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✑️ πŸ“Ί πŸ‘€ Have you ever watched television and NOTICED the fact that, within commercials, there is never an all-White family in the ad? Or an all-Black family for that matter? You only see interracial couples. And have you also NOTICED that, within these same commercials, there is an increase of f*ggot and lesbian content? Well. Like everything else in the miserable, Judaized world we live in, this is by design. And as such we only have two words for you: Marla Kaplowitz. ✑️ πŸ“Ί πŸ‘€

That's right, Goyim.

Marla Kaplowitz.

This Sanhedrin sorceress is the CEO of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, better known now as The 4 A's, which, by their own admission, "serves 600+ member agencies across 1,200 offices, which control more than 85% of total U.S. advertising spend." You read that correctly. 85% of all advertising in the Jewnited Snakes of Jewmerica is controlled by this Kehilla witch and her team. Ah! And what is her specialty exactly? "Diversifying the talent pipeline" according to her colleague, Abbey Klaassen. Nothing like a little "diversity", eh?!

Jews don't want Whites inspired to have White families.

Nor Blacks moved to have Black families.

Nor Latinos motivated to have Latino families.

And so on.

Jews want all Gentiles within European and European colonialist derivative nations to be thrown together in a mishmash where all forms of ancient ethnic, national and religious identity are exterminated and nothing is known thereafter but the Noahide Laws enforced by the Global Noahide Project.

In fact, the very term "melting pot" was popularized by British-Jewish author 'Israel' Zangwill (L.A.) with his 1908 play of the same name. He was a Zionist fanatic who also popularized the dehumanizing slogan, "Palestine is a country without a people; the Jews are a people without a country."

Another Zionist fanatic, the "philosopher" Horace Kallen (L.A.), used "melting pot" as a linguistic weapon in his essay, "Democracy Versus the Melting-Pot: A Study of American Nationality", to attack many a Gentile who didn't drop their historical ethnic identity in exchange for the all-encompassing, catch-all title of "American". Those specifically bombarded were those of European stock. Kallen, do keep in mind, was the founder of the exclusively Jewish secret society known as the Parushim--Hebrew for "Pharisees".

From Zangwill and Kallen of yesterday... to Kaplowitz today.

Think I'm reaching? Let's take a look at what REALLY motivates Ms. Kaplowitz, eh? What else would it be but "ANTISEMITISM" and Tikkun Olam?! In 2021, The 4 A's head honcho signed a letter condemning the former and hailing the latter as a means of browbeating American Gentiles for doing just a little bit too much... NOTICING.

Predictive programming. Brainwashing. Psychological warfare. It all applies. Whether it's advertising in America or broadcasting pornography in the occupied West Bank, Jews like Kaplowitz do not want to "repair the world (Tikkun Olam)" for Gentiles... They want Gentiles defanged and docile so they can dominate us and subsequently enslave us to the Halakhic-Talmudic regime of the Synagogue of Satan. And it begins with the rerouting of how we think.

Deny Muck-faced Marla and her Mishpucka what they want. Turn off the TV and don't switch it back on. It is nothing but degenerate swill and filth to begin with ANYWAY. ✑️ πŸ“Ί πŸ‘€



πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
πŸ‡»πŸ‡ͺ 🀬 Just about 48 hours ago, the Venezuelan government detained three Americans - one of whom was a Navy SEAL who served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Colombia - two Spaniards and a Czech who were part of a CIA-led cell to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro and overthrow Chavismo. πŸ‡»πŸ‡ͺ 🀬

Jew son of a Jew Stinkin' Blinken said there'd be more actions put in place by Washington, specifically his State Department Yeshiva, to "democratize" Caracas... And here is your "democracy"--Zio-Yankee-style.

Obama and Satanyahu tried to assassinate Maduro.

Trump and Satanyahu attempted a hit on Maduro.

And now the Biden-Harris regime is following suit. And who are the bigwigs running point? CIA Director William Burns, who has been granting cover to the Tumor as its Goyicide in Gaza rolls on; Deputy CIA Director David S. Cohen, the "sanctions guru" whose appointment was welcomed as "good news" by the Mossad; and National Intelligence Director Avril Danica Haines, the first Jew to hold the position and a staunch spewer of Zionist propaganda.

In layman's terms: It's an exceptionally Gefilte Fishy affair that gives one the Heebie-Jeebies. Emphasis on the Heebie.

Empire Judaica's criminal efforts to murder Maduro are beginning to stack up like the Venezuelan version of all its plots to kill Fidel Castro--634 to be exact! May ALLAH (SWT) protect the Anti-Zionist successor of El Comandante Hugo ChΓ‘vez (R.A.) and may He safeguard the Bolivarian Revolution in the face of the Halakhic-Talmudic Imperium! πŸ‡»πŸ‡ͺ 🀲





πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 The Lebanon Pager Massacre: A Nexus Point Where Jewish Terrorism, Jewish Deception and Jewish Cowardice Collide Part I πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬

Much remains unknown, speculative and unconfirmed about the ungodly Zionist terror attack on Lebanon involving exploding pagers which has wounded over 4,000 people and stolen, at this point, the lives of 17 innocents, children, women and medical workers among them, in total.

There is one thing that is absolutely certain however: The enemy, that is, the Jew, is a liar.

And we know this not only because ALLAH (SWT) tells us in Surat al-Baqarah, Ayah 75 of the Holy Qur'an that the Jews are the perverters of His Word; or because Jesus Christ (A.S.) told the Jews in John 8:44 that they are of their father, Satan, who is the father of lies; or because the Holy Prophet Muhammad as-Siddiq (S.A.W.W.) said, "Do not take the Jews as a source of wisdom, for they mislead others and mislead themselves."

But because the Jews preach and teach the "virtue" of deception in their own "Oral Torah". BT Yevamot 65b:7, quoting Rabbi Natan (L.A.), one of the highest Talmudic authorities, says, "It is a mitzvah to depart from the truth in order to preserve peace." Peace, of course, in this instance, means tranquility for the Jews and destruction for the Goyim.

There is also JT Berakhot 9:5:19, "All lies are good." And we mustn't leave out good ol' BT Berakhot 58:15! In this Tractate, Rabbi Sheila (L.A.) calls Gentiles donkeys when a Persian man overhears the slur and rushes to the authorities to report the hideous Jewish bigotry. Before he reaches his destination though, the aforementioned "sage" kills him to stop the truth about Judaism from emerging. This has become the basis for Zion's unrelenting murder campaign against Palestinian journalists.

So! When malignant Zionist propagandists like notorious "Iraq has WMDs" neocon Eli Lake; Hudson Institute hasbaranik Kenneth Weinstein; lifelong Ziogandist Dan Perry at the Jewish Daily Forward; and infamous Shabbos Goy CIA-Mossad mouthpiece David Ignatius start using words like "brilliant" and "masterstroke" to describe the hellaciousness imposed by 'Israel'... It should be pretty damn obvious that something very Gefilte Fishy is afoot.

This wasn't "brilliant". The Jews aren't "geniuses". And there was nothing "strategic" or "tactical" about it.

This was terrorism. Sheer. Unadulterated. Unrestrained. Inhuman. Jewish-Zionist terrorism.

It was also cowardice in its absolute lowest form. Because who but a spineless, demonic Jew would find a way to avoid the battlefield to confront brave Gentiles while simultaneously maximizing gruesome injuries among said brave Gentiles, their families and myriad other non-combatants? Yes, this was NOT an attack on Hizbullah... But Lebanon. ALL of Lebanon.

This was akin to the method of murder used against Saraya al-Qassam Commander Yahya Ayyash (R.A.), the Alchemist of Armaments, only multiplied by thousands. Who but a spineless, demonic Jew indeed. πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬





πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 The Lebanon Pager Massacre: A Nexus Point Where Jewish Terrorism, Jewish Deception and Jewish Cowardice Collide Part II πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬

Our assessment is derived not from rage and sadness over the martyrs either, but pure logic and a critical, analytical reading of the evidence.

Firstly, not only Hizbullah fighters were targeted by this aggression but thousands of civilians, including 10-year-old Fatima Jaafar Abdullah (R.A.) and medical worker Muhammad Hassan Noureddine (R.A.) Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of the moujahideen who were hit in Dahiyeh, the Bekaa Valley and even Syria, were off-duty with their families. Extrajudicial executions are not in any way, shape or form legal, and 'Israel', as if it was imposing the rabbinical form of argument known as pilpul on the world, has been bending and deliberately misinterpreting "international law" to justify such crimes for years.

Secondly, First Secretary of the Ukrainian Embassy in Lebanon, Mykola Khomenko, was injured as a result of the explosion of a
pager he was carrying in Beirut. Propagandists of the Maidan coup regime have denied the news, but since Kiev is controlled by the Zionist Jew Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who famously said he wants Ukraine to be a "big 'Israel'", we know better. With the Jews, denials and/or silence amount to official confirmations. On this note, for the record, Zion already DID claim responsibility for the terror, but subsequently deleted the X/Twitter post before Satanyahu instituted a gag order on his fellow Likudniks.

And thirdly, initial reports said the compromised pagers were from Motorola, which has ties so deep to the Tumor that it is considered the "technology arm" IOF; has worked with the Jewish settlers since before the Nakba; and received the Jubilee Award from Satanyahu himself in 1998. But this seemed farfetched as Imam Khamenei (H.A.) issued a fatwa against the Mishpucka-aligned multinational for the aforesaid reasons years ago.

The Taiwan-based Gold Apollo was also pegged as the guilty party, but the truth has now emerged: The origin point of the pagers is the Hungarian capital of Budapest, where the true manufacturer, BAC Consulting KFT, is based. And make no mistake: Budapest is Mossad City.

Not only do Hungarian Premier Viktor Orban and Satanyahu go way back through their links to Jewish fixer George Birnbaum, and not only has Orban banned rallies supporting the Resistance Axis to reinforce his "unapologetically pro-'Israel' stance", but his regime also issued passports to Zionist prisoners of war, making him directly complicit in Goyicide, and he worked hand-in-glove with shadowy 'Israeli' private intelligence firm Black Cube to shore up his reign.

Yes. That Black Cube. Known as "the private Mossad", as its members are all "former" employees of Talmudistan's military-intelligence establishment, the firm of 'Israeli' spooks was the long arm of rapist Harvey Weinstein, who himself is a devoted Zionist. And Orban is their Shabbos Goy.

Which means, through this connection, Zion, working with Orban, or... Rather... handling Orban... is occupying Budapest like it was Al-Quds. Penetration of a pager-maker would be a cakewalk. Payments from BAC Consulting KFT to Gold Apollo, as revealed by the latter's prez Hsu Ching-kuang, "came from the Middle East". As we said: Mossad City.

And this also means, again, that there was no "erudite" Jewish plot at work here. It was just 'Israel' and its Hungarian quisling rolling the dice to see how many Hizbullah moujahideen it could potentially hit. Did it take time? Undoubtedly. But it was a roll of the dice nevertheless.

Not that the Jews care, mind you. Civilians or moujahid or little girls or high-ranking Commander... Annihilating and/or subjugating all Goyim between Nile and Euphrates is the Jewish aim.

Again, as we said: Sheer, unadulterated, malevolent-beyond-malevolent Jewish-Zionist terrorism. πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬





πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 The Lebanon Pager Massacre: A Nexus Point Where Jewish Terrorism, Jewish Deception and Jewish Cowardice Collide Part III πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬

Any and all accusations and doubts leveled at Hizbullah must be rebuked, rebuffed and dismissed with extreme prejudice. The Lebanese Islamic Resistance faced down the proxies of Global Zionism and overran Beirut in under an hour back in May 2008 to protect its private telecom network, which is integral to the fight against 'Israel'. What kind of idiot, sectarian, or fitnah-spreading agent believes that the defenders of Lebanon would order compromised pagers off of Amazon, Etsy or Alibaba? Get real!

For all we know, the Jews, who are the sick, satanic minds behind all WMDs, introduced an amplified version of their mobile microwave beam weapon known as  "Scream" or some other RFDEW armament to make the batteries in the pagers burst.

How the Jews pulled it off remains subject to investigation. What is clearer than a cloudless sky above tropical azure waters however, is that they did pull it off. And they've admitted it.

This was a massacre. Conducted on the 42nd anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila horrors and just as the Jews deceived Washington to keep it in the dark so they could keep up the killing back in 1982, this time around, they called US War Secretary Lloyd Austin mere minutes before they launched the attack and provided no details. And it was Biden's advisor, dual-citizen 'Israeli' Amos Hochstein, running point.

Only hours prior, Zionist occupation media disseminated a Shlock-crock of hasbsra about 'Israel' foiling a Hizbullah plot to liquidate a former security chief. Zero proofs. Staged like a Hollywood scene. This would serve as the pretext for the pager terrorist attack--like the "assassination attempt" on Zionist Ambassador to the UK Shlomo Argov (L.A.) by Abou Nidal (L.A.) Turns out, as revealed by journo Patrick Seale in his landmark work on the elusive and crooked figure, Abou Nidal was Mossad.

In other words: Provocation. Unleash terror. Tone it down in global media--which Jews control. And then... when Hizbullah inevitably and rightfully retaliates, bring the old Polish proverb about Jews to life and cry out in pain after you've murdered women and children.

It is the paradox of Jewish mania. Too weak to tackle the Yellow and Green moujahideen up close and personal on the battlefield and thus, too chickensh*t to expand the war on their own... But also too bloodthirsty to let the prospect of a wider war slip through their gnarled, scaly fingers. Best case scenario then from the warped Jewish supremacist mindset: Drag all the Zio-cucked Western regimes in. They're already bombing Yemen on the Jews' behalf. Why not Lebanon too?

Is this not all the evidence in the world that one needs to realize that Jews and their bacterial infection called Zion are a threat to Lebanon; Palestine; West Asia; the whole Islamicate; and all of humanity? This psychopathic progeny of Lucifer, which dances and mocks the faith of 2 billion Muslims, after wreaking havoc on innocents; this malice-filled offspring of the hellfire, which calls for more bloodshed even after seemingly getting its fill.

Lebanese-American Christian Anti-Parasitic pioneer Mark Glenn (H.A.) once told this author that, due to the demonic nature of Judaism, Jews are tuned into different frequencies than Gentiles and this is why they're steeped in murderous intent and degeneracy. After witnessing the latest carnage in Lebanon, not to mention what's done to Gaza daily, how could ANYONE even REMOTELY disagree?

If there is a silver lining... It's that Hizbullah and Lebanon as a whole will emerge stronger from this atrocity. For it is the blood of the martyrs that is the very foundation of liberation and triumph. And for those who are too brokenhearted at the moment to concur... Just see 2000 as well as 2006 and 2017 to put the jagged pieces of said broken heart RIGHT back together. πŸ”΄βœŒοΈπŸ‡±πŸ‡§





πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
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πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ Lesson Of The Sabra and Shatila Massacre 42 Years On: Every Last 'Israeli' Jew Is Ariel Sharon (L.A.) πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

September 16th-18th, 1982. The usurping Zionist entity's Phalangist militias, directed by Ariel Sharon (L.A.) and backed up by IOF from every side, seal off the Sabra and Shatilah refugee camps and slaughter over 3,500 Palestinians and Lebanese Shi'a, many from Dahiyeh and Baalbak and dozens from the Miqdad family alone, in a 72-hour mass murder spree that remains, to this day, one of the most egregious atrocities in Zion's devilish history.

And now, 42 years on, amidst Al-Toufan, the lesson to be derived comes from the man generally held most responsible: Ariel Scheinerman aka Ariel Sharon aka Arik aka The Bulldozer.

Because contrary to the mainstream narrative, the vampire called Arik by his coreligionists was NOT, under any circumstances, TRULY punished. He stepped down as War Minister only to become Minister Without Portfolio and then Trade and Industry Minister, in which he negotiated the pivotal [and parasitic] US-'Israeli' Free Trade Agreement.

He then went on as Construction and Housing Minister and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee on Immigration and Absorption; an MK; National Infrastructure Minister; Foreign Minister; and ultimately, Prime Minister, in which he'd commit even more massacres, most infamously in Jenin from April 1st-11th, 2002.

Case in point: The Bulldozer didn't accrue even a wrist-slap for his crimes. Nor did his co-conspirators, Menachem Begin (L.A.) and Rafael Eitan (L.A.) They all slid. Like slippery, tefillin-clad Jew-eels.

And since then... Though the prevailing thought was nothing could eclipse the barbarism of Sabra and Shatilah... We've seen mirrors of it over and over again...

... The horrors of the First Intifada, in which Yitzhak Rabin (L.A.) broke the bones of Palestinian children; the Qana Massacre; the routine butchery of civilians during Intifada Al-Aqsa; the cluster bombs dropped on Lebanon in 2006; Operation Cast Lead; Operation Pillar of Cloud; Operation Mighty Cliff; the sniping of unarmed youth during the Great March of Return; the 2021 Gaza massacre; the Lag BaOmer massacre of 2023; and the ongoing Gaza Nakba which could very well take 186,000 Palestinian lives.


Because Ariel Sharon, known by Gentiles as the Butcher of Beirut, Qibya and Jenin as well as the Defiler of Al-Aqsa... isn't really Ariel Sharon alone. He is every 'Israeli'. And every 'Israeli' is him.

We are supported by the numbers in our declaration. From 2006 until now, the lowest percentage of 'Israelis' you will see who support IOF is 83%. The highest is what you're seeing currently: 100.1%.

That's why the protests against Satanyahu by the Jewish settlers can't be taken seriously. Because if any one of them - ANY ONE OF THEM - were Premier rather than Benny the Baby-Butcher... They'd be massacring Palestinian children and assassinating Palestinian doctors too.

The struggle with 'Israel' doesn't boil down to a single personality--no matter how demonic the personality is.

'Israel' itself is evil incarnate; 'Israel' itself is the original sin; 'Israel' itself is the illegal settlement; 'Israel' itself is the root of violence; and 'Israel' itself must be eradicated.

The mere fact that the bacteria called Shaytanistan decided to launch a terrorist attack against Lebanon on the very anniversary of the Sabra and Shatilah Massacre speaks volumes about how intrinsically rotten; insidious; dark; rank; vile; corrupt; mangled; and putrid this Jewish entity is.

No person of sound mind would contemplate living in a region - or a world - where this virus called Zion exists. The malignancy of 6 million Ariel Sharons - since 1 million have been driven out already - needs to be excised and placed in the trash heap of history so the sons and daughters of Sabra and Shatilah can live.

Death to 'Israel'. And damn World Jewry to the scalding black flames of Al-Laza. πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ






πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡ͺ 🀬 πŸ›° Yemeni cartoonist visionary Kamal Sharaf (H.A.) absolutely rips Elon Musk's announcement about Starlink being available in Yemen as a military plot hatched by the American ZOG and the usurping Zionist entity. πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡ͺ 🀬 πŸ›°

Whoever promotes this filth from Zionist Jew Musk as some sort of postive development, like Jackson Hinkle, who was exposed by this channel as a scumbag and water-muddying Gefilte Fish Grifter long, long ago, is an enemy of Yemen; Ansarullah; the Resistance Axis; and the Palestinian cause. Period. Point blank. End of story. πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡ͺ 🀬 πŸ›°







πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
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πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 Last night, Lebanese journalist Fadi Boudia (H.A.), the editor-in-chief of Maraya International Network, was wounded in a Zionist air raid on his home in the Bekaa Valley city of Baalbak while he was live on air for a program called "Political Ink". πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬

Attacking a reporter in the middle of his coverage in his own home is a new level of terror even for the filth-ridden Jewish entity.

And where is the Western press corps? Silent, as expected. Although, the Washington Free Beacon, founded and owned by neocon Jew Michael Goldfarb, smeared Boudia as a "top Hizbullah propagandist" in a blatant justification of the 'Israeli' attempt on his life. And who were the sources for this hitpiece? Visegrad 24, an ACTUAL top propagandist... for 'Israel'... As well as Mo Ghaoui, a "Palestinian" collaborator.

These are the monsters proclaiming to be representatives of the "free press". But Fadi Boudia is slandered because he defends the men who safeguard his country from murderous Jewish supremacist thugs. Yet another example of just how massively and maddeningly inverted [by Jews] our world is. 🀬 πŸ‡±πŸ‡§






πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί πŸ“± Telegram Messenger: The Last Bastion of Free Speech or Intel Honeytrap by Design? On the 24th of August 2024, Pavel Durov, the founder and chief executive of Telegram, was arrested in France as his private jet landed at the Le Bourget airport in Paris. After days of questioning, Durov was charged with multiple counts relating to his alleged failures "to curb extremist and terrorist content", before being released on a $5.6 million bail. As I will touch on herein, the Telegram chief has not only sold out his Russian users in the past, but worryingly, in the wake of his French arrest he has given guarantees to the authorities that he will indeed continue to shop users in. Moreover, Durov's curious rise to prominence paints a suspicious picture that seems to scream "spook", rather than "freedom fighter". πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί πŸ“±

Yesterday, weeks after his arrest at the hands of the French ZOG, Durov announced that his staff had removed "problematic content" by using AI to comb the app to flag offending material for removal.

Durov also confirmed that he has updated Telegram's terms of service to state that he will share infringing users' details with authorities β€” including internet IP addresses and phone numbers.

This fresh betrayal of his users is in fact nothing new, however.

In 2022, Pavel Durov sold out Marina Matsapulina - the 30-year-old vice chair of Russia’s Libertarian Party - to the Russian FSB. Russian security services were given real-time access to her Telegram chats, which were instrumental in her arrest. The FSB goons standing on her doorstep during a dawn raid were reading her chats in real time, unbeknownst to her, as she waited silently in her bedroom, messaging her friends and associates.

'Freedom fighter' Durov's betrayal of Russian dissidents should perhaps come as little surprise considering his suspicious rise to prominence.

Durov is in fact a WEF Young Global Leader, and, it is most certainly suspicious how one can make upwards of ten billion Dollars from a messaging app that is free.

In May we reported that GRN had received a badge of honour from our enemies. The ADL - a Zionist advocacy group that exists to protect Jewish criminals from censure - pegged GRN as one of the top 5 'anti-Semitic' channels on Telegram.

Of course I don't have to spell it out. I think you can all see where this is going: GRN's days on this app may well be numbered, and this is something that our esteemed readership should be aware of.



πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance
πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ This lovely elderly Lebanese couple is Hussein Tabaja (R.A.), 74, and Daad Tabaja (R.A.), 69. They were fleeing their home in the South Lebanon city of Nabatiyeh when their car was bombed by IOF. They were parents of 6 and grandparents of 13. Daad was a cashier and Hussein was a senior manager with the civil aviation authority in Beirut. And... They were also Canadian citizens, having immigrated to the Great White North in 1996. πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

Will the Talmudic Tranny Tyrant Trudeau do ANYTHING to deliver justice for their big, beautiful family? Hell no. Why? Because Judaized Justin is owned Lox, Shlock and two smoking bagels by Stephen Bronfman, heir to the boozy-Jewzy Seagram fortune. The Zion-scion of the "Rothschilds of the New World" has been the Canadian PM's chief fundraiser along with his top advisor as he guided him to power.

And Bronfman is mega-connected to the Tumor. We mean it. Big-time. From Talpiot to Birthright and everything in between.

Simply put... Canada is a ZOG and Trudeau's a Shabbos Goy. The only way that the Tabaja family will see the lives of their beloved patriarch and matriarch avenged will be through the missiles and suicide drones of the Resistance Axis. Not from the corrupt and compromised regime in Ottawa... Which might as well just trade in the maple leaf 🍁 for the Star of Remphan at this point. πŸ‡±πŸ‡§ 🀬 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦






πŸ”΄ @Cultures_of_Resistance