_Delegates_Meet :
" Chief Delegate Meeting #20 - 4 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS
Topics of discussion: Personal Updates, API+, BP's, The Future of Eden
And more!
https://youtu.be/CQ45dzbs0A8 "
""... and the "hide non video participants" thing got us too.. so, there are times where mostly @jessethan and @ChrisBarnes1 are off camera, but still present.""

#Fractally : these snippets added as they also reference the CD meeting.
- " I agree that we may want to use this time leading up to the next election on April 9th to come up with a list things that need to happen (based on what the Chief Delegates have discussed in their recent meeting) for graduating Eden On EOS from it's current form into something more in the direction the Fractally process."
- ""[In reply] I agree that we might want to do this also. But there is at least one other reasonable direction for EdenonEOS to turn.""

= END =
* In case you missed this slight change in #recap posting schedule. *
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-03-11

#Author_Comments : #Fractally and #DAOs continue be much discussed in the Eden Member group and so also the future path of #EdenOnEOS. To a great extent these matters also discussed in much same way elsewhere and just wish to remind all reading #recaps that the aim is mainly to indicate any discussions or topics not aired elsewhere.
Eden members best "dive in" and read up on these discussions following the release of Fractally white paper, if not already done!

#EdenOnEOS :
Some of the many comments on path ahead.
- M - : "Regardless of what happens with fractally, Eden exists and it works well. Bylaws and a 'reason for being' are needed for the community to take control of itself and form a true DAO."
- M1 - : "It seems that Eden has some next logical steps to take before it has the power to even decide and move in the direction of becoming a fractal. Determining what version of the Peace Treaty we have agreed to can help."
- M2 - : "Fractally is a great "idea", although it could apply to many different bchains. It doesn't necessarily help address core issues of EOS or EOSIO chains mentioned above."
- M1 - : "Fractally has a lot of stuff that Eden may do well to adopt"
- M3 - : "Dan is not doing a good job presenting how Fractally benefits EOS, in my opinion. I'm personally for him building it, submitting, and EOS deciding if they'd like to adopt it and assign it a corresponding inflation for the LPs. I don't want to pay for an open source product in that price range that has no direct and tangible benefits to EOS."
- M4 - : "The whole problem Dan is trying to solve is for the fuzzy decisions. If there are hard and clear criteria for ranking stuff, you can use a smart contract for that. The problem is that people are contributing in many different ways to advance EOS and you need people to judge who did more than who."
- M3 - : "Each person has their own understanding of what a valuable contribution to their Fractal is. If each thinks they acted in the manner that brought the most value to the Fractal. For that Fractal, it's a win-win. For each individual involved, if they are participating in that Fractal because they care about its goal, they will all be happy with the contributions everyone else made."
- M5 - : "Eden can be a fractal."
- M - : "With fractally so far out in an uncertain future, is it out of line to say ƒractally is off-topic for this channel?"
""Should we look at all of the various DAC implementations that there are? #Hypha is coming to EOS soon, and they are actually built. Should Eden be considering that as an org structure alongside an eventual fractally?""

#Bylaws :
More in focus lately and here just a few snippets:
" . right now some decisions need to be made. And have to be in accordance with our governing documents. So the question is...
Which version of the Peace Treaty and Bylaws are we abiding by? "

"I went over the spreadsheet and get a feeling of emphasis on politics which I personally don't like."
""It's true this list is overly comprehensive, but we do have an opportunity to propose bylaws to be ratified by the next CDs. The idea is to canvas Eden to get ideas from them as to what bylaws they'd like to see. We definitely don't need to cover each item in this spreadsheet, but we should at least address a couple of the big ones: Membership removal, what powers the CD's have, Election frequency changes, ownership of the genesis.eden account...
I edited the doc and made it shareable: ""

#EdenCN :
Update on the Chinese Eden - "EdenCN held our Genesis Convention successfully and is now open for membership! The first trial election will be held on March 20th. Everyone is welcome to submit proposals, participate in the election, and win the funds! It is time to bring the community together to create and improve projects from the bottom up and revive the ecosystem."
#Miscellaneous :
Just one hint/snippet that it is not just "politics" in the Eden group:
" hey everyone, I have groups of university students building prototypes on EOS. One group is working on a voting platform and I wanted the proposer to be able to choose who can vote, either any EOS account or whitelist EOS accounts to only include Eden Members. Could someone pm me with info on how they could whitelist Eden only accounts. "

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
""The Chief Delegates had our 21st meeting last night and have made some progress on our proposed bylaw changes to be hopefully ratified by the next CDs. Of course we'd like everyone's feedback, and we plan on adding more to this as the election approaches. If you would like to add to this effort please add your notes/thoughts.
Chief Delegate Meeting #21 (unedited) - 11 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS.
The Chiefs discuss:
-Individual updates, -EDEN Independence, -Voting on proposed changes to EDEN smart contract, -DAO & Smart Organization platforms on EOS
watch how we came to consensus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_mZdcHQXbs ""

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-03-18

#Eden_future : Most posts on future of Eden (aka EdenOnEOS).
- M - : "What was the reason to go for 3 month? Why don't we do elections more often for the start so we could faster see who gets a good track record? Or is 3 month because we don't have a good accounting in place yet?"
- M1 - : "I think a big reason is to ease into more rapid elections - as well as ensure we have people to run the elections. It’s a manual process at the moment and if we go “from 0 to 100” too fast without proper planning, we might not be capable of actually staffing/running elections properly."
""Looking forward to hearing “what’s wrong” with these ideas and getting some feedback, so we can improve this system and keep it running until a point in time we either have something to replace this process or better systems in place.""

- M2 - : "Why is there a question at all about the treasury? It was given to Eden, by the ENF, to use the Eden consensus protocol and elect individuals who will then have budgets from the treasury. If Eden were to take those funds and fund an entirely different organization, that is essentially designed to do the same thing Eden is, but in a slightly different way, that would be pretty disingenuous."

- M3 - : "All proposed changes good on my end: - 3 months election, - 3 EOS entry and - Adjusted multiplier for CD/HD. Looking forward to seeing a path towards monthly elections being carved out over the next cycles."
- M4 - : "At this point I think 3 months is good. We need to be able to iterate and ratify new laws, but we also need those taking the reigns to be able to get up to speed and understand what's happening apart from taking steps forward."
- M5 - : "I actually like it now considering the costs and what I really like is that we will be in the same cycle as Pomelo."

#Chestahedron : Free to use! By Chuck MacDonald - " Old Steel Chestahedron Spinning Transparent":
""I know a lot of people are looking for a good chestahedron for their multimedia needs: Here is a quicktime loop that will work in Premier Pro. It's a transparent background. This is free to use, without credit. I built the model, and the material is Distressed Steel from ChippWalters. Put it to good use please!""

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
" The Chief Delegate Meeting #22 (unedited) feat. Daniel Larimer (unedited) - 18 Mar 2022

Individual updates, The most recent Fireside Chat, Proposed Bylaw and Peace Treaty changes
Then Dan @bytemaster7 stops by:
- Clarify Bylaw and Peace Treaty intentions
- Discuss ƒractally on EOS
https://youtu.be/NF6_ulvMb3o " "

#Bylaws :
"Dan has approved a change to the current bylaws where modifications to the bylaws proposed by the current CDs need to be proposed at least 14 days before an election (where then can then be ratified by the next set of CDs). This means the current CDs will present a final bylaw set no later than 9am EST, Sat, March 26. Our goal is to therefore finish our bylaw work this coming week.

Naturally we want these bylaws to be ratified so will be presenting them in this chat over the next week to get feedback and buy-in from the Eden community."

"" . if there is enough interest the CDs could perhaps host a live video call next week to work through any concerns. ""

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-03-25

#Author_Comments : The use of - M -, - M1 - and so on is to indicate posts by different members when deemed necessary. Each hashtag starts a new sequence from - M -, - M1 - and so on. Does not mean same member as any previous - M - in recap.

#EOSsupport :
" Account Recovery/Replacement Update: We concluded testing today on the updates to the contract that facilitate account recovery/replacement. Tests passed. 🎉""
""Many thanks to the fractally team for getting this done. 🙏🏼""

#EdenOnEos :
- M -: "" If the focus of Eden On EOS is to "create value for the EOS ecosystem" then it may be useful to achieve consesus on what the main value proposition of the EOS Network DAO is as it relations to the various DAO stakeholder profiles. ""
- M1 - : "I'd say it's to provide value for EOS token holders. To put it bluntly. Not investment advice."
- M2 - "Consensus where is not needed should not be sought. My point is that different visions of what it means to create value for the eos are needed. Also that might change over space and time."
- M1 - "In a really rich economy, all of these different factors add up to a healthy currency. :) It's all coming together."

#DAOs :
- M - : "What DAO software exists RIGHT NOW? Is the good stuff all written on Solidity? Should we be looking to Ethereum-based DAO platforms? Are any going to be proactively coming over to EOS?"
- M1 - : "If EOS is a true DAO, then EOSIO is the DAO software?"
- M - : "Maybe at the most fundamental sense. Like saying 'I've created the transistor, therefore computers exist (in my mind)'. We don't have any full DAO software on EOS that I am aware of. How difficult will it be to just bring this open source tech over to our new EVM? Do we need to reinvent the wheel?"

#Eden_Membership :
"Several support agents and squads can serve as witnesses for Eden's induction. It's very convenient. If someone needs a witness, they can always go to the EOSsupport.io website, open the direct chat and ask an agent. There is ALWAYS an agent on standby who would be able to facilitate the induction process."
""Thanks for this. Everything Support does just seems like magic.""

#Pomelo : Important Pomelo Dates
• Open for applications: March 22nd to April 11th
• Open for donations: March 30th to April 23rd

#Eden_elections :
- M - : "Is anyone planning to write an article on the Eden blog to promote the upcoming election? Not sure who all has writing/editing access"
- M1 - : "Great question!"
- M2 - : "This would be great. I am looking for information on it now and am struggling!"

#EdenCN : "Eden China"
"EdenCN held its first meeting of delegates after the first test election, reviewing the issues that arose during the election, clarifying again the allocation of funds, and also discussing how EdenCN can help the Chinese community projects in the second season of Pomelo."

#EdenOnEos_Fractally : Eden CDs seek a technical liason:
"We're looking for a technical liason between Eden and the Fractally team for the upcoming election and beyond. Someone in the Eden community who is willing to take up a technical leadership role and work alongside the Fractally devs in administering this next election, from testing process to the live run on April 9th. We want to make sure this person has a full understanding of the election state changes, and related actions so that they can provide coverage for the next delegates, and ideally, document and train others in what they learn, so the community can take the reigns going forward."

#Chief_Delegates-Meet : #23 - Posted 25 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS
"The Chief Delegates share individual updates and finalize their proposed set of Bylaws to be potentially ratified by the next set of Chief Delegates. Sign up for the next election on April 9th! https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/


= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-01

#Author_Comments :
Past week with a few topics dominating the space. One commented on as per these words "Jesus this whole channel is just shilling now! lol might as well join the fray . ". Pomelo season well underway! 😁

#Bylaws :
" Hey All, please find attached the proposed bylaw set for the next Eden CD's to hopefully ratify: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fqADSeVTv17Go4Jw8TxO6gA8wBAy-UQK1_LJwn3xE6Y/edit?usp=sharing "

" . ideally you're going to review these now and then when folks are running they will let each other know if they will ratify the changes. It'll be important as part of the election for participants to go over this and make it part of their Delegate selection criteria."
"As per bylaw 4 a) "The active and a proposed set of bylaws are indivisible, single documents. E.G. The former CDs cannot provide the next set of CDs numerous options."

#Eden_elections :
"Today we are 2 weeks away from the April 9th election! I think we'd all like a good turnout, so please spread the word among existing members!

""EDEN on EOS is hosting the election Saturday April 9th at 1300 UTC! Signup here by April 8th 1300 UTC to enter.
200k $EOS in the Treasury for projects that benefit #EOS""

#Chief_Delegates-meet : #24 - Posted 1 Apr 2022 - EdenOnEOS
The Chief Delegates discuss:
Individual updates & Recommendations for the next elected CDs

= END =
If you see value in these #recaps, or maybe you don't, I believe in any case worthwhile check what I propose on the Pomelo site - https://pomelo.io/grants/therecaps

Have realized a need I think I could fill well. Were you to also financially support much appreciation from my end.
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-08

#Bylaws :
-- M --: "Why do the Chief Delegate proposed Bylaws include elements of the Peace Treaty? Is a version of the Peace Treaty not in effect?"
-- CD Responses -- :
"Dan's proposed version was never ratified, we're working from the original. Bylaws and peace treaty are non-different at this point."
"We haven't changed anything. We've only issued a proposed set of changes. And Dan claimed a year to do as he pleases with this initial set of rules, . . "
"We're following 99% of the rules and have only asked for exceptions to a few that would have prohibited Eden from adopting a new election cycle."
-- M --: "I do mean to argue, I just want to be clear about what the situation is." - "Haha, subconscious typo?" "Of all of the things this organization is about... Our simple governing docs should be easy to understand and follow."
-- M1 --: "This conversation might seem redundant to some, but I applaud the efforts of those willing to make sure the i's are dotted and t's crossed."
-- M2 --: "We're coming to the end of a really long tenure that had the CDs go over many of the philosophical incompletes they were left with, painstakingly, but successfully. It's a time to celebrate their grit and tenacity in getting the rest of Eden this far in preparation for the upcoming election this Saturday."

#Author_Comments to above few snippets. They are from a very long and detailed discussion on the CD proposal of bylaw changes. All Eden members ought to read the full discussion and become aware from where and how #EdenOnEos was "birthed". Similar words would apply to the item "Eden_future" here below.

#Eden_future : Only few snippets from words by member posting his "Next Steps of Eden on EOS" which was discussed and worked on:
"For your consideration as we go into the next election this weekend."
"One thing that may not be clear in that checklist is the intention of establishing a value proposition and business model that includes selling our software as a service."
"Updated the image and added on to the existing bullet:
Make improvements to the site & portal (develop features for dispute resolution)."
"Updated it again to add these points as well. I propose that EOS Support is the custodian of most important things. Becuase of how reliable and trustworthy the organization is/has been."

#Accountability :
"I know I will be reluctant to vote for someone to move forward this Saturday who was a previous Delegate but didn't attempt to summarize their use of funds. It doesn't even need to be overly detailed, but a little effort here would go a long way in my eyes. Best of luck to all participating in the next election!!"

#Queries :
"Does anyone here happen to have the domain endao.io ?
Or know who does? It was registered in October 2021."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"Eden 1 - Chief Delegate Meeting #25 – The Last Hurrah!
Streamed live on 7 Apr 2022.
The first official Eden Chief Delegates will conclude their 6 month tenure by going LIVE on their final meeting before the election on Saturday April 9th.
If you see value in these #recaps, or maybe you don't, I believe in any case worthwhile check what I propose on the Pomelo site - https://pomelo.io/grants/therecaps Have realized a need I think I could fill well. Were you to also financially support much…
Find out more about plans to expand the #recaps in short (20m) chat me and Jimmy D. (Pomelo Pitch Deck).

If you think it is worth one (1) EOS or so, through donation in Pomelo, it goes a long way. 🙏💪🐬
Weekly #recap (Sat.9th-Fri.15th) one day delayed.

Posted tomorrow Monday, April 18th.
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-15

#Eden_elections :
" Eden Election livestream (5hr 42m), 9 Apr 2022, courtesy EOS Nation BP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AweOIPNyEnw "

All Election results: https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/election/stats

Courtesy <Maplenut> short edits of new Chief Delegates expressing their thoughts: ""Chief delegates said a few words on being elected and I made subtitle in korean, Thank you, 단풍🍁Maplenut🥜 :

Head Chief - Edgar Fernandez - @edgarithm
CD - Gracie Lau - @GracieLau
CD - Chuck MacDonald - @ChuckMacDonald
CD - Brock Pierce - @brockpierce
CD - Michael O'Sullivan - @heavymossman
https://youtu.be/FDfQFBGaUIw ""

#Author_Comments : The elections had a few glitches but overall went well. The issues popping up were dealt with in swift manner thanks to good preparation and management of election by members from EOS Support and also Fractally (formerly Clarion). I hope and presume there is a follow up underway to try find cause of issues and work on these for an even smoother election next time around.

# Eden_Membership :
-- M1 --: "I'd like us to clearly define these roles and outline their basic responsibilities:
Eden Member - (pay member dues, participate in elections, etc.)
Eden Delegate - (represent interests of members that elected you)
Chief Delegate - (approve and propose changes to bylaws, etc.)
Eden Contributor - (member that's paid for work within the org)
-- M2 --: "The one thing that stands out (especially distinguishing a Contributor vs a Member) is permanence. I believe Eden Membership, once obtained, should be permanent. Now, in the case of bad actors, where suspensions are warranted, Membership is regulated as symbolic (for a time or eternally), even going as far as imposing the ban as a visible sanction on the account.
-- M1 --: "That's an interesting idea..."
-- M2 --: "Maybe anyone who participated in an election earns permanent status. Would like to see how that turns out. That a proposal for a bylaw?"

#Eden_future :
M1 : "I do think Eden + Fractally could improve on how we communicate at the very first level about what we want to do. Idea being the better it’s layed out the better it can filter up, perhaps not just on what is said in the group. We have pretty informed members in general here, especially after so many elections, so it’s not much of a pain point right now. But if we 10xed member size in one election, there would be a lot to process if you have all new members in your group."
-- M2 --: "Indeed, right now we're small enough to contend with radically shifting agendas. And then there's laying a foundation and allowing Eden and Fractally to establish their own identities. I also think it'd be nice to have an idea or current initiative supported by each participating member whether planning to run or not."
-- M1 --: "Came to my attention Eden lacks clarity in mission, currently just to create value, but that ignores process. I submitted suggestion for a new mission statement."
-- M3 --: "<A group of independent minds finding action in consensus achieved through fractal democracy.>
I presented this as a place holder mission statement under your git post. Obviously I agree with you. Just don't think the time is right yet."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"" Watch the new Season 2 Chief Delegates' kick-off meeting!
They discuss: -Introductions, Meeting expectations, Chairing Meetings, Traditional organizational roles, The lack of continuity & The proposed set of bylaws from EDEN 1 CDs. ""
-- M --: "What’s the word from Chief Delegates?
When will the new bylaws be ratified? What are the next logical action steps?"
-- CD1 --: "I tried to get it done, but it wasn’t possible today. The all or nothing approach of the bylaws are Problematic. Should be done by next week at the latest."
-- CD2 --: "We spent much of the meeting discussing setup and procedure. We agreed in principle (verbally) to carry out the meetings generally following 'tradition', which I conceive to mean Robert's Rules."
""We decided to try to keep the meeting short, and so we put the discussion period off to next meeting. Ratification is first on the agenda next meeting.""

#Miscellaneous :
-- M1 --: "There is so much organized thinking and implementation happening in EOS. This is a far cry from where we were just a year ago. We should all be proud of it. My deepest appreciation to all those that are so dedicated and working so hard every day. A few thoughts from Eden election Round 2: . . "
-- M2 --: "I think everyone here deserves a 'round of applause" for their efforts in joining and participating in eden. It was only about a year ago, that EOS Main net was basically dead in the water."
"" Now we have dozens of initiatives live or in progress. Before Eden, none of those things were even in development. I think it's incredible to see how fare we've come. ""

-- CD --: "Eden members all need to be deputized and armed to go out into their communities and flog the shit out of it. Eden can provide a very wide toolset, and Eden members can become experts at communicating the EOS story. Most of us ARE experts at it already. We just need to be equipped to go out."

-- M3 --: "Critical thinking question for the big brains (very serious). If you're building a COLLABORATION mechanism why should it be based on COMPETITION? Or are Eden and Fractally not designed for collaboration? If so, what is a better way to describe the system that is in resonance with the mecanisms?"
-- CD --: ""We are trying to blend two desired outcomes into the same election event - electing for leaders, and selecting projects to fund. I am favor of Eden running its election software VERY OFTEN. Weekly could work... But not for leadership. That would be for collaboration, for sharing ideas, for rewarding people for work. I love your idea of two different monthly elections.""

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-22

#Author_Comments : Over the past week discussion centered much around funding and subsequent use of funds received. Also on setting up of team/people to facilitate continuance and further development of the Eden objectives.

# Eden_Membership :
-- M1 --: "If you're building a COLLABORATION mechanism why should it be based on COMPETITION? Or are Eden and Fractally not designed for collaboration? If so, what is a better way to describe the system that is in resonance with the mechanisms?"
-- CD1 --: "We are trying to blend two desired outcomes into the same election event - electing for leaders, and selecting projects to fund. I am favour of Eden running its election software VERY OFTEN. Weekly could work... But not for leadership. That would be for collaboration, for sharing ideas, for rewarding people for work. I love your idea of two different monthly elections... one forward-looking and one to reward past work. I think we could have parallel purposes for elections. One longer time span for leadership, and then one more often for projects and rewarding people.
-- M2 --: "Eden and fractally are designed for coopetition. Community members do all of the following: A ) Compete to help their community more than each other, B ) Cooperate to help their community C ) Cooperate to quantify helpfulness via the consensus mechanism"
-- M3 --: "Collaboration vs Competition is similar to... Centralization vs Decentralization. It's not one or the other. It's the proper balance and application of both dynamics within context."

#Accountability :
-- M1 --: "Are the Chief Delegates going to publish their individual and collective intentions as well as how they view the immediate, short-term, and long-term goals of Eden on EOS?"
-- CD1 --: "I will. I think I have been for a while now though maybe not in a succinct format"

#Funding :
-- M1 --: "I don’t see why the Chief delegates can’t vote to use the existing treasury to fund community wide initiatives. Isn’t that what it’s for? Dan just arbitrarily came up with this 5% thing, but it’s not a bylaw or anything. So we don’t have to abide by it if we don’t want to. I just think it’s a little weird to ask the ENF for more funding when we haven’t used the funding they gave us already."
-- M2 --: "Next month 9,568 EOS will be distributed to Eden Delegates. That seems like a reasonably healthy draw rate for the organization. I think we have more of an efficient use of funds to achieve targeted goals problem, vs a not enough funding problem....not that more funding isn't better, which of course it is :)"
-- M3 --: "Currently it seems like the Eden Treasury is to pay Eden Delegates to participate in the governance process and stewardship of the subjective bylaws, etc. I think we need to assemble a sub-organization of Eden Contributors who play a different role than Eden Delegates. Most “DAOs” today have Members, Delegates, and Contributors as roles."
-- M4 --: "Eden is working for the network. We should be as useful as blockproducers. Block producers get inflation, Eden should get inflation if we do meaningful work for the network."
Lennie, [24/04/2022 12:28]
#Funding_Proposals : One member view!
"We need 2 special tweaks to our process:
1. Anyone who wants their project and/or paid position greenlit, declares prior to the election, Then we take that group of people, randomize them, but evenly across the election rooms first.. Then we randomize and add everyone else to fill the rooms. That way a bunch of projects/pitches don't get clumped in a few rooms and we can have a genuine discussion.
2. The group can reach multiple consensuses depending on how many pitches are in their group. So it's not winner take all, it's each room makes the decision as to whether or not to greenlight the projects which have been randomly assigned to their room, with the 2/3+1 consensus.
3. I guess there's a 3rd change. we only do one round. just an hour and we're done.
I think we also pre allocate budgets either for each room, or for the CDs to distribute after via pomelo. Either way though, I think we take additional money for this directly from the treasury, assuming the CDs approve it."

#Empowering_Eden_Contributors : Weekly meetings on "Mighty Networks"!
"Based on the results of the POLL, I've initiated a recurring weekly meeting starting Wednesday, April 27th. Please consider RSVPing and attending! "

#Eden_Telegram :
-- M1 --: "Might I suggest in lieu of recent discussions regarding lack of engagement, challenges following community news and activities, that we avoid things like promoting pomelo projects in here? It’s kind of shitty to take advantage of peoples attention in a way that they’re not expecting in a private channel. Think about it. If you’re honest, you’re posting in here because you know it’s going to get in front of people because this channel isn’t full of spam and members tend to make an effort to keep on top of the channel. "
-- M2 --: "I'd vote to keep this channel 100% clear of any promotional content. If this chat was focused on strictly organizational matters it would be a lot more sparse, but also far more focused and deliberate. This would allow for likely more participation from those who only check out the channel every so often."
-- M3 --: "Agreed".
-- M4 --: "It's a tough question. I don't like the "spam" for lack of a better word(I don't really want to categorize anyone's Pomelo pitch as spam). I think adding search or categories of "by Eden Member" in Pomelo would definitely be a plus. As membership increases though, if we dont control this in the channel, it will get flooded by Pomelo Ads."
-- M2 --: "If we're going to tackle this I think we need to consider that the issue is more than just Pomelo adds. YouTube vids, people's tweets, anything that is self-promotional could likely be all bucketed together and encouraged to go to the public Eden channel. Keep this channel as clean as possible and focused on the objectives and actions of Eden on EOS as an organization."
-- M5 --: "I agree that shouldn't be in here".
-- M6 --: "sry I'm a spam bot, please don't ban me 😂"

#Chief Delegates-meet :
" EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #2 - Thursday, 21 April 2022 on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/chief-delegate-meeting2:2 "
-- M1 --: "New Chiefs are on fire! - Regarding the convo about 45 mins into the meeting... I think having a separate sub-org is an excellent idea. I've been advocating lately to call it Eden Contributors. We have Eden Members and Eden Delegates, but we don't yet have an organizational structure of Eden Contributors to manage the priorities. These are the 3 key roles that so called "DAOs" have."
-- M2 --: "Awesome intro!"

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-29

#Author_Comments : Eden asset ownership and organizational matters much discussed this week. Another extensive topic was "Fractally" and Eden membership view of the same and views on Eden members using their time and resources in the same.

#Accountability :
--M1-- : "Which organization should control the Eden Github repo? A capable team that replaces the Clarion/Fractally team? What are your thoughts on custodianship of Eden assets?"
--M2--: "IMO Eden as an organization should have 'Roles' that are defined by the CDs and appointed by them as well. "
--M3--: "I was thinking the same… I think Eden should do Eden. So anything that's needed to be maintained or undertaken should be done so by elected Eden Members."
--M4--: "I'd like to add that these members be subject to the same rules as the submission and change to the by laws, that is to say . . "
--M1--: "I'm not sure about this...if you have a bad actor in a role, needing to wait for a subsequent election to replace them is likely too much latency to minimize the damage that the bad actor can inflict."
--M4--: "Yeah, I'm not sure about it either, but thought the question should be discussed."
--M5--: "Eden could collaborate with Hypha . . for everything other than inducting members and electing delegates, etc? Hypha software is designed for organizational management, not just inviting members and electing delegates."
--M6--: "The thing is that the positions we are discussing should serve Eden's ultimate purpose, not the Delegates personal goals. CDs serve Eden's interests too. Just like them, a dev team delegated to take care of it on behalf Eden interest is what I picture."

#Eden_Accounting_Standard : How Eden funds allocated.
--CD1--: " Proposal Eden Accounting Standard. Feedback welcome in forum! https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/eden-delegates-accounting-standard/5826 "
--M1--: "This is awesome. An initial question, is there a space limit to the memo field?"

#Fractally :
--CD1-- : "I am totally in favor of any Eden member deciding what is of benefit to the EOS Ecosystem and acting in that manner. Does Eden as a group consider work on ƒractally to be a good use of Eden-derived resources? (I am asking)"
--M1-- : "Considering the current mission of Eden is "To create value for the EOS ecosystem" and there has been no commitment at all from the Fractally team to include EOS in their future plans, I would vote no, this is not a good use of Eden-derived resources."
--M2-- : "If Eden Members want to move in the direction of what's proposed in the Fractally white paper, then we have a dedicated group for that. You can message me if you want the link to that group. Eden seems to have some immediate needs and short-term obstacles to overcome and it would be helpful if every member can focus on achieving the next logical steps first and foremost."
--M3-- : "My confusion is honest. Until we receive a Notice of a determination there is a surgical "divorce by splitting (or forking a chain) the code, or other Fiat"… I see EOS, EdenonEOS, and fractally as Siamese Triplets. I am convinced we should walk in sync, unless we are not "better together."
--M4-- : "There is no true or false. I don't disagree with you. The fractal paradigm is everywhere in any of the ecosystems (Eden, Hu-Fi ,EOS Bees, Fractally ...). Our society has to collaborate and EOS is the perfect example of an Everyone's Open Society."
#Eden_future :
--M1-- : "hmm so is Eden for projects or leadership?
Really was pretty sure after talking to everyone last election we were going for leaders. Haven't seen any direction besides "value". Maybe the bylaws should explain what value means and how the process increases value. Value is subject to a person who values it. Collaborate systems work when focusing on one goal, and I hope to learn what that goal is in more concrete terms."
--CD1-- : "It's still not formulated to anyone's satisfaction. You know how hard a bylaws change is. The bylaws can't explain what value is. The subjectivity of it is what gives Eden members full latitude to pursue/fund any project that they want. If it turns out that they squandered their resources (AND TIME!!!) then Eden members should step up and be vocal about it."
--M2--: "Once we've achieved measurable results, gained the respect and trust of the broader community, including BPs, then we can broaden our horizons and our mission. If we were to follow this with any level of real commitment, I don't think it would take longer than a year for Eden to achieve immense results."
--M2--: "I suggest we come up with some definable ways to measure "value" as I absolutely agree that focus is often critical to success."

#EOSIO_future :
--M1--: "The new coalition of EOS, TELOS, WAX and UX already has a budget for professional rebranding of EOSIO. I recommend we waste zero time duplicating efforts there. We desperately need pros to do this stuff for us."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
VIDEO: EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #3 - Thursday, 28 April 2022
DOC: The Meeting Minutes from 3rd Eden #2 Chief Delegate meeting can be found here : https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-3

= END =