Forwarded from United World International
Is #Türkiye a party to the #Israeli-#Iran|ian conflict?
📌 “The #Palestinian people is changing the balance of power in the world”
📌 Isolation and aggression of #Israel
📌 #US’ next move: Opening the gates of #Eurasia through Eastern #Mediterranean and Türkiye
📌 “#Turkish government must abandon its ‘balance policy’”
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 “The #Palestinian people is changing the balance of power in the world”
📌 Isolation and aggression of #Israel
📌 #US’ next move: Opening the gates of #Eurasia through Eastern #Mediterranean and Türkiye
📌 “#Turkish government must abandon its ‘balance policy’”
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
Is Türkiye a party to the Israeli-Iranian conflict?
Forwarded from Nuestra América
La guerra en Oriente Medio ha comenzado
Por Aleksandr Duguin
La guerra es difícil de empezar, pero casi imposible de terminar. La gente de la sociedad tradicional siempre ha creído que la guerra es una transferencia de balanza a poderes superiores. Es decir, su autor y personaje principal es Dios. De ahí las guerras de Jehová. Incluso el ejército más fuerte puede perder y uno relativamente pequeño puede ganar.
Hay innumerables ejemplos: tomemos, por ejemplo, las guerras greco-persas. Dios mide y pesa los corazones de las naciones. Y a quien le parezca demasiado fácil, pierde. En épocas precristianas, este momento de elección suprema se manifestaba en la figura de la Diosa de la Victoria. Hoy en día, se cree que la tecnología y el dinero lo deciden todo. Pero no es así. Y ahora y siempre Dios decide todo.
Editorial de Nuestra América.
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
@nuestraamerica #geopolitica #orientemedio #israel #palestina
Por Aleksandr Duguin
La guerra es difícil de empezar, pero casi imposible de terminar. La gente de la sociedad tradicional siempre ha creído que la guerra es una transferencia de balanza a poderes superiores. Es decir, su autor y personaje principal es Dios. De ahí las guerras de Jehová. Incluso el ejército más fuerte puede perder y uno relativamente pequeño puede ganar.
Hay innumerables ejemplos: tomemos, por ejemplo, las guerras greco-persas. Dios mide y pesa los corazones de las naciones. Y a quien le parezca demasiado fácil, pierde. En épocas precristianas, este momento de elección suprema se manifestaba en la figura de la Diosa de la Victoria. Hoy en día, se cree que la tecnología y el dinero lo deciden todo. Pero no es así. Y ahora y siempre Dios decide todo.
Editorial de Nuestra América.
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
@nuestraamerica #geopolitica #orientemedio #israel #palestina
Forwarded from United World International
Iran’s great victory
📌 Since 1973, the first direct state attack on Israel
📌 Despite very favorable conditions, #Israel was unable to defend itself
📌 #Iran is back into the middle of diplomacy in West Asia
By #YunusSoner
📌 Since 1973, the first direct state attack on Israel
📌 Despite very favorable conditions, #Israel was unable to defend itself
📌 #Iran is back into the middle of diplomacy in West Asia
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Iran’s great victory
First state attack on Israel since 1973 has not only shown the inability of that state to defense by itself, it also displayed the US' weakness and provided Tehran with the center piece in diplomacy.
Forwarded from United World International
The world is discussing the Iranian attack on #Israel on April 14. The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of #Iran in #Türkiye provided UWI with an interview of the H.E. the Ambassador, #MohammedHasanHabibollahZadeh, describing his country’s objectives.
By #YunusSoner
By #YunusSoner
United World International
The Iranian Ambassador in Türkiye on why Iran attacked Israel
Failure of the UN Security Council, objectives of the operation, plans of 'Greater Israel' and the US project to divide regional countries.
Forwarded from United World International
UWI reveals secret documents: How the #Kyiv regime surveils #Muslims over the #Palestine issue
📌 The reason: Defending Palestine
📌 Once acceptable #Muslim, now dangerous Muslim
📌 From embassy to the SBU
By #YiğitSaner #Ukraine #Israel
📌 The reason: Defending Palestine
📌 Once acceptable #Muslim, now dangerous Muslim
📌 From embassy to the SBU
By #YiğitSaner #Ukraine #Israel
United World International
UWI reveals secret documents: How the Kyiv regime surveils Muslims over the Palestine issue
UWI discloses internal correspondence of the Ukraine state, showing how muslims and their leaders in the country are being targeted.
Forwarded from United World International
What the protests at US universities indicate
📌 When trust in the future is shaken
📌 If the #Jewish capital can fire university presidents!
📌 #Biden lost thousands of young people’s votes for #Israel
📌 The impact on November 5, 2024, the #US presidential elections
By #LatifBolat
📌 When trust in the future is shaken
📌 If the #Jewish capital can fire university presidents!
📌 #Biden lost thousands of young people’s votes for #Israel
📌 The impact on November 5, 2024, the #US presidential elections
By #LatifBolat
United World International
What the protests at US universities indicate
The protests may even affect the presidential elections: Those taking part belong primarily to the "left" camp, and they may boycott the elections.
Forwarded from ADIMLAR DERGİSİ
Eski CIA ajanı Johnson:
Rusya, tek bir hamleyle Batı’yı küçük düşürdü
#Rusya #Ukrayna #Moskova #Putin #Türkiye #tank #Israel #boykot #dolar #deprem #mirzabeyoğlu #kumandan #NecipFazıl #BüyükDoğu #İbda #başyücelik #telegram #israil #filistin #gazze #AksaTufanı #hamas #KassamTugayları #Ebu_Ubeyde #ORTADOĞU #Kudüs #FreePalestine #SONDAKİKA #AKP #işgal #etnik_temizlik #GazzeSaldırıAltında #katilİsrail #Terör #Siyonistİsrail #İşgalciİsrail #AmerikaKatil #AmerikaDefol #Direniş #DirenişKazanacak
#şehadet #şehit #IsraelTerrorism #BM #UluslarasıHukuk #İnsanHakları #Evanjelik #BalfourDeklarasyonu #DünyaSavaşı #Avrupa
Eski CIA ajanı Johnson:
Rusya, tek bir hamleyle Batı’yı küçük düşürdü
#Rusya #Ukrayna #Moskova #Putin #Türkiye #tank #Israel #boykot #dolar #deprem #mirzabeyoğlu #kumandan #NecipFazıl #BüyükDoğu #İbda #başyücelik #telegram #israil #filistin #gazze #AksaTufanı #hamas #KassamTugayları #Ebu_Ubeyde #ORTADOĞU #Kudüs #FreePalestine #SONDAKİKA #AKP #işgal #etnik_temizlik #GazzeSaldırıAltında #katilİsrail #Terör #Siyonistİsrail #İşgalciİsrail #AmerikaKatil #AmerikaDefol #Direniş #DirenişKazanacak
#şehadet #şehit #IsraelTerrorism #BM #UluslarasıHukuk #İnsanHakları #Evanjelik #BalfourDeklarasyonu #DünyaSavaşı #Avrupa
Adımlar Dergisi
Eski CIA ajanı Johnson: Rusya, tek bir hamleyle Batı’yı küçük düşürdü ABD Merkezi Haberalma Teşkilatı’nın (CIA) eski ajanlarından Larry Johnson, Rusya’nın özel askeri harekat bölg…
Forwarded from United World International
#Egypt and #Iran: Together an obstacle to prevent #Israel from winning everything
By #IslamFarag, reporting from #Cairo, Egypt
By #IslamFarag, reporting from #Cairo, Egypt
United World International
Egypt and Iran: Together an obstacle to prevent Israel from winning everything
Coordination with Iran is a necessity for the Egyptian government, as Cairo realizes that Tehran has many cards to influence Hamas
Forwarded from Zeinab Al Saffar | The Lines
Media is too big
Forwarded from United World International
#Türkiye’s fight against “terroristan” must take wider context into consideration
Interview with #IsmailHakkıPekin, Retired Lieutenant General, Form. Head of Intelligence at the Chief of Staff of the #Turkish Armed Forces. #Syria #US #Israel
Interview with #IsmailHakkıPekin, Retired Lieutenant General, Form. Head of Intelligence at the Chief of Staff of the #Turkish Armed Forces. #Syria #US #Israel
United World International
Türkiye’s fight against “terroristan” must take wider context into consideration