Dagmawi Babi
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Believer of Christ | Creative Developer.

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I encounter a looot of people focusing to get as job or investing themselves with work while abandoning all sense of their spiritual work.

For these people I only advise them to get back to God first. Align their view of work and only after start job hunting and focusing on work.

መዝሙር 127 (አዲሱ መ.ት)
¹ እግዚአብሔር ቤትን ካልሠራ፣ ሠራተኞች በከንቱ ይደክማሉ፤ እግዚአብሔር ከተማን ካልጠበቀ፣ ጠባቂ በከንቱ ይተጋል።
² የዕለት ጒርስ ለማግኘት በመጣር፣ ማልዳችሁ መነሣታችሁ፣ አምሽታችሁም መተኛታችሁ ከንቱ ነው፤ እርሱ ለሚወዳቸው እንቅልፍን ያድላልና።

#Spiritual #Lessons
When you pray for money, God gives you work. Providing is literally God's name and identity.

God is known as Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who provides. And so He will provide, just try your best to prioritize Him first.

“In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success"
-- Proverbs 3:6

God is the source of true, satisfying, generational wealth. So stop trying to pursue wealth elsewhere.

“ባለጠግነትና ክብር የሚገኘው ከአንተ ነው፤ አንተም የሁሉ ገዢ ነህ፤ ከፍ ከፍ ለማድረግ፣ ለሁሉም ብርታትን ለመስጠት፣ ብርታትና ኀይል በእጅህ ነው።”
— 1 ዜና 29፥12

#Spiritual #Lessons
I'm always on the edge of terminating any of the jobs I have (no matter how high I'm paid) the moment I see that it's taking over my spiritual life.

Because to me no company or person is my provider. My source of income is directly from God Himself. So if I leave one, God will send another.

I'd rather risk the job, than prioritize work load, portfolio polish, experience, money than the dear presence of God.

#Spiritual #Lessons
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“ልጆቼ ሆይ፤ ይህን የምጽፍላችሁ ኀጢአት እንዳትሠሩ ነው፤ ነገር ግን ማንም ኀጢአት ቢሠራ፣ በአብ ዘንድ ጠበቃ አለን፤ እርሱም ጻድቁ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ነው።”
— 1ኛ ዮሐንስ 2፥1

#Scripture #Spiritual #Lessons
Growing up is realizing that God is the best friend you've always wanted and that He's been with you through the ride of your life.

#Spiritual #Lessons
“የእግዚአብሔር ልጆች ተብለን እንድንጠራ አብ አትረፍርፎ ያፈሰሰልን ፍቅር ምንኛ ታላቅ ነው! እኛም እንዲሁ ልጆቹ ነን።”
— 1ኛ ዮሐንስ 3፥1

የተትረፈረፈው ፍቅር ተካፋዮች ነን

#Spiritual #Lessons #Scripture #BibleStudy
“ወዳጆች ሆይ፤ እኛ አሁን የእግዚአብሔር ልጆች ነን፤ ወደ ፊት ምን እንደምንሆን ገና አልተገለጠም። እርሱ በሚገለጥበት ጊዜ እናየዋለንና፣ እርሱን እንደ ምንመስል እናውቃለን።በእርሱ ይህን ተስፋ የሚያደርግ ሁሉ፣ እርሱ ንጹሕ እንደሆነ ራሱን ያነጻል።”
— 1ኛ ዮሐንስ 3፥3

One day the Lord Jesus will come back to take His people to heaven. Then we shall see Jesus Christ as He really is. When we see Him, we shall change and be like Him. But nobody can ever be equal to Him. We will not become God as He is. But we will be similar to Him in character. We will live with God the Father and with the Lord Jesus. We will never die. We will be clean from sin and there will be no more sin. As Jesus is holy, so He will make us holy.

#Spiritual #Lessons #Scripture #BibleStudy
“ከእግዚአብሔር የተወለደ ሁሉ ኀጢአትን አያደርግም፤ የእርሱ ዘር በውስጡ ይኖራልና፤ ከእግዚአብሔር ስለ ተወለደም ኀጢአትን ሊያደርግ አይችልም።”
— 1ኛ ዮሐንስ 3፥9

It is not that true Christians are perfect. It is still possible for them to sin. But sin will not be the normal pattern of their lives. They do not persist in a lifestyle of willful, unrepentant sin. They have been born of God.

#Spiritual #Lessons #Scripture #BibleStudy
“ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ሕይወቱን ስለ እኛ አሳልፎ ስለ ሰጠ፣ ፍቅር ምን እንደሆነ በዚህ እናውቃለን፤ እኛም ሕይወታችንን ስለ ወንድሞቻችን አሳልፈን ልንሰጥ ይገባናል።”
— 1ኛ ዮሐንስ 3፥16

To love is to lay down your life for others. (To believers and Non-believers.) Since Christ died for all, that is what love is, to lay down your life for all.

#Spiritual #Lessons #Scripture #BibleStudy
“ማንም ሀብት እያለው፣ ወንድሙ ሲቸገር አይቶ ባይራራለት፣ የእግዚአብሔር ፍቅር እንዴት በእርሱ ይኖራል?”
— 1ኛ ዮሐንስ 3፥17

To have pity on someone is Christ like.

#Spiritual #Lessons #Scripture #BibleStudy