Dagmawi Babi via @like
The above QR code contains a complete Windows executable that will run on Windows 7 and up. It's a simple but fully playable implementation of Snake.
Follow the instructions here https://itsmattkc.com/etc/snakeqr/ to load it on your pc and play.
Also watch the dev log video here https://youtu.be/ExwqNreocpg
#Coding #CS
#Tech #QRCode #SnakeGame
Follow the instructions here https://itsmattkc.com/etc/snakeqr/ to load it on your pc and play.
Also watch the dev log video here https://youtu.be/ExwqNreocpg
#Coding #CS
#Tech #QRCode #SnakeGame
Petition Letter Final.pdf
851.1 KB
This was a petition letter me and some friends wrote to AASTU. We were requesting them to open a computer science department.
Years later, I'm so glad they didn't.
A CS degree in Ethiopia is almost meaningless. You don't learn actual computer science, nor is your degree as valuable.
#AASTU #CS #Petition
Years later, I'm so glad they didn't.
A CS degree in Ethiopia is almost meaningless. You don't learn actual computer science, nor is your degree as valuable.
#AASTU #CS #Petition