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Las autoridades rusas se están preparando para cambiar el estado de SMO en Ucrania.

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🅉Washington🇺🇸 proporciona al régimen de Kiev🇺🇦 datos sobre la ubicación de las instalaciones críticas de la central nuclear☢️ de Zaporozhye(🇷🇺) para que los nacionalistas ucranianos les disparen, creando una amenaza de catástrofe, cuyas consecuencias podrían superar la escala de la nuclear de Chernóbil y la japonesa de Fukushima accidentes
/Secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de la Federación Rusa Nikolai Patrushev


#Zaporozhye #Rusia #Ucrania #wofnon
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Картавый ВСУшник открыто угрожает расправами жителям Волчанска.

Мда, отлично, теперь подобные идиоты разойдутся на широкую ногу. Жаль людей.
Forwarded from ГРУЗ 200
В США опасаются, что Европа под влиянием энергетического кризиса изменит свою позицию в отношении России и Украины.

"Риск (раскола в Европе) реален... граждане в Европе могут восстать против западной стратегии экономической изоляции России", — сообщает телеканал CNN со ссылкой на источники.
Forwarded from Geroman (geroman)
Paul Krugman on the European Energy Crisis.

Firewood in our age can not be saved

Panic is growing in the EU about the approaching cold weather, writes Kayhan. In an attempt to use alternative energy sources, Europeans turned not to the wind or the sun, but to firewood. They are bought up even by residents of apartment buildings in order to build fireplaces and heat the premises "in a black way". In fear of a cold winter and at the same time with the ongoing energy crisis in Europe and with skyrocketing prices, some European countries, in particular Germany, continue to experience serious difficulties in trying to use alternative energy sources. However, here we are not talking about "green energy" and not about high technologies, but about ordinary firewood. Prices for them also began to rise rapidly, and this ancient means of heating, in which Europe was not particularly rich anyway, is also becoming a rarity. Although at first it seemed that, in comparison with gas prices, the situation here would remain favorable for some time.

The NATO Secretary General also said that on the eve of winter, Europe is faced with a difficult situation, and everything will be even worse. However, according to him, the negative price growth factor can be felt in full force after the onset of winter cold. So Europe will not be able to understand in advance what torments and hardships it is prescribed to experience with the onset of winter.
The energy crisis, the sharp rise in gas and electricity prices, the fear and horror ahead of a cold winter, which, moreover, may have to be spent in the dark, caused the people in Europe to rush to buy and store wood, and often even without thinking about the fact that there is no place to store wood in the conditions of a modern city, as well as that modern urban housing is simply unsuitable for heating with wood. More and more messages and reports are being transmitted that wood, firewood is not available, they are not available for sale, and where they are, there are simply no conditions for its use. According to European media reports, the group of countries that suffered the first blow of inflation, especially in the energy sector, were Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. It is in these countries that most of the families and households in which, due to low income, people depend on the use of wood as a source of heat.
Approximately half of the households in Bulgaria use wood for heating, as this fuel has always been relatively available and cheap. But now the prices for wood, in comparison with the prices of last year, have grown by one and a half to two times. The latest Hungarian statistics also indicate that prices have risen significantly, with increases another 50 percent above the forecast level. Last August, a number of Hungarian public organizations began to warn that if the state or the government does not give more subsidies for the purchase of firewood and does not take other emergency measures, the most "catastrophic" and "tragic" scenarios are very likely to materialize. In Poland and Slovakia, firewood prices have also more than doubled year-on-year, but demand continues to rise. The Euroactive news channel in one of its reports reported that due to the rapid rise in electricity and gas prices, many households intend to switch to firewood as an alternative source of heat.

But the increase in demand, as well as the reduction in gas supplies, quickly led to a shortage of firewood, which bodes even more problems for European society, especially in poorer areas. One of the experts of the European Bioenergy Foundation told the Euroactive channel that most of the EU member states are now facing a shortage (of wood), and the cost of fuel pallets in countries such as Germany and Belgium has increased by about 2.5 times. But if in small towns and rural areas households at least have an alternative with what and how to heat a room, then living quarters in urban areas are simply unsuitable
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Olaf)
⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸 Fiend Media Report⚡️

This shit is now being presented again to the dumbed-down readership of the western troll media. Completely absurd stories about Russians throwing away their weapons. Only for hard nerves the link to the WP trolls.🔻

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Archangel of Spetsnaz Reports:

Summary at 9:42 / 12.09

1. Krasny Liman again was stormed at night, the local “Bars" unit garrison again withstood it and destroyed the enemy.

2. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took up the defense of the settlements of Stepnoye and Elenovka.

3. Ukrainian military facilities were destroyed by Russian strikes in Zaporozhye.

4. Various infrastructure targets were destroyed by Russian strikes in Sumy and Kharkov.

Archangel of the Special Forces.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Inside Presidential Office - Unconfirmed⚡️

Our source in the OP said that after the liberation of the Kharkov region and the stabilization of the front, the General Staff will transfer troops to the South and continue the operation "Battle for #Kherson". The main task now for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not to slow down and cut the Russian grouping with a strike on Kakhovka.

Additionally, the General Staff is preparing an operation in the #Zaporozhye direction, the aim of which is to regain control of the Zaporozhye NPP and provide Ukraine with electricity.

⚠️ Note: I miss something about the intention of the reinforcements in Ugledar

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Forwarded from War in Ukraine, Subtitled
True story of the Russian resistance in the occupied territory. A subscriber from the occupied territories wrote to the admin of one of the channels close to Wagner Group, to blow the whistle about a Ukrainian headquarters. The admin was so impressed he shared the story.

When the admin started to ask for details about how many servicemen are there, what kind of cars are around, how far the civilians live, and what would be possible consequences for them, and how keep them out of harm's way, the source replied:are you fucking out of your mind? The Khohols wouldn’t care about that, I myself live 200 meters away from that building”.

Admin: You mean, you are calling a missile strike on your own neighborhood?
Source: how are we going to win the war otherwise?! #context
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Gleb Bazov)
Aleksey Chadayev (@ChadayevRu) writes things that should be fairly obvious and are definitely worth repeating, particularly when said with his usual eloquence:

Putting aside the propaganda slag about cunning plans and accepting reality as it is, the conclusion to be drawn from the September events on the Kharkov front, as well as from the series of preceding gestures of goodwill, should be this: Irrespective of the courage, valour and professionalism of our soldiers and officers, the Russian Armed Forces as a whole, as a structure, in its present form, is, to put it mildly, of limited suitability for modern warfare. The key defects lie not in manning, procurement and armament, and not even in management as such, but in the level of strategic thinking, the quality of understanding of the rhythm and logic of confrontation.

What is going on reminds one more and more of the Kharkov disaster in spring 1942, when having failed to take Kharkov in the spring offensive from the north of Saltov and trying to bypass it in May from the south-east through Izyum and Balakleya, Timoshenko's army got into encirclement after the simultaneous blow of the enemy to Kupjansk from the west and to Izyum from Slavyansk from the south. In the triangle of Merefa-Lozovaya-Balakleya alone, in May-June several armies were encircled, and, as a general result, the whole front collapsed, a hole of several hundred kilometres was formed, after which the German Wehrmacht reached Voronezh in a few weeks, and then, in mid-summer, striking through Donbass and the bend of the Don river came to the Volga river north of Stalingrad. The defect in strategic planning is the same then and now: in both cases we were advancing to the south and southwest along Oskol, leaving behind such a powerful and convenient logistical hub for counterattack as Kharkov.

But I do not aim to take the bread of military experts together with military historians. I want to raise the subject of the ability of our state and society to "process" the results of defeats. Defeat differs from victory in that victory does not teach you anything; the feeling of a winner is that I did well, I did everything right. But a defeat, if used properly, can be very good: Recall that in '42 some important decisions were made which fundamentally changed further course of the war and finally led to May '45.

It is not by chance that I am pushing the topic of modernity in my lectures. There are always three men on the battlefield: you, your enemy, and time. Each of the two seems to be fighting the enemy, but in fact they're both fighting time, and if you've defeated time, you take the enemy as a trophy. Simply because you are faster, more accurate, smarter than he is. Today it must be said that our enemy is waging a more modern war than we are. And superiority in artillery, aviation and tanks does not solve anything with the lag in intelligence, analysis, planning and organization of the interaction of branches. And, in the limit, in the quality of strategic thinking.

Let's leave the parsing to the parsers, but my summary is this. Back in the spring I told several people, including those with direct access to the head of state (I hope that none of them will now say that they have forgotten): when your enemy is waging war against you, and you are conducting a Special Military Operation, the result is likely to be a military defeat. Either we fight or we surrender, there is no third option. So let's decide. But if it's my opinion that matters, I'm in favour of going to war.

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@RamzayIegoKomanda writes about a conversation with a woman whose sister stayed in Izyum after the Russian forces left:

I talked to a woman from Izyum. Her sister stayed behind in the city after the Ukrainians marched in. Her husband is paralysed. The story gives me chills!

After the Ukrainian armed forces came in, all hell broke loose. Total searches, terrible looting, and murders. The "Westerner [Ukrainians]" came in. They openly said that the locals are all Moskals and "vata” [GB: derogatory moniker to refer to the people with pro-Russian affiliations] to them. “There will be no mercy for you. For three months you have been living with the Russians soul to soul, it means you are all cunts and now you are nobody!”

They are taking away everything they like: TV sets, smartphones, household appliances, food. A lot of people have been arrested and taken away. A few people were simply shot on the spot, those who tried to stop the looting.

They said that anyone who tried to pay in roubles in shops would be immediately put up against the wall [and executed]. When asked where people could get hryvnias, the answer was: "Give blowjobs! It's your main job now!”

The "vigilantes" have emerged from hibernation—those who were sitting around waiting for the Ukrainians to come. Now they are blatantly settling scores with those with whom they have bad blood. They just accuse them of cooperation with the Russians and take people away. Probably to be shot. The city is simply paralysed with terror. Now we are nobody at all! She kept on crying.

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De acuerdo con la ley Federal de la Federación de Rusia de 6 de marzo de 2006, No.35 - FZ "sobre la lucha contra el terrorismo" [5], se entiende por operación antiterrorista un conjunto de medidas especiales, operativas, militares y de otro tipo con el uso de equipo militar, armas y medios especiales para reprimir un acto terrorista, neutralizar a los terroristas, garantizar la seguridad de las personas, organizaciones e instituciones y minimizar las consecuencias de un acto terrorista. Por consiguiente, la lucha contra el terrorismo es un conjunto de medidas preventivas y ofensivas adoptadas por las organizaciones internacionales y regionales, los órganos legislativos, ejecutivos, judiciales, las organizaciones sociales y los ciudadanos para identificar y abordar las causas y condiciones del terrorismo, así como para prevenir, prevenir y reprimir los actos terroristas.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Gleb Bazov)
Since someone asked in the Chat, let me make a general announcement:

News of Russia withdrawing from north Donbass and, in particular, abandoning Svyatogorsk are Ukrainian propaganda fakes. Do not be fooled.

In particular, the Russian forces remain in complete and confident control of both Svyatogorsk and Studenok.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Gleb Bazov)
In the Krasny Liman direction, the Ukrainian army is trying to cross the Seversky Donets river near the settlement of Zakotny, in order to reach the Yampol sector. Guys fighting in that area see everything. They are directing an artillery barrage against the enemy.

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Media is too big
‼️🇷🇺 DNR fighters destroy NATO military equipment

Operational tactical formation "Kaskad" of the DNR Interior Ministry's Air Force continues to smash the enemy in the Ugledar direction. Polish "Krab" SAU and BUK-M1 SAM system were destroyed by accurate artillery fire

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‼️🏴☠️🇺🇦No NATO country will supply Kiev with Western main battle tanks without a collective decision by the alliance, German Defence Minister
Regarding the "Leopards" fake near Kherson, we wrote about earlier - it's obvious that no one has handed over Leopard tanks to the AFU
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Epic video of the explosion at Kharkov Thermal PP as a result of yesterday's arrival of a Russian cruise missile.
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Medvedev on Zelensky's statement:

A certain Zelensky said he would not engage in dialogue with those issuing ultimatums. The current "ultimatums" are a child's warm-up to the demands of the future. And he knows them: total capitulation of the Kiev regime on Russia's terms.
- Medvedev stated.

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Polish regions have started switching off street lighting due to high energy costs - Palsat TV
Yeah, yeah, they will give it to Zeli for


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