Dr. Tenpenny
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Warrior for the preservation of human DNA
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It’s a heck of a lot more than just talk - it’s happening right now. For starters there’s RSV, universal Flu, TB, Cancer, EBV, HIV, Malaria & Zika all in development. Did I mention the new Moderna Cardiac bioweapon that gets injected directly into the heart? -

What happens when the majority of your pilots are double to triple jabbed with #mRNA 💉tech AND they are also being bombarded with excess ionizing #radiation ☢️ that the CDC & Pub Med⚕️both acknowledge as a contributing factor to all sorts of cancers? ☹️

Where are the #safetystudies on this!😡

I’ll wait!


#cancer #IonizingRadiation #Pilots #FlightCrews #vaccines
What happens when the majority of your pilots are double to triple jabbed with #mRNA 💉tech AND they are also being bombarded with excess ionizing #radiation ☢️ that the CDC & Pub Med⚕️both acknowledge as a contributing factor to all sorts of cancers? ☹️

Where are the #safetystudies on this!😡

I’ll wait!


#cancer #IonizingRadiation #Pilots #FlightCrews #vaccines
Have you read our latest story in The Tenpenny Report? In this article, investigative journalist Maryam Henein exposes the lies & the dangers by shining a light into the experimental world of Lipid Nano Particles being used in vaccines & other medical technologies. If you weren’t convinced of the dangers of mRNA tech before, you certainly will be after reading this 📰🚨

#MaryamHenein #LNP #Nanotechnology #Lipids #mRNA #CovidShots #SpikeProteins
Men’s fashion week in NY -

nah let’s call it ‘freaks’ fashion show in a post c-19 world.

Anyone else wondering how many times they’ve been juiced up in the past few years 💉💉☠️🤔

#GeneticallyAltered #mrna
Has your pork been contaminated with mRNA technology? The answer is disturbingly elusive.
Each producer - farmer makes their own decisions & has no obligation to share that information with consumers!

My recommendation? Treat all pork as mRNA contaminated (unless you are absolutely sure of the pigs history from birth)

Are There Risks to mRNA Vaccines?
Folta says everything has some sort of risk, but it’s important to weigh the benefits against the risk. As seen with the COVID-19 vaccines, in rare cases, people experienced side effects from the vaccine. However, Folta is encouraged by the initial results in livestock. “If you look in animals where these [vaccines] have been used, there have been no unusual effects noted. Everything potentially has risk, but it’s monitored, and especially in large animal populations, we can look very carefully at that for surveillance,”


#mRNA #mRNApork #livestock
Media is too big
You’re definitely gonna want to hear what Ana Toledo has learned about DEWs, Graphene Oxide, Magnetic Blood & the jabbed population.
Don’t miss this 3 minute clip
Ana knows her stuff.

#AnaToledo #DirectEnergyWeapons #GrapheneOxide #mRNA
Tweet from #TomRenz
ABORTION & COVID JABS: This article from 2013 (things have progressed substantially since then) talks about reprogramming aborted baby cells Aka #embryonicstemcells for therapeutic use & notes the value of RNA based tools in doing so (mRNA / modRNA anyone?). Along with the fact that killing babies to keep adults healthy is sick, this is an admission that the RNA poison has the capacity to entirely reprogram cells. These gene therapy poisons in the COVID vaccines ARE every bit as bad as we have been saying. The real issue is fraud. Big Pharma lied when they tried to claim these shots were vaccines rather than gene therapies. Now, everyone that received one of these shots did so without being capable of giving informed consent. How does that make you feel? Send a thank you note to Klaus Schwab Fauci our CDC and the WEF for this.

#Covid #vaccines #mRNA #modRNA #GeneTherapy #COVID19 #BigPharma #fraud #InformedConsent #Abortion #AbortedFetalCells