Dr. Tenpenny
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So many recent catastrophic weather events occurring pretty much dally. The news will tell you it’s stemming from a carbon crisis - what does your gut tell you & what do you think is coming next ?

Seriously heartbreaking to read this story of what’s been going down from Texas Louisiana, Missouri & Mississippi today.
I just can’t fathom how these people are suffering through this.

#Weathermodification #Tornadoes #Floods #Earthquakes #climatecrisis #crisisbydesign #naturaldisaster #HAARP #chemtrails #geoengineering
Here's a list of the top 10 leading companies in the UK Cloud Seeding Market (Geoengineering - production of chemtrails)

The report (link below) looks at future growth
Lots of money to be made through manipulating Nature
#Geoengineering #WeatherModification

New post in ‘The Tenpenny Report’ confirms the ‘conspiracy’ of #WeatherManipulation

‘A 1996 Report About Taking Over Our Weather By 2025’


#cloudseeding #aerialspraying #chemtrails #poisonskies
It's Wednesday Weather Warfare time! And who better to tell us about Weather Warfare than the #WEF itself. That's right — the World Economic Forum talks about how "some countries" (but not WEF of course) might weaponize weather. Our favorite sentence: "Hostile uses are prohibited, but cannot be ruled out..." They always tell us what they will do.

See it here for yourself: https://widgets.weforum.org/future-shocks/weather-wars/index.html

#wednesdayweatherwarfare #weathermanipulation #weathermodification