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Has Russia hardened its approach after today’s attack on Ukrainian infrastructure?

Hard to say. This could be a one-off event or an action they had planned all along, and reserved it for winter. The only way to tell if the approach has changed is to observe the actions of the Russian Armed Forces for the following days.

If Kiev starts getting hit, it’s pretty safe to assume that the Russian Command has lost its diplomatic approach to this war (which is frankly stupid when your enemy is anything but diplomatic. However, the Russians are known for their annoyingly rigid patience in politics)
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During the night, heavy actions of Russian strategic aviation are registered. Lots of missiles were fired on targets across Ukraine. Bears went on the hunt.
Audio communication from night bombing.
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Forwarded from DD Geopolitics (Donbass Devushka)
These are the types of speds we're up against. Just when I feel defeated, the other side reminds me how retarded they are and I think we will be ok.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
The overnight strike on Ukraine's energy structure hides two important points underneath.

First, it partly relieved the heaviest dejection after the withdrawal from the Kharkiv region. Yesterday, already by evening, the border settlements abandoned by the Russian Armed Forces were occupied and news and videos emerged of terror attacks on civilians who had not had time to evacuate.

Secondly, the powerful attacks that had been expected in Kharkiv and Mykolayiv regions and directly near Donetsk did not take place. However, the latter was most likely abandoned by the Ukrainians after the unsuccessful assault on Peski with the loss of two tanks and infantry.

It is time to go to war with Ukraine for real. It is a question of Russia's survival. Kiev, to the applause of the US and the EU, is telling us directly that our country will be torn to pieces and destroyed.

We have 146 million Russian lives behind us and more than 4 million people in Donbass, plus the population of the remaining liberated territories. We are a nuclear power. It's time to remember that.

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Krasnogorovka. Birds skimmed the approach of the AFU reinforcement. Zeroed in.
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ The Rats come out of their Holes⚡️

and smell the morning air. Thanks to the fools in the Command! /@rybar/#SMO
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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
A photo of an American Abrams tank with the distinctive white cross of an AFU group advancing in the Kharkiv direction is being actively circulated in the Ukrainian and Western internet segment and hints to that effect are being made.

However, this is complete nonsense. The photo shows the M1A2 in SEP v.3 (M1A2C) modification - the newest variant of the US main battle tank, which first began to arrive in combat units in 2020. The appearance of such a vehicle in the AFU is impossible.

The most real version of the emergence of this photo (in addition to photoshop): a Ukrainian soldier asked his good friend from the US to paint on the armor of the tank a cross, similar to the insignia of the AFU from Kharkiv region, and now is actively pandering to the truth.

@milinfolive /@rybar/#SMO
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❗️Ukraine will agree to talks only after reaching the 1991 borders🤡.

Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said.

"I will reveal a secret. During the negotiations in spring, we told the Russians: that to further negotiate and negotiate, you must withdraw troops as of February 23. It was possible then. But now they have passed more than one point of no return, and such an option has long been impossible. The "as of February 24" option no longer exists. December 1, 1991. Go out," said Reznikov.

It's worth noting that such an audacious tipple came after another Ramstein meeting of defense ministers. Soon there will be a demand to restore the Zaporizhian Sich.

I think the Khokhlyas without light has started to creep😅

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⚡️ Urgent⚡️Kiev has multiplied UAV activity in Petrovsky district⚡️

This is reported by @wargonzo's sources in the DNR power structures.

The number of flights by Ukrainian military-grade UAVs (not DJI drones) over the Petrovsky district of Donetsk has increased several times over the past week. However, active aerial reconnaissance at lower altitudes is also in full swing.

This trend tells us that the enemy may be preparing information provocatively and counter-attack actions near the DNR capital.

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Forwarded from Фронтовик 18+
"Мосфильм" сделал куклы и чучела из реальных хохлов!
🚀🐷💥 Маслиненные свиньи лежат. Сало вытекло, а Зеля за них даже не отсосал Байдену
. Нюхает зелик, пiхуй-нахуi йому...🐽💨💨

Сегодня многие петушки-проукраинцы набежали в комментарии и сказали что видео с нашими пехотинцами отразившими атаки врага под Харьковом это постановка. Мосфильм. Самим не стыдно? Вот тоже видимо «актёры».
Жалеть этих свиней не призываю. Вмерли за ЛГБТ запад укроиды.

Не читали хохлы гуманитарный проект Ищи хохлов, сейчас проект читает про них...🕯

Бесславный конец!

За що отМосфильмились?

👉Ищи хохлов 18+👉 Подписаться
Forwarded from ROKOT | TORMENTA
Volchansk fue ocupado por tropas de la OTAN. Exactamente así y nada más. Escriben desde allí que prácticamente no hay nazis ucranianos en la ciudad. Un montón de "afro" y angloparlantes. Exactamente la misma situación en Kazachia Lopan.
[También en Kupiansk]
То, что эту ночь укронацистское государство провело в блэкауте - это хорошо.
Многим для тренировки искусственной эмпатии (естественной нет и не будет) неплохо бы прочувствовать на себе, как годами жил и живут Донецк с пригородами.

Но скажу еще одну неприятную вещь, которую повторяю уже годами.

Ситуация начнет меняться только тогда, когда наше командование и политическое руководство уйдет от "ударов возмездия" и "ответок" к планомерной сухой системной работе.

Это одна из тех причин, почему часть ОПСБ забила на OSInt и агентурную разведку, которой занимались первые 2,5 месяца СВО. Потому что огромная работа по разведке и отработки целей "сливалась в пропасть" без ударов по динамичным и статическим целям и без обратной связи. В итоге, мы должны были регулярно оправдываться и придумывать объяснения людям на той стороне, которые с риском для жизни регулярно добывали инфу, которая по факту оставалась не востребованной вплоть до потери ей актуальности. А никакой помощи в развитии и "подкармливании" сети не было. Поэтому дурную работу делать не интересно никому.

Уйма целей касающихся объектов ЖД, электросетей и других статичных объектов инфраструктуры были собраны и переданы в первый месяц. Чисто на энтузиазме. Результат был околонулевой. Про точки сбора теробороны и мобилизации живой силы - я просто деликатно умолчу.

Подобные удары, как сейчас, увы носят характер истеричности.

Где сильно заметно, что главная цель не нанести системный урон инфраструктуре противника, а успокоить бурлящее общество внутри РФ.

И вот от такого надо уходить к системной работе. Ну, если руководство хочет победить.

Т.е. если уже ставится задача оставить укронацистское государство без электричества - то эта задача должна реализовываться планомерно, с постоянным развитием успеха, чтобы электричества в укрорейхе не было вообще никогда больше, пока эти территории не освободит Армия России.

А это требует ударов по отремонтированным станциям, по резервным узлам, по альтернативным источникам.

Работа системная и сложная, но именно она и принесет результат.

Истеричные "ответки" результат не принесут.
Forwarded from Zачистка UA
Пацаны к успеху шли,не получилось,не фартануло.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Miroslav)
⚡️ Urgent⚡️ NATO trainers lead the battle near Liman⚡️

This is reported by @wargonzo project sources in the Krasnolimansk district of the DNR.

Judging by radio intercepts and data obtained from communication with prisoners - at least several officer groups consisting of NATO instructors are stationed directly near Slavyansk (Ivanovka and Nikolayevka areas). We are talking about Poles and the British. The former supervises and fully directs the work of the M-777 SAU combat crew, while the British are responsible for the use of high-precision MLRSs.

There are now 2 fully manned BTGRs advancing on Krasny Liman, including 2 companies of tanks. As well as up to 1,000 Teroboron troops.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦🧨 FSB: Terrorists Detained⚡️

According to the FSB, the special services detained a group of persons who, on the instructions of the Security Service of Ukraine, prepared a series of terrorist attacks in the Crimea and the Kherson region, as well as an attempt on the leadership of these regions.

The preparation of the terrorist attacks was coordinated by an SBU officer.

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