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Every person involved in Parler, Gab, and Epik are still allowed on twitter. But this user (pictured) is banned fairly fast

Matter of fact, they’ve already verified one of them, John J Jackson.

Feels like a fed op tbh.

Aubrey Cottle (kirtaner) = Cop
Neal Rauhauser = Cop
Elisabeth Shaw = Cop
Emma Best = Cop
Media is too big
Here’s a phone call between Joey Camp and the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

They discuss their gay Ops that we have seen play out for a long time online.

Basically identify a target, freeze it, polarize it, etc. Real Alinsky tactic.

When Joey Camp says “we”, he’s referring to himself, Thomas Retzlaff, Neal Rauhauser, and others around him.

Rauhauser was one of the key actors in the Gab, Parler, and Epik hacks. He was instrumental in providing support to Kirtaner (Aubrey Cottle).

Furthermore, the entire idea of Joey Camp being an enemy of the group is a facade. It’s all political theater. A decade of history shows us his relationship with the players

We know this because as soon as the National File article starting revealing the players, Joey Camp popped up and claimed he was the source. He was not. But he knew he needed an excuse for being in the group.

It was all a lie.

By the way, do John Jackson and Chantel Sims know that they were essentially working with Neo Nazis & Klansmen?
AmericanHacker is Neal Rauhauser, long time partner of Thomas Retzlaff and Joey Camp.

When Kirtaner needed donations to get these ops rolling, Neal was the first one to send the gear. Kirtaner kindly provided tracking confirmation, which shows the point of origin as coming from Neal
Oh Karma, you’re so silly.

The relationship was to get John a Wikipedia entry so he could get verified in twitter.

You should know this by now.
We know now that much like the PR firms you can hire to get you verified on socials, the Frederick Brennan and Molly act in concert to do the same for their friends.

But these things cost money. And I’m willing to bet money was exchanged to help John J Jackson get his verified status.

There’s no reason why a new bug bounty tech guy - of which there are hundreds of thousands - all of the sudden becomes so popular in the public sphere that he needs to be verified.

He had no press. He had no imposters. He had no engagement. He met none of the criteria.

I’ll be speaking with a person that is familiar with this process and posting here what they say. This person has been instrumental in getting thousands of users verified status across the most important social media sites.
The first question I have is: are one of those firms contracting Wikipedia work to Brennan and Molly
Delete Parler
Now that Kirtaner has been outed as a racist and anti-Semite, his next move is to create fake racist tweets of his targets.

And he’s done this a few times. Archives prove that this isn’t a hoax or anyone setting him up. In other words, nobody duped Erin. Her tweet is legit
The one like comes from Libby Shaw, suspected white supremacist and associate of “The Klansman” Thomas Retzlaff, court designated rapist pedophile

And the archives that exist so far for Aubrey Cottle’s racism re-emerging are as follows:
Forwarded from MILO
Parler now scolding the victims of its own incompetence