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From todays coffee and covid, by Jeff Childers…

Don’t tell the FDA, but a new study published last week in Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology titled, "Ivermectin induces nonprotective autophagy by downregulating PAK1 and apoptosis in lung adenocarcinoma cells.”

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The short version is, this study suggests the Nobel-winning anti-parasitic drug ivermectin — often used by independent doctors to treat covid — might also cure lung cancer. Specifically, the researchers found that ivermectin kills lung cancer cells both in vitro (Petri dishes) and in vivo (mice). And it works in multiple ways. According to the researchers, ivermectin suppressed lung cancer in at least three different ways:

(1) Ivermectin stopped the cancer cells from growing and dividing,

(2) Ivermectin caused the cancer cells to die (“apoptosis”), and

(3) Ivermectin increased the process of cells breaking down their own damaged or unwanted parts (“autophagy”).

The researchers found that the way ivermectin works is by inhibiting a protein called PAK1, which is more highly expressed in lung cancers than in normal tissues, and lung cancer patients showing high PAK1 levels have a worse prognosis. PAK1 has been linked to cancer cell growth and survival. So when PAK1 is inhibited, the cancer cells cannot grow or divide and eventually die.

The researchers didn’t just see the magic happening through their microscopes. They also tested ivermectin on special cancer mice, where ivermectin also suppressed the growth of the lung cancer.

LINK: Here’s the article’s summary. The full article is $40. journals are starting to charge for articles now, to stop “misinformation” from spreading.

But you’re not a horse, ya’ll. So stop it.

🔬 Doctors are starting to catch on and it may not only be lung cancer. In related news, on August 29th, the Deseret Review ran a medical op-ed titled, “High-dose Ivermectin shrinks cancer metastases.”

Author Justus R. Hope, MD, began by reporting on patient Rick’s “unsurvivable” stage 4 metastatic turbo colon cancer, which at the time of diagnosis had already spread to his liver and lymph nodes. Rick’s oncologist gave him six months, tops.

But Rick started taking high-dose ivermectin. His tumor markers dropped from 1,489 to 4.7. That’s a big drop. His metastases also calcified and shrank.

Next, Dr. Justus described one of Dr. Tess Lawrie’s recent cases. Tess reported a patient with metastatic ovarian cancer that had already spread to her peritoneum. The patient’s initial tumor markers (Ca125) were high, at 288. After a few weeks of chemo combined with ivermectin, her markers dropped to 22, and the externally-visible traces of the tumor vanished.

The patient’s cancer surgeon was baffled. He admitted “It’s remarkable. I didn’t expect that.” After removing her uterus and ovaries and taking biopsies, the surgeon was even more astounded. He found no cancer. He said, “This is extraordinary. No tumor. Some dead cells on the peritoneum that I removed. The biopsy confirmed that everything has gone – Ca125 at 3.”


The next example involved a doctor who was herself the patient. She had a fist-sized gallbladder tumor. She decided to take a very high dose of ivermectin (2 mg per kg), and later reported that her tumor disappeared.

Ivermectin appears to work on vaccine-induced turbo cancer, too. Dr. Shankara Chetty reported the case of Oscar Nacu, a man who developed a grotesque, giant neck tumor involving canon-ball lung metastases one week after taking the covid jab. After three months of high dose Ivermectin (over 2.4 mg per kg per day) along with Lactoferrin (an antifungal supplement), the lung metastases shrank, and he stopped taking pain meds. Plus he started walking up to a mile daily and even spontaneously sang and danced.

No wonder Oscar was “spontaneously” singing and dancing. I bet he was pretty happy to get that thing off his neck.

These reports (and many other related studies and case reports) show that patients have easily tolerated very high doses of ivermectin. At 2.
4 mg per kg, for example, the dose would be 363 mg per day for a 200-lb man.

But seriously, ya’ll. It’s horse paste. Wouldn’t you rather die than treat yourself like an animal?

🔬 There’s a LOT more. Another example study published in May. Like the first study mentioned above, this peer-reviewed study also published in Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology:

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Cancer researchers are catching on to it now. At pennies per dose, if ivermectin works, it could eviscerate the multi-billion-dollar cancer treatment industry. You could try ivermectin, Or, you could try experimental “personalized” mRNA cancer “vaccines” at over ten grand per dose.

One wonders whether ivermectin would be getting the attention of so many researchers if it weren’t such a huge focus during the late-great unpleasantness. Wouldn’t it be something if the pandemic leads us to a successful cancer treatment?

Anyway, come on, ya’ll. Are you really going to listen to some random peer-reviewed scientific studies? Or will you be good citizens and listen to captured government regulatory agencies who have pharma’s best interests in mind?

If you are so inclined, please contribute to Dr. Ryan Cole’s legal defense fund. After the witch hunt from the Washington State Medical Committee, we wish to take the case to the 9th circuit court so these political goons will no longer have the authority to punish those exposing truth.

100% plus matching will go to his legal defense.

PHA is a 501c3

Forensic study just published found Pfizer hid cardiac deaths in the vaccinated arm of their report. Had they not done that, the world would have been aware of a 3.7 fold increase in cardiac deaths among the vaccinated.

We call that fraud

The Gates of Hell Foundation wishes you all a very Happy Halloween
Be Heard: Join Our Study and Impact V I Research

Recruitment is now OPEN for a new patient-led research collaboration about adverse reactions following Covid-19 vaccination with React19 and the University of Maryland Baltimore.

The study will help both doctors and patients understand many aspects of this illness, including useful tests and treatments that people have tried. Being fully IRB-approved, this study will help move injuries from “rare” to REAL.

Many have already joined and interesting patterns have already started to come out. However we need all your contributions to send a clear message through the scientific community. You can truly make the difference if you participate!

** You do not have to take the survey in one sitting. You can start the survey and save your progress so that you can continue when you prefer.

Excess death signals exist despite what the MSM says.