Daily Motivation
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A channel that will motivate you on a day to day basis to be a better person.

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When you come to a new experience, there could be many things that are scary or anxiety-producing. The most important thing to remember is to know yourself, know your strengths and your limits, and stick firmly to them. You are strong, you can make it through anything that G-d gives you! Allow yourself the freedom of knowing that nothing can change without your own volition. Keep your head high and feel G-d’s presence with you, it will give you all the confidence you need! Remember that every situation is Divine Providence and even the smallest details of your day to day life were planned exactly by the One Above. You are being taken care of, trust that everything will work out and you’ll see amazing results!!
It’s so easy to get lost in all of the craziness that comes with having a new experience. Often we even forget to do parts of our normal routine like getting a good sleep schedule or exercising. When you’re in a situation that seems overwhelming, try to set aside at least a half an hour out of your day to focus on you and your personal needs. Write, take a nice hot shower, work on a hobby you enjoy, read, meditate. Maybe make a list of 10 things you’re grateful for about the present situation, even if there are still things that are nerve wracking. You have to focus on you at times in order to properly be able to give to those around you! Help yourself first, only then will you be able to focus on the situation at hand with a clear and focused mind.
Every single person has the ability to connect with the Infinite. G-d is Infinite, we have a portion of Him inside of us. Never let yourself believe you’re not worthy, that you’re not strong enough to change. Your individual unique powers come straight from the One Above, He blessed you with so many powers, often that you don’t even know exist. Only through harsh beatings do grapes turn into wine, and so too, only through the struggles of life will we be able to truly delve into ourselves and discover the true beauty within, taste the rich fruits of our labor. Days can come and go, they fly by if you allow them to... but with a G-dly mind, you can make every event be connected, every experience meaningful, every struggle only a stepping stool to raise higher. Be the connection that you want to achieve, try to live it every single day for even a few minutes. Your inner nature is to be holy and to be a light, never let yourself think otherwise. Work on being the person who you’d love to become! Soon enough, you’ll look back and realize that you were that individual the whole time, only you needed to express those strengths in order to learn your truest self.
Often we get stuck between how we want things to be and how we allow things to be. No reaction needs to be by rote. Whenever something changes in your life and you gain a new experience, it’s completely your decision to choose whether you want to go with the positive or the negative option. Think about what you can do to make the situation the most productive and take your next step with your heart full and your motivation strong. G-d is always with you. Every path you take should bring you closer to a meaningful reality... G-d will make sure that everything will be okay!
In life, learning is something everyone should do, and gaining knowledge is a vital and beautiful experience. Great, this or that showed me something. I heard something cool the other day, I don’t know how it has to do with me. I learned what to do or what not to do. But how can I truly feel content with the knowledge I’ve gained? I can begin to truly understand the depth of the lessons I’ve learned by taking them to heart, by changing my OWN personal life. Maybe I could’ve learned something that seemed far off, like nice to hear and easy to say; really striving to accomplish and upgrade can seem so far. Truthfully, the only moment we are ALIVE is right now. The past that we’ve lived has passed, the future that we will live isn’t happening yet. What is reality? Reality is right now. This exact second. While you are reading this- this is the moment that G-d gave you to be alive. What will you do with this moment? How has your knowledge from the past impacted your mindset today? Try to do at least one thing different than how you would’ve in the past. Because that’s truly learning. By gaining information in order to gain a more pure and deep quality of life. Live, but don’t just live, be alive!
In this day and age, competition is something that brings everyone down. Whether consciously or subconsciously, everyone can be caught in a constant battle of the fittest, trying so hard to reach societal ideals. Truthfully, no one can really be themselves. We are so caught up in trying to behave and portray ourselves as the established version of a ‘perfect person’ when there’s truly no definition for it. We put on different shows to make others believe that we are on top when really, we are drowning. Being the best at something is completely relative, and truthfully every person can be the best- all in their own unique way. Comparison is completely subjective, because there is no objective definition of the meaning of ‘perfect’. There really IS no scale to measure success or to measure life quality. It’s all formed by the mind. With that same mind, we are able to reevaluate and reestablish those standards that have been set and begin living a true life- one that is not bound by the acts of others, rather is focused on helping the world become a better and more peaceful, G-dly place. When we live with holy ideals instead of a life focused on the mundane, we are able to fly way above the struggles of today. We must remember: we are higher than just physical life, we have a Higher mission to attend to. Shift your personal perspective into G-dliness and slowly but surely the whole world will be overturned to goodness!!
Every single person deserves an opportunity. An opportunity to succeed, an opportunity to be supported and to support others. An opportunity for companionship and an opportunity to truly feel loved and secure. No one should need to feel held back from being who they truly are, and no one should be able to override anyone else for trying to be themselves. We cannot change the people we are surrounded by, but we certainly can change ourselves and how we look at life. Automatically, when we change ourselves, it will surely change the world around us.
Often we look to others for recognition when we truly should be looking inside. G-d gave us each the ability to be a vessel for greatness, and now we must ask ourselves one question: what are we going to allow that vessel to be filled with? Are we going to wait for others to put compliments and positive interactions into our own ‘cup’, or are we going to allow ourselves and our personal work to be that satisfaction. When you are going through your day, ask yourself- am I waiting for others to make my day better? Or can I be the one to control my own thoughts and feelings?
There are many things that come and go in life: whether that is jobs, friendships, passions, hobbies, social trends, and more. But one thing never changes: who you are at your core. Your favorite shirt will change, your favorite shoes could go out of style, you could move to the other end of the world, but there is one thing that you can never truly run away from: yourself. Right now, take a moment to value yourself, to know your self worth. Appreciate the gifts that G-d provided you with so graciously, and smile knowing that He will continue to provide you with blessings always. You are so precious to G-d, He created you and He continues to create you because He loves you and believes in you. Often you can see your own faults in seconds, but when asked to find or state your positive qualities, you are left at a loss for words. Truthfully, you’re incredible! You have talents to provide the world with that are unlike anything anyone else can do. Work on believing in yourself, in appreciating what talents, passions, hobbies, and even quirks you have. They are what make you unique, they can be the real shimmer that will make you shine. If G-d believes in you, you should too. You can do something more special than anyone else, because you have the power to truly be you.
Growth only truly comes from a place of persistence. When we have a goal in mind, we must focus on how much it means to us, how much we are aiming to get there. Then, the slow process will begin. Sometimes you need to throw yourself into a new situation, but other times, even just sticking your toes in the water of a new fountain of growth can lead you to breaking amazing barriers. Never let yourself fall when you’re striving towards a goal, what you need most is to ground yourself and reach up instead of jumping to grounds you may not yet be steady with. Remember- you know yourself and your needs better than anyone else! Be realistic with yourself, open yourself up to truth. With that, you’ll really feel true everlasting results.
There are often moments when we question how G-d could allow the world to run the way He does. How is it possible that even with so much knowledge, He’d allow the events that are taking place in today’s world to occur? Here’s the answer: He is way smarter, way more aware, way more involved then what appears at first glance. G-d created this world in a quest for true peace and unity, growth and success. When something happens in this world, we can all make the best bet that He was the one behind that event, even if to the naked eye it could seem wrong or as only a source of pain. G-d acts in terms way above human intellect. But our faith in Him is way behind our mind’s capacity to conceive, it’s not held back by the confines of our intellectual abilities. At every waking moment, know that G-d is the one behind it all. At every scary or unnerving moment, know that G-d is with you and that He is preforming all of the world’s happenings for our greater good. At all of the good times, thank Him profusely for allowing our blessings to come down in a revealed and outright way. Smile, there will surely be a time when we will all be able to look back and appreciate every single experience we’ve went through, where we’ll be able to sit back and say wow, I never would’ve thought something like that could take me where it did. Trust Him that you’ll grow, and continue to grow, until you feel you are your best expressed self, in which case you’ll keep trying to develop new tactics of shining your light to the world. When you light up the world, you’ll see how He brings light into our every moment as well :)
A new growth, a new stage, a new chapter in life. The springtime is coming soon enough, and although the world seems cold and dark, there’s the deepest potential of light at this very moment. What does it mean to be living in the dark? It means that there are facets of life that aren’t yet enlightened with the sparks of a true and G-dly reality. We aren’t awake to the truth, to the relief we will get when we understand that it’s G-d Himself that makes the darkness, and He gives us the tools to lighten it up. The seasons are always changing, there are always new opportunities to sprout up in one area or another, there’s always another chance to work on bearing newer, more beautiful fruits of your labor. Grow to the best you possibly can!!! 🌷
There are so many times that we limit ourselves because we don’t see the truth of our capabilities. There was once a flea experiment where scientists found that fleas jumped 2 meters high with no boundary, and then they put up a 1/2 meter glass ceiling on top of their box. The scientists found that slowly the fleas stopped jumping all the way to the top thinking they could still go 2 meters, they jumped straight into the glass, realized there was a barrier, and trained themselves to only jump 1/2 a meter, reaching the ceiling. After they got used to it, the conductors of the experiment took away the glass blocking them from jumping their original 2 meter jumps, and found that still, the fleas trained themselves to only jump 1/2 a meter and they wouldn’t go beyond. That is a parable for how people live. We feel contained into a certain mold, like if we reach to far we’ll get hurt, but this is not true. There is no glass ceiling, there is no boundary that is too far for you to jump. Nothing is stopping you except your own self doubt. Do not allow your mind to place an invisible piece of glass around your realm of potential. Really, you won’t get hurt if you strive higher, you’ll only see how truthfully your powers are way stronger than you would’ve ever previously known. Let’s all start jumping!!
Many times we don’t know what to expect in life, how certain situations will make us feel, what will turn out from this thing or that hobby, the concern and worry can drive us crazy. Truly, there’s one thing that we must all remind ourselves of: G-d is in control and He will be with us every step of the way. There’s nothing to worry about when you’re living a G-dly reality because everything that happens is all in His plan, it’s all meant to be in a plan way greater than any created being could ever think up. No one else has any power, there is no other source of strength than G-d. Be happy and feel grateful for being alive! You’re in a world which, although it doesn’t always seem safe to the naked eye, is more thought through and beautiful than we could ever see. It’s all about having trust and seeing the bigger, brighter picture! Think about what you can give to this world, to your society, to your family and friends, to your community, and share. Slowly but surely, with us all thinking of others, this world can become a brighter place!
Every day, every hour, every minute, is precious. Time is of such value, yet in it we often find ourselves in states of boredom, of pointlessness. The truth is, G-d has provided each and every person with a set mission, exactly what we are supposed to do and how we must complete it, along with the time slot which He carefully planned for us to be able to check off our goals. Now, in this moment, we have to make a choice: will we do what’s best, what’s good, what’s rewarding to ourselves and our communities? Or will we let this moment pass, thinking that someone else will make it worthy, that some other time will be better or more efficient in fulfilling the opportunity I have at hand. When we are presented with something that seems to need fixing, it’s our job as the witness to do our part in making the world a little better, a little brighter. Allow the G-dly light inside of you to shine, allow your soul to express herself! Live higher than all of the stresses life can throw at us, live stronger than all of the thoughts we may feel of weakness and despair. G-d gives us only what we can handle, let’s use our powers and capabilities to make this world a better place!
From time to time, life can feel like it’s in scrambles. The word overwhelmed doesn’t even encapsulate the emotions storming inside. When there’s so much turmoil and uncertainty, we need to turn to our Creator who placed us with love into the situation we are in, an opportunity for the seeds of growth inside of us to be stunted to blossom, for our pain to turn into real beauty. Yes, life can get tough. Yes, there’s pain. But yes, there is a Higher Power behind it all. We must place our trust into the One who always gets us through, who never gives us a situation that we can’t handle. You will make it through, G-d believes in you!
There have been so many events recently which seem so out of the norm, so pressing, such a test of faith. There has been so much going on where we can begin to question what G-d’s true intentions are, why He created certain scenarios, especially when they feel extremely painful. Underneath there is so much depth and area to explore and discover, so many thoughts that we are flooded with amid a whirlwind of tragedy and confusion. This is a message from G-d, we cannot give up now! When a runner is at the very last moments of a race, that’s when it begins to hurt the most, when he feels exhausted and burnt out, but also, it’s the time when he needs to pick up his stamina even more than at the beginning of the race in order to reach the finish line. Right now, the world is in the process of transforming from a human reality to a G-dly reality, from mundane and surface level life, to a deep and truthful reality. We must gather up courage to push even harder now, to fight just that tad bit more than before so we can truly win the race. This exile is almost over, we have already endured all the pain we needed to shape our perspectives to that of desiring greater growth and strength. Now it’s time for us to push ourselves to do that one act that we’ve been contemplating but never got around to, give that smile in the store to the woman who looks stressed out even if you may not feel it, to bring flowers and comforting words to those mourning even though it may seem uncomfortable, to donate that extra few dollars to the charity fund who has been reaching out for money. We must reach out to the people around us and offer them a supportive and courageous hand, because when we all work together, hand in hand, G-d will see we no longer need events to happen that will shake us up, and that we are ready to bring Him into our lives with love and peace. When we open ourselves up to others, we open ourselves up to G-d. With this, the Redemption will surely come!
Often we get so caught up in the stresses of life that we forget why we’re truly here. We can loose confidence and trust in G-d, lacking belief that He is the One behind all of the challenges we may face, we loose sight of the fact that these exact challenges are our personal stepping stones for growth and maturity. We don’t like pain, but we love overcoming it, because every obstacle brings out a newfound strength from inside of us. We all have those times in life when we feel bewildered and lost, but then we look back a year or two later with a sense of calm and appreciation for what was, even though while we were enduring the pain it could’ve felt unbearable. Just remember- every circumstance that we encounter is hand picked for us by G-d, and that it’s our every decision and step forward which leads to who we will one day become. The pain we may feel now will pass, and we will look back in hindsight and see the good things which came out of it. Keep doing your best and give yourself credit for it, life is hard and pain is deep but joy can break all barriers. Allow yourself to feel free
Man plans, G-d laughs. You make plans, He switches them. You try to work towards your goals, He puts things in your way. Life can get harder in a split second one time, and easier in another. There’s no telling what each day holds, there’s no telling how it will affect you tomorrow. It’s not a guessing game specifically, but rather a test of faith. With all of the uncertainty that comes with everyday life, will you withstand the challenge and trust in His plans, even when they throw you in such a rollercoaster at times? It’s only a matter of time before you see how each step on the journey was meant to be, how every slight variation that He allowed for puts you just where you need to be through the next door. So, you try to trust, even though it’s often hard. You do your best, and He shows you greatness, even if it’s not in the way you would’ve intended. You’re doing your best to hold on through life’s ups and downs, you are trying your hardest to firmly believe that every move that comes is meant to be. And with all of this, you’re doing good. You’re pushing yourself to the limit to achieve, you are doing everything you can to bring more goodness to the world at large. Wherever you are right now, know that you are doing good in G-d’s eyes. Even if you’ve slipped up at times, He still loves you. He sees your struggle, He sees your pain, He knows your real intention. Be kind to yourself through this journey of life, it will surely come around when you need it to most. But for now, all you need to do is trust that it will truly all be okay.
Seasons. There are so many seasons of life as we know it. Being in a realm of time and space is confusing for a soul, but yet, here we are. Every person alive has a spark of Divinity within them that is limitless, that has infinite capabilities. With each changing season, each new phase of life, comes a new revelation of that G-dly power we each uniquely possess. No two people are the same, and equally, no two people’s capabilities are the same. We must learn to judge others favorably, with kindness, with sincerity. The world we see around us in confusing, so for inspiration, at times we must look within. Let us see the power we each hold, take charge of it, and use this G-dly energy to imbue positivity into our surroundings, both interpersonally and on a global scale. One action of kindness is enough to change someone else’s world. You never know what the power of your good deed will hold. In this new season, let us all aspire to step out of our personal comfort zones even a little more than before, and to be rays of light and of kindness to all!