我已經聯絡到布拉格電視台記者,他會幫香港人將示威消息發開去,大家如果有香港最近的相片和video, 可以發給我,請記得加上英文敘述
I've contacted the reporter of Prague TV, they will help us to spread out the news about the Hong Kong protester, please send me the update photo or video with english description
我已經聯絡到布拉格電視台記者,他會幫香港人將示威消息發開去,大家如果有香港最近的相片和video, 可以發給我,請記得加上英文敘述
I've contacted the reporter of Prague TV, they will help us to spread out the news about the Hong Kong protester, please send me the update photo or video with english description
Forwarded from 被捕人士關注組
-全裸搜身,警:“凍唔凍,洗唔洗俾撚你含吓” “唔係喎,好暖好舒服喎”
-全裸搜身,警:“凍唔凍,洗唔洗俾撚你含吓” “唔係喎,好暖好舒服喎”
Hong Kong Protest: Buried Rights admist the darkest night
Police brutality now occurs in almost every protest.
Hong Kongers will fight until injustice is undone.
Will you stand with us?
Hong Kongers will fight until injustice is undone.
Will you stand with us?
Forwarded from 北美流亡手足頻道 (非苦主) NA Handfoot
大家還記得五大訴求其中一項係 Withdraw Criminal Charges against all protestor 嗎?雖然係香港暴政下, 依個訴求越來越難達到, 仲記唔記得2019 時,我哋大聲叫喊齊上齊落?當我哋拼命咁上各國救生艇,逃離暴政,請勿忘記在囚手足,好多被誣告嘅手足慢慢出嚟,但因為依啲誣告,無辦法上救生艇, 如果大家還記得『齊上齊落』依個口號,請支持由加拿大保守派黨國會議員 Garnett Genuis發起嘅Petition,簽完記得寄返去俾 MP Genuis
大家還記得五大訴求其中一項係 Withdraw Criminal Charges against all protestor 嗎?雖然係香港暴政下, 依個訴求越來越難達到, 仲記唔記得2019 時,我哋大聲叫喊齊上齊落?當我哋拼命咁上各國救生艇,逃離暴政,請勿忘記在囚手足,好多被誣告嘅手足慢慢出嚟,但因為依啲誣告,無辦法上救生艇, 如果大家還記得『齊上齊落』依個口號,請支持由加拿大保守派黨國會議員 Garnett Genuis發起嘅Petition,簽完記得寄返去俾 MP Genuis