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🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Roughly 72 hours ago, Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree (H.A.) tweeted, "3 days." As enigmatic as enigmatic could be, with many wondering who and what the Voice of Gentiledom was referring to. Now we know: It was a direct message to Saudi Arabia, which was preventing scores of Yemeni Hajj pilgrims from returning home. 🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴


As you can see from the photo...

... Those pilgrims have just arrived in Sanaa. Safe and sound. Allahu Akbar.

Brigadier Saree's post was compounded by Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi (H.A.) during his speech yesterday, in which he declared that if the Saudi dictatorship continues on its current path, there will be "grave, GRAVE consequences".

It didn't take long thereafter for the Wahhabi-Takfiri despots to stand at attention, read the room, piss their Thawbs in fear, and let the Yemenis go.

Brigadier Saree has since posted, "It has been completed. By the grace of ALLAH (SWT)."

Al-Saud buckled before the might of the Yemeni Islamic Resistance and its steadfast, righteous leadership.

Ansarullah Supreme Political Council member Muhammad al-Bukhaiti (H.A.) declared, "If the Yemeni pilgrims had not been returned, Saudi Arabia's airports would have been closed at this moment. Will the Saudi regime learn from its failure to close Sanaa Airport and lift its hand off Yemen before the axe falls on top of its head?"

Clearly, the Scream Team isn't finished with the Banu Anazah occupiers of Makkah and Medinah. There have been four Saudi aggressions against Yemen since July began. If they abide by American and 'Israeli' orders and keep it up, they're going to be sorrier than sorry.

The sons of the Sarkha have turned Al-Saud's oil refineries into conflagrations before... They have no problem doing so again. Don't test Sayyed Abou Jibreel's resolve; don't test the Anchor of the Yemeni Islamic Resistance! 🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: The US and UK ZOGs just bombed Kamaran Island in Yemen's Hudaydah with a vicious air raid. 🇾🇪 🤬

Impotent on the high seas before Ansarullah's naval military prowess, this is all Washington and London are capable of: the bombardment of civilian infrastructure. They are no different than the 'Israelis' who are running them into the ground. 🤬 🇾🇪





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Amazing! A new batch of graduates has just joined the General Mobilization Forces of Ansarullah in Sanaa... And these newly minted moujahideen are all private school principals, teachers, professors and lecturers! So first they impart a math lesson to you... Or history! Philosophy! Ethics! Or Islamic sciences! And THEN... They hit the battlefield to light up Saudi and Emirati invaders on the ground or usurping Zionist entity-linked ships on the high seas! Only the Yemenis! And only in Yemen! Masha'ALLAH! 🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🔴🇨🇳❤️🇾🇪🔴 A Chinese youth puts a decal of Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree (H.A.) on his car! Mouqawamah Consciousness is undoubtedly growing in China. The people aren't just declaring their solidarity with Palestine... They're championing the Resistance Axis! Chiefly Sarkha Nation! Beijing should take a hint from its citizenry... Roll back the multi-billion-dollar trade relationship with the Tumor! Nobody is asking you to hit ships like Saree the Sanhedrin-Smasher here... But at least break ties! 🔴🇨🇳❤️🇾🇪🔴

(Big ups to our family "Tremendous Tone" for the remarkable clip! 💎)






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 ALL! HAIL! ANSARULLAH!!!!!!! The cancerous Jewish regime's Port of "Eilat", which has had zero activity since last December and laid off half of its workers in March, is now OFFICIALLY closed after declaring bankruptcy! The Yemeni Islamic Resistance has done it! One of the greatest defeats of the usurping Zionist entity in its entire accursed history! 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴

And with Sarkha Nation and its Islamic Resistance in Iraq allies now targeting occupied Haifa - from the port itself to docking ships - with frequency and ferocity... The next closure is already on deck! And let's not forget occupied 'Isdud ("Ashdod") too! The Jews know now for sure: Test Ansarullah's Anchor and you WILL be sunk! 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴







🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: Saudi Arabia just shelled the Mabbih border district of Saada, hitting the villages of Al-Sheikh and Al-Raqwa. Three Yemeni civilians have been injured in the criminal, unprovoked attack. 🇾🇪 🤬

The treacherous Saudi "royals" are going to regret this atrocity and all the others like it. They may just crossed the final line. 🤬 🇾🇪





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Still cheesing that the Port of "Eilat" is no more! What it took the Jews 8 decades going back to March 10th, 1949 to build up... was torn down by Ansarullah in 8 months. 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴

At this pace, give the Yemeni Islamic Resistance and its allies ANOTHER 8 months... And watch the whole of the usurping Zionist entity vanish.

Labaykah ya Abou Jibreel (H.A.)! 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Yemeni Islamic Revolution Leader and Ansarullah Commander-In-Chief Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi's (H.A.) patience with Saudi Arabia has officially run out. Today, he openly threatened the Wahhabi-Takfiri dictatorship with catastrophic counterstrikes if it does not change course. The toleration is done. As is the talking. Now... Yemen strikes back! 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴

"The institutions which the Saudi regime and others were associated with have been working to change their school curricula in favor of the Jews, while inexplicably entrenching an ignorant view of them and their supporters, is a disgrace.

"The counterfeiting attack on our currency is large and dangerous and its goal is to domesticate Muslims for the benefit of our Jewish enemies and their helpers among the disbelievers and the hypocrites.

"One of the biggest American failures was to implicate the countries bordering the Red Sea in supporting the 'Israeli' enemy.

"The American continues his attempts to implicate the Saudi regime after its military failure.

"The American sent us messages that he would push the Saudi regime to take aggressive steps, and there were American visits to Saudi Arabia for that reason.

"The pressure to transfer banks from Sanaa is an insane and moronic step, and no one in the world thinks in these terms. The Saudi regime took this step in service of 'Israel' and in obedience to America.

"After the step of transferring the banks, the Saudis decided to disable Sanaa Airport and stop flights, despite their limitations and narrow margin.

"The American wants to involve Saudi Arabia in a comprehensive war, meaning that the situation with us will return to what it was at the height of the escalation.

"The Saudis have no cause and no justification for their aggressive actions against our people other than serving the 'Israelis'.

"We will not stand idly by or watch our people starve and see their economic situation collapse. Our involvement in the direct battle to support Gaza does not mean we are unable to respond to their demented actions.

"Our people endure because they believe there is an existentially vital battle and because they prioritize the Palestinian cause over their own.

"The Saudis must realize that their reckless, foolish steps cannot and will not be tolerated, and they must cease their misguided path.

"We will respond to everything in kind: banks for banks, Riyadh airport for Sanaa airport, and ports for ports.

"Saudi media also clearly serves the 'Israeli' interest.

"The Palestinian Resistance movements are still classified as terrorists by Saudi Arabia because they confront the 'Israeli' enemy.

"We will not allow the annihilation of our people and their total collapse just to avoid problems. As far as we're concerned... Let there be countless problems!

"The Saudi regime still detains Hamas members in its prisons and criminalizes the movement's stance against the enemy. We offered the Saudi regime to release their pilots in exchange for Hamas prisoners, but they refused for the enemy's sake!

"To the Saudi regime we say: The Americans are trying to entangle you, and if you really want that, then [we dare you] to try it! If you want good for yourselves and stability for your country and economy, stop your conspiracies against our nation. The move towards aggressive escalation against our beloved Yemen is something we can never accept. If the Americans succeed in entangling you, it will be a terrible mistake and a great failure, and it is our natural right to counter each and every aggressive step. If you get more entangled, our escalation will be greater, so do not rely on the Americans... Because they are utter failures. 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 And for anyone foolishly questioning the severity of Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi's (H.A.) historic threats to Saudi Arabia today, as if the closure of the Port of "Eilat" isn't a big enough lesson, Ansarullah did not want to leave a SHRED of doubt... So what did Yemen's Mighty Mouqawameen do? They published graphics of 7 targets that WILL be struck if the House of Saud doesn't turn back. Quoted on each piece are Abou Jibreel's defiant words: "The Americans are trying to entangle you, and if you really want that, then [we dare you to] try it!" 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴

In the scope of the Yemeni Islamic Resistance are "King" Khaled International Airport in
Riyadh; "King" Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jeddah; "King" Fahd International Airport in Dammam; the oil refineries of Ras Tanoura Port; "King" Abdul Aziz Port, which is the largest port in entire Khaleej (Gulf); Jazan Port in Jazan; and Jeddah Port in Jeddah.

Sarkha Nation will burn it all. To ash. To dust. To shards. To NOTHING. MBS and the rest of his Zionist-serving cronies better think extraordinarily carefully about their next step. Because Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi... is FINISHED with the games. 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: A civilian in the Maqbanah district of Ta'iz was just severely wounded by leftover munitions from the drones of Saudi Arabia's mercenaries. 🇾🇪 🤬

What the House of Saud has done to Yemen... is going to torment the Yemeni citizenry for decades to come. Not years... But DECADES. 🤬 🇾🇪





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🔴🇮🇶🤝🇾🇪🔴 Another massive and critical joint operation by Iraq and Yemen against the usurping Zionist entity today! Both the Islamic Resistance in Iraq itself and Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree (H.A.) confirm that occupied Umm Rashrash ("Eilat") has been bombarded heavily with suicide drones! The Port of "Eilat" is bankrupt and closed for business... And Ansarullah alongside Mesopotamia's Mouqawameen are making sure that it stays this way! 🔴🇮🇶🤝🇾🇪🔴







🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree (H.A.) graces us with his presence once again to deliver a fresh announcement of Goyjoy for our hearts! Three more ships hit by Ansarullah on behalf of Gaza! The "Maersk Sentosa", a US vessel, in the Arabian Sea; the "Marthopolis", also in the Arabian Sea; and the "MSC Patnaree", an 'Israeli' seacraft, in the Gulf of Aden. Ballistic missiles, suicide drones and cruise missiles were the weapons of choice! No transponders... No safe passage! No adherence to the Anti-Zionist blockade... No safe passage! No respect... No safe passage! These waters belong to the moujahideen of the Yemeni Islamic Resistance and they say... So long as Gaza is besieged... Bab al-Mandab is besieged too! 🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: Saudi Arabia just opened fire on the Munabbih border district of Saada, severely wounding two African migrants. 🇾🇪 🤬

Al-Saud has been systematically brutalizing African migrants - which it entices to leave their native lands to come to the Hijaz for work - for years now. The tyrannical Wahhabi-Takfiri regime is cynically and despicably using the migrant crisis in the Horn of Africa - fueled by Zio-Imperialism - as yet another element of destabilization against Yemen.

And if the "royals" think that crimes like this one somehow fall outside the purview of Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi's (H.A.) categorical retaliatory stance... They're mistaken. There are high-ranking Afro-Yemenis in the structures of Ansarullah and this will be looked at for exactly what it is: An aggression. 🇾🇪 🤬






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: Mercenaries in the pay of Saudi Arabia have just carried out a barbaric drone attack on the Ta'iz village of Habour al-Sharqi, murdering two Yemeni children and wounding 7 others. 🇾🇪 🤬

We know the reason for this cruel and criminal aggression... Because the people of Ta'iz have been celebrating the latest dismantlement of another US-'Israeli' spy ring. And Saudi Arabia has no legitimate, logical reasoning behind ANY of its policies towards Yemen EXCEPT following 'Israeli' orders, just as Sayyed Abou Jibreel (H.A.) recently noted. Operating by proxy won't help Al-Saud either... It is now poking the lion and the lion does not like to be poked. 🤬 🇾🇪





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: Saudi Arabia's mercenaries just shot up a gathering of workers in the Sabr al-Mawadem District of Ta'iz, leaving one Yemeni civilian martyred and another severely wounded. 🇾🇪 🤬

Since Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi (H.A.) issued his staunch warning last week, there have been zero Saudi attacks on Yemenis in the border regions of Saada... But it appears that Riyadh has given the green light to its proxies in Ta'iz to act more aggressively. The scumbag Saudi "royals" are juggling with dynamite. 🤬 🇾🇪





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: Zio-America and Zio-Britain just bombed the Ras Issa Marine Terminal in Yemen's Hudaydah, targeting the vital area with 5 barbarous air raids. 🇾🇪 🤬

The Goyicide in Gaza belongs to the Washington and London ZOGs as much as it does to "Tel Aviv". And nothing confirms this point like their ongoing aggressions against Yemen--Palestine's staunchest defender. 🤬 🇾🇪





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi (H.A.) delivered another barnburner today, praising the Resistance Axis forces, saluting the Moroccan and Bahraini peoples and absolving them of the treason of their traitorous regimes, and once again targeting Saudi Arabia with a scathing verbal tongue-lashing that the filthy "royals" in Riyadh won't soon forget... And better not challenge (1/2)! 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴

"The Saudis must stop their unjust path. Their excuses about being subjected to American pressure are unjustified and unacceptable.

"Leave us to the confrontation with America and tell it to confront us with all its huge capabilities, for it has much more than you do.

"When the American involved himself in supporting the 'Israeli' and announced his aggression against our country, did he succeed? Did he achieve anything? No, he lost.

"Some Americans likened the retreat of their aircraft carrier 'Eisenhower' to 'an elephant running away from a mouse.' We would disagree. Your elephant did not escape from a mouse, but from a lion's den.

"The Yemeni Army and its capabilities are indeed not a mouse but a lion emerging from his mighty den that confronts you for all your injustice in supporting the 'Israeli' enemy.

"You will not succeed in stopping or limiting our operations in support of the Palestinian people, and you will not force our people to back down from their position. It is you who will lose.

"When you involve yourself, you will lose more than the American, for you are close to us and we can cause you severe harm.

"What matters to us is that we are in the right position, championing the just cause, and with governing ourselves with the correct behavior. Whatever happens beyond this... So be it.

"We sent many messages advising and warning the Saudis to leave us alone in a direct war with the US, the UK and 'Israel'.

"But the statements of the Saudi Foreign Minister and others deviated greatly and began to echo the same 'Israeli', American and British illogic regarding operations in the Red Sea.

"Then the Saudi began targeting our banks, airports and seaports, all of which are all red lines that cannot be crossed.

"You [o' Saudi] are taking things back to levels worse than they were at the very height of the escalation.

"Your aggressions under American orders and in servitude to 'Israel' are an attempt to force us to stop our support for Gaza. This is an impossible thing; it is farther away from you than the sun.

"No agent of America will be able to dissuade our dear people, who, with their weekly two-million-man marches, confirm their principled and faith-based position.

"Despite the treachery of such agents, we will continue our operations in support of the Palestinian people and we will strive to achieve greater strengths and lengths.

"The enemies want you [o' beloved Yemenis] to let the Palestinian people down and stop the support operations. They want you to abandon your stance for Gaza.

"The Saudis want you to dance as they dance while you just watch the tragedy of the Palestinian people, ignoring the cries and groans of the oppressed.

"The Saudi wants you laughing and frolicking and busy with his crazy parties, dog competitions, and electronic games, so that you can stop your weekly marches.

"The Saudis have received American directives to take aggressive steps as punishments against you. Will you accept?" 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi (H.A.) concludes his masterful weekly speech (2/2). 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴

"Tomorrow, let the the Saudis hear and let the whole of the world hear the voice of freedom, the voice of pride, the voice of courage and the voice of faith in Al-Sabeen Square and all our governorates.

"Remind the Saudis that you are still free and proud; that you are loyal and courageous tribes. Let him know!

"Let the Saudis hear tomorrow that you are still the people about whom Rasoulallah (S.A.W.W.) said, 'Faith is Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni.'

"We warned the Saudis in your language so that he does not think for even a second that the situation is merely a matter of media, but a matter of the people and their will. We spoke this way so that the Saudi knows that we spoke with your voice and that we took your direction.

"We are present with our faith in ALLAH (SWT) and our trust in Him to confront the American, 'Israeli' and British enemy as well as every last one of their agents.

"Despite the resentments and machinations of the agents of the enemy, we will continue our operations with ballistic and cruise missiles, drones and Toufan Al-Moudammer boats, and they will continue as long as the 'Israeli' aggression continues.

"O' beloved Yemenis! Your two-million-man march tomorrow has more importance than in previous weeks because you are at a most critical juncture in the situation, so announce your true and righteous stance as we have learned and expected from you.

"Let your position tomorrow be one that pleases ALLAH (SWT), comforts the Palestinian people, and reassures them that you will continue and that you are not among those who will tremble at petty threats from pathetic oppressors.

"You do not fear America, Britain, or 'Israel'. Would you fear a stupid, foolish, careless agent who acts idiotically and does not take lessons from anyone?!

"Verily, let your voice be heard by all the world. I invite you to go out tomorrow in Sana’a, in a two-million-man protest, as well as the rest of the governorates and districts nationwide. Shake the enemy and its agents, o' beloved Yemenis, starting with the Saudi regime." 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: The American and British ZOGs just bombed Hudaydah International Airport with 3 barbaric air raids. 🇾🇪 🤬

Right at the very moment that Yemenis are beginning to gather for today's protests. The Zionist evil of Washington and London is boundless. 🤬 🇾🇪





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 Look at Al-Sabeen Square in the Yemeni capital city of Sanaa! Just marvel over it! TWO MILLION PLUS demonstrators on the streets of the global hub of Anti-Parasitism for the 38th week in a row to mark the "Standing With Gaza... And We Will Confront America And All Those Involved With It" event! Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi (H.A.) called on his countrymen to put forth their greatest effort yet as a message to 'Israel', America, Britain and especially in this instance, Saudi Arabia, and they have done that in SPADES! A human flood for Operation Al-Aqsa Flood like we've NEVER seen before, with enough Sarkha banners to strangle every "royal" in Riyadh and then some! The Scream Team will never kneel to Jewish empires or their crypto-Yid quislings. From the womb to the tomb, the children of the Sarkha Nation will remain the guardians of Palestine and its sacred cause! 🔴 ⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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