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Forwarded from Russell TEXAS Bentley (Texac Donbass)

This is a real message from a real officer in the Russian special forces. The information it contains is true. Translated and published by Russell Bentley, with permission from the author.

Hi, Mom. I am traveling from Tver now, and there’s an opportunity to talk about Putin and his actions as a leader. Clearly, everyone thinks about themselves that they're a great strategist, while observing a fight from the outside… We all imagine from afar, that “if I were him, I’d do this, that, and that”… However, we don’t have all the information. We do not get daily intelligence briefings as to what is happening in all corners of our country, not just in Donbass. Quite powerful players with serious intelligence and technical capabilities are playing against Putin. Ukraine is run by Great Britain and the USA, who provide them with all satellite intelligence. AWACS airplanes fly over the Black Sea and provide full coordinates for all facilities, including oil derricks and soon. So we are being fought against by the collective West and first and foremost the USA and Great Britain. And they would like for Europe to pay for all of this.

They wish to solve a few problems at once: to weaken, to reduce the level of influence of Europe, to push Europe as far back from Russia as possible. And it would be desirable to create some kind of a unified country between Europe and Russia arbitrarily called “Anti-Russia”. In order to achieve this, Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic states must be unified. Currently, they are trying to manipulate the situation in different ways to gradually converge on having the elites of Ukraine and the Baltic states unite with Poland into some kind of a confederation or a federation. They are now quickly rewriting laws in order to allow Polish citizens, officials, prosecutors and others to work in Ukraine without any limitations. The same will now be done in the Baltic States. Lithuania has started acting up by closing the transit way to Kaliningrad, thus provoking Russia to take some actions in response, in order to further convince those, who are still in doubt,that the Baltic states must join this three-way union against Russia at all costs.

If they manage to drive in such a wedge between Europe and Russia, Europe will stop developing, and her abilities will be reversed. Europe will gradually decline and go broke, while Russia,without contact with Europe, will respectively face certain difficulties, because, while possessing a strong raw material resources base, we won't have access to various technologies that Europeans, namely, the Swiss, the Germans, the Austrians were able to advance in. There was an idea to create a common economic space from Lisbon to the Far East, and as such we would have had a strong geopolitical influence on the Eurasian continent. However, as you see, the British and Americans are taking all possible measures in order to not allow this to happen.

Clearly, liberating Ukraine from nazism was a forced measure, because it was obvious that they would have carried out their plans on their own very soon. They had prepared their most powerful airplane, Mria, the heavy lifter, at the Gostomel airport to carry out a strike on Rostov-on-Don. That is why our airborne troops landed there, took the “stuffing” out of Mria, and took it to Russia. Those were components of a “dirty” nuclear bomb, that was supposed to be used above Rostov-on-Don. Ukraine had planned to attack Donbass, and Russia was supposed to step in. In fact, the fighting was supposed to take place on the border, because they would have made it to the Russian border in 2-3 days by crushing Donbass, as a very serious force was being concentrated there: 250 thousand armed and trained soldiers.

Este es un mensaje real de un oficial real de las fuerzas especiales rusas. La información que contiene es verdadera. Traducido y publicado por Russell Bentley, con permiso del autor.

Hola, mamá. Ahora viajo desde Tver y tengo la oportunidad de hablar sobre Putin y sus acciones como líder. Claramente, todos piensan en sí mismos que son un gran estratega, mientras observan una pelea desde afuera... Todos imaginamos desde lejos, que "si yo fuera él, haría esto, aquello y aquello" However Sin embargo, no tenemos toda la información. No recibimos informes diarios de inteligencia sobre lo que está sucediendo en todos los rincones de nuestro país, no solo en Donbass. Jugadores bastante poderosos con inteligencia seria y capacidades técnicas están jugando contra Putin. Ucrania está dirigida por Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos, que les proporcionan toda la inteligencia satelital. Los aviones AWACS sobrevuelan el Mar Negro y proporcionan coordenadas completas para todas las instalaciones, incluidas las torres de perforación y los túneles. Así que estamos siendo combatidos por el Occidente colectivo y, ante todo, los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña. Y les gustaría que Europa pagara por todo esto.

Desean resolver algunos problemas a la vez: debilitar, reducir el nivel de influencia de Europa, empujar a Europa lo más lejos posible de Rusia. Y sería deseable crear algún tipo de país unificado entre Europa y Rusia llamado arbitrariamente "Antirruso". Para lograr esto, Polonia, Ucrania y los Estados bálticos deben unificarse. Actualmente, están tratando de manipular la situación de diferentes maneras para converger gradualmente en que las élites de Ucrania y los estados bálticos se unan con Polonia en algún tipo de confederación o federación. Ahora están reescribiendo rápidamente las leyes para permitir que los ciudadanos, funcionarios, fiscales y otros polacos trabajen en Ucrania sin ninguna limitación. Lo mismo se hará ahora en los Estados bálticos. Lituania ha comenzado a actuar cerrando la vía de tránsito a Kaliningrado, lo que ha provocado que Rusia tome algunas medidas en respuesta, con el fin de convencer aún más a aquellos que todavía tienen dudas de que los Estados bálticos deben unirse a esta unión a tres bandas contra Rusia a toda costa.

Si logran abrir una brecha de este tipo entre Europa y Rusia, Europa dejará de desarrollarse y sus habilidades se revertirán. Europa declinará gradualmente y quebrará, mientras que Rusia, sin contacto con Europa, enfrentará respectivamente ciertas dificultades, porque, si bien posee una sólida base de recursos de materias primas, no tendremos acceso a diversas tecnologías en las que los europeos, a saber, los suizos, los alemanes, los austriacos, pudieron avanzar. Existía la idea de crear un espacio económico común desde Lisboa hasta el Lejano Oriente y, como tal, habríamos tenido una fuerte influencia geopolítica en el continente euroasiático. Sin embargo, como puede ver, los británicos y los estadounidenses están tomando todas las medidas posibles para no permitir que esto suceda.

Claramente, liberar a Ucrania del nazismo fue una medida forzada, porque era obvio que habrían llevado a cabo sus planes por su cuenta muy pronto. Habían preparado su avión más poderoso, Mria, el heavy lifter, en el aeropuerto de Gostomel para llevar a cabo un ataque en Rostov-on-Don. Es por eso que nuestras tropas aerotransportadas aterrizaron allí, sacaron el "relleno" de Mria y lo llevaron a Rusia. Esos eran componentes de una bomba nuclear" sucia", que se suponía que se usaría sobre Rostov-on-Don. Ucrania había planeado atacar Donbass, y se suponía que Rusia intervendría. De hecho, se suponía que la lucha tendría lugar en la frontera, porque habrían llegado a la frontera rusa en 2-3 días aplastando a Donbass, ya que allí se estaba concentrando una fuerza muy seria: 250 mil soldados armados y entrenados.
⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Report from #Starobelsk Direction⚡️

Russian and Ukro sources note that Russian Forces are taking the initiative from the AFU on the #Kupyansk front.

After taking control of #Gorobyevka, which was reported by the Russian Defence Ministry yesterday, Russian troops continued their offensive near the village of #Dvurechnoye, the AFU General Staff reported in a morning briefing today. / /
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💥 Battle for #Donbass - SRG brutally extincted⚡️

A RF unit assisted by the Veche NGO hit an enemy Saboteur Reconnaissance Group in the #Gorlovka direction. / /
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💥 US M777 Howitzer destroyed⚡️

In #Kharkov region, artillerymen of the AFU equipped a position for the American M777 howitzer and delivered a large batch of ammunition. As a result of counterbattery measures by Western Group UAV calculations, the position was identified and destroyed by high-precision Krasnopol ammunition.

One could almost see the its blazing from Kiev... #VID/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 Outcome of RF Strikes on Energy System⚡️

Satellite images of Ukraine on February 3 (left photo) and October 17 (right photo) show that the use of precision-guided weapons could deprive the country's power system of not 30% of power plants, as claimed by the country's authorities, but a much larger number of facilities.

Night lighting remained only in large cities: #Kiev, Ivano-Frankovsk, #Khmelnitsky, where the nuclear power plant is located, as well as in #Lvov. The rest of the large settlements, including industrial centers - #Zhytomyr, #Vinnitsa, #Kropyvnytsky, Krivoy Rog and #Nikolaev - are practically not illuminated at night.

This suggests that generation facilities in Ukraine are not damaged, but power lines are guaranteed to be out of action. / /
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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (ZIПDΣЯПΣЦF)
The situation at the front is stable. The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering heavy losses. This is reported by dear BROTHER, military general, Hero of Russia Apty Alaudinov @AptiAlaudinovAKHMAT. Enemy activity has been observed on his sector in the past three days. In the past 24 hours alone, the enemy made seven attempts to counterattack our positions and invariably retreated, leaving wrecked equipment and corpses on the battlefield. According to preliminary estimates, more than 30 tanks and armored personnel carriers were destroyed, as well as more than 150 nationalists. And this is only on one sector of the front.

It is noteworthy that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine still does not abandon the senseless and cruel tactics towards their units. It mercilessly throws them to certain death, relying solely on mass character in manpower and technology. But this did not bring, and does not bring the enemy any advantage, but only makes it easier for us to neutralize him.

Good news also comes from the Artemovsky direction. Allied forces systematically occupy new territories and confidently move forward. And this is despite the huge resources thrown by the Nazis to hold this foothold. There are excellent successes in Soledar and in Yakovlevka, where the initiative is also completely on our side.

And, of course, I fully share the opinion of Apta Aronovich about the events of recent days, when military command and energy facilities of Ukraine are subjected to targeted attacks. We warned the criminal leadership, which settled in Kyiv, for too long that we had not yet taken concrete measures in the course of the SVO. Russia has repeatedly given a chance to the command of the Satanists to come to their senses. But we were not heard or ignored. Now everything will be different. Then we will dictate the terms. Little will not seem to anyone.


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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (ZIПDΣЯПΣЦF)
The settlements of the Kherson region will be flooded in case of a dam break, but the water will not rise higher than 1-1.5 meters — Balance


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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (ZIПDΣЯПΣЦF)

It is a somewhat ironic twist in the Europe-Russia story that Russian oil will not literally stop flowing into Europe, whatever Europe does to stop that flow, even if it is willing to pay a steep price for it. As already evidenced by fuel flows from India to Europe, the latter has no problem with Russian refined products as long as they don’t come from Russia itself.

This will likely continue happening because whatever geopolitical games are being played, physical demand for oil products is likely to remain robust until prices become prohibitive. Even then, demand destruction will not happen overnight. A case in point is France, where strikes have paralyzed more than half of the country’s refining capacity, and yet people are queuing to fill up their tanks.

It is a double irony that the European Union might need to rely on China for its winter fuel supplies. After all, following the example of the U.S., the EU has also spoken against China’s rising domination of various global markets. It is not seen as a friend in Europe. Yet it is a vital supplier of commodities without which the EU will collapse.

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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (ZIПDΣЯПΣЦF)
1218 pm air raids! Here we go!

🚀 🚀 🚀
Forwarded from War on Fakes
Fake news:

Israel will start supplying arms to Ukraine. This news was published by a number of Ukrainian Telegram channels with reference to Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs Nachman Shai.

The fact:
Israel's Foreign Ministry has refuted Shai's statement. The ministry said that the words of the Minister of Diaspora Affairs were his personal opinion and did not reflect Israel's official position.

According to Israeli media, an unnamed government source said that Israel has no plans to send military aid to Ukraine.

Earlier, Russian Security Council deputy chairman Dmitry Medvedev reacted to Shai's call to provide Ukraine with military aid to counter Russia. Medvedev warned that the move would "destroy" all ties between Jerusalem and Moscow.

Western media believe that the Israeli Interior Ministry's decision to distance itself from Shai's statement is directly linked to Medvedev's comment.

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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (O)
🇺🇸The US military may not be able to win one war — let alone two — as the Pentagon struggles to keep its forces equipped against potential threats from China and Russia, according a new report on American military strength.

Across the services, the report rated only the Marine Corps as “strong” in the think tank’s assessment of force capacity, capability and readiness. While the Army achieved a “marginal” rating, the Space Force and Navy were labeled “weak” and the Air Force bottomed out at “very weak.”

Years of underfunding and “poorly defined priorities” has led the military to become “weak relative to the force needed to defend national interests on the global stage,” the conservative Heritage Foundation said in its annual “Index of U.S. Military Strength.”

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⚡️People are being evacuated to the other side of the Dnieper in the Kherson region, the crossing is working.

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Erdogan claimes he reached an agreement with Putin in order to create a gas hub. Europe will be able to buy Russian gas through Turkey.

@Slavyangrad / SLG Spetsnaz Detachment (Inna)
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Love to see it! Air raid alerts!

0135 pm local time!

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There are currently no reasons for the evacuation of the population of the Zaporozhye region, the situation on the front line is under control, the authorities of the region told RIA Novosti


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Local channels report that rockets have been spotted in the sky over the Kyiv region, which allegedly fly towards the capital Kiev


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