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🔰 THE 'HOLOCAUST' as a Weapon - Final Word

📖 We've established in previous posts that German opposition to Jewry did not occur in a vacuum: Organised Jewry posed an existential threat to the German nation.

Yes Jews (and others) were rounded up into wartime camps and if some perished then this is a tragedy of war. But let's not have a hissy fit just yet. Where is the physical or documentary evidence of an extermination programme? The burden of proof is on the claimers.

👉 The Holofraud narrative fetishizes the suffering of Jews. It turns the oppressor into the oppressed thus whitewashing the crimes and power of Organised Jewry.

👉 The Holocrock narrative whitewashes Allied crimes against humanity such as the real Holocausts of Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

👉 The 'Holocaust' narrative makes the morally indefensible defensible!

👉 It teaches white Europeans to hate themselves and to worship the supposed victimhood of Jews.

🗣 The 'Holocaust' narrative IS hate speech.

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Genocidal Zionist Racism: Rooted In Genocidal Judaic Doctrine and Visions of Moshiachist Dystopia

Thanks to the stiff resistance put up by the Palestinian people of Ariha, Nablus, Tulkarem, Jenin and Beit Ummar over the last 72 hours, the Zionist security establishment is going "meshuggah (Yiddish/Hebrew for insane)" and even the most ardently Zionist outlets in the Jewish communal press are noticing (1). Looks like our "chosen implosion" comment the other day (2) struck a Yahoudi nerve, huh?!

Bezalel Smotrich, the 'Israeli' Finance Minister and also the War Ministry's overseer of settlers in the occupied West Bank, is going particularly mental. He has unapologetically declared that the Tumor should "wipe out" Huwara (3). But he isn't saying this because he's a Zionist... He's saying it because he's a Jew. This is the same colonizer who also said 4 years ago that 'Israel' needs to be ruled by "Torah" and Halakha (4).

And what do "Torah" and Halakha say regarding "erasing" or "blotting/wiping out" Jewry's declared Gentile enemies? That such actions are a "mitzvah", that is, a blessing. Devarim (Deuteronomy), Vayikra (Leviticus) and Yeshayahu (Isaiah) of the "Torah", Talmud, and Rambam (L.A.) all say so (5).

This is a core element of Judaic doctrine, because the rabbinical "sages" teach that this evil, along with any other form of evil, perpetrated by Ahlul Yetzer Hara (the people of evil inclination) - that is, the Jews - will permeate the Earth en masse and facilitate the arrival of the Moshiach, i.e. the Dajjal/Anti-Christ of Islamic/Christian eschatology (6).

This is critical to analyze, as Smotrich has also stated repeatedly in interviews that Palestinians have no choice but to leave, die, or accept having the status of "ger toshav", a Gentile living in "Eretz Yisrael" who has agreed to abide by Judaism's Noahide Laws. He's a messianic maniac committed to rebuilding the "Third Temple" of Judaic lore (7).

The hatefulness of Smotrich echoes that of infamous Iraqi Jew Rabbi Ovadi Yosef (L.A.) Much attention has been rightfully given to his remarks about Gentiles being created for the sole purpose of serving Jews. Far LESS credence has been given to one specific word used in that particular diatribe. Read:

"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created (8)."

Effendi. A word that refers to high-ranking Ottoman government officials or cultural elites. Considering the "good rebbe" is Iraqi, and also taking note of the close relationship between the Ottomans and the Jews, especially in Iraq - another lesson for another time - this may seem like nothing more than Yosef's Iraqi Arabic (or Judeo-Arabic/Yahoudic) origins bleeding into his Hebraic discourse.

We would mightily and massively disagree however.

For Effendi... is also the name that false Jewish messiah Shabbatai Zevi (L.A.) was given following his fake reversion to Islam (9), which gave birth to the Dönmeh--crypto-Jews behind many chaotic events in the Islamicate, including the Armenian Genocide (10).

And as noted by Chabad, Judaism's most messianic and influential sect, "nearly all of the world's Jews" were his followers by his 1666 proclamation (11). Therefore, we argue that what Odious Ovadia actually meant is that piggybacking off Goy slave labor, Jews will return to the "glory" of Shabbatai "Effendi" Zevi and bask in the era of Moshiach.

Indeed, Reish Lakish (L.A.) in the Shabbat tractate of the Talmud elucidates in frightening fashion that when the Moshiach comes, every Jew will receive 2,800 slaves (12), upending the status of even the most committed "ger toshav" to that of the "evedim", i.e. slaves. And since Jews are their own Moshiach according to the Talmud's Ketubot tractate (6), it would appear the time for Jewry to live like an "Effendi" is already here. #TheNoticing
We bring all this vileness to light to say that Zionism ain't the endgame. It was the means to the endgame. Judaism's warped view of the future is what the monsters occupying Palestine are ultimately after. Spreading the tentacles of "Eretz Yisrael" from Dead to Med and Nile to Euphrates WESTWARDS, therefore "encompassing the entire Earth (13)."

The Palestinian people, their noble Mouqawamah and their steadfast allies are the bulwark preventing this Halakhic-Talmudic dystopia from coming to life. And preventing it is a must.

Because yo. Straight up. I'd rather die than be one of the 2,800 "evedim" of some degenerate Tumorite named Bezalel or Beelzebub or Bubbeleh. I'm sure ALL y'all concur.















🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
🔰 The 7/7 London Bombings - What Really Happened?

KNOWING what we know about the very Jewish nature of the 9/11 false flag (see previous GRN posts by this writer) it is most disconcerting to see the same Zionist fingerprints all over 7/7.

The War on Terror fraud plays into the Jewish scheme to pit Christians against Muslims and to create a 'clash of civilisations' in the ZOG West.

Not to mention the rampant military expansionism abroad for you-know-who's wars and the implementation of domestic surveillance measures against ZOG citizens.

📖 Read more:

7/7: the terror drill, the military explosives, and the Israeli connection |

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Global Resistance News
Genocidal Zionist Racism: Rooted In Genocidal Judaic Doctrine and Visions of Moshiachist Dystopia Thanks to the stiff resistance put up by the Palestinian people of Ariha, Nablus, Tulkarem, Jenin and Beit Ummar over the last 72 hours, the Zionist security…
The Gentile Is An Un-Man: Jewish "Justice" Under Halakha

What exactly would a Palestine ruled entirely by Halakha - as Bezalel Smotrich wants - look like, you ask?

With "Torah", Talmud and Kabbalah applied, every non-Jew would officially be rendered "ger toshav", i.e. a resident alien obligated to follow the Noahide Laws. And as such, they'd be subjected to Jewish "justice". What that means is, based on Sanhedrin 57a:14, a Gentile who harms another Gentile or MOST especially a Jew is subject to "bloodshed", but a Jew who robs, rapes, or goes as far as MURDERING a Gentile, is exempt (1).

This is because what Halakha teaches through Bava Metzia 114b:2 is that while a Jew is considered to be "man", the Goyim "are not called man (2)". This teaching comes from Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (L.A.), known also as Rashbi. He is the same "sage" who says in the Talmud's Kiddushin tractate to "kill the best of Gentiles (3)." Rashbi, a yellowbelly who ran away from the Romans and hid in a cave to study more "Torah", is celebrated every year on the Jewish holiday of Lag baOmer (4).

The idea of the Un-Man is compounded further by the Zohar, which, for the record, many Jews believe was authored by Rashbi (L.A.) when he allegedly annulled a decree of God about righteousness "from below" and God bowed to his desires (5). What blasphemous swill! In 13a of the Zohar's introduction, the following hideous concept is put forth:

"a Gentile is not merely a lower form of life, but is essentially and irredeemably evil; his substance derives from the sitra achra, the evil forces that threaten all goodness and purity in the world (6)."

"You are human, the other nations [read: Goyim] are not", the Zohar says additionally (7). There are many other passages which transfuse the violence of the "Torah" with the ravings of the Talmud, but these should suffice.

And perhaps nothing encapsulates what Jews think of we Un-Men quite like Menachem Mendel Schneerson (L.A.), the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who said often "let us differentiate" between Jew and Goy, infamously and maliciously writing that separation between a Jewish soul and a non-Jewish soul "is so great that the bodies should be considered an entirely different species (8)."

Not worthy of being called man. Manifestations of "sitra achra". Lower than the lowest form of life. Deserving of death no matter how good we are. A different species. The mask of Zion ripped off and Judaism's monumental ugliness exposed for all. Now factor in that Jewry wants this not just for Palestine... But the entire planet.

Would you wanna live under Halakha? Or is resisting it the far better option? Even the most foolish of the Un-Men knows the question is rhetorical.










🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
This is Muhammad Nidal Salim (R.A.), a 15-year-old Palestinian from Azzoun, Qalqilya.

He was murdered by the usurping Zionist regime today in his occupied West Bank hometown.

An entity which thrives on the targeting of children is an entity which is destined for history's garbage dump.

May the Palestinian Resistance avenge young Muhammad, and hasten the Tumor's transport to the graveyard. 🇵🇸 👊

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
The Kremlin has made a good call teaming up with Iran. A Russia-Iran and possibly in the future even Saudi alliance effectively puts Israel in checkmate without needing to fire a single shot.

This is going to force Washington to start considering negotiations over Ukraine on Russia's terms sooner than later.
Global Resistance News
🔰 The 7/7 London Bombings - What Really Happened? KNOWING what we know about the very Jewish nature of the 9/11 false flag (see previous GRN posts by this writer) it is most disconcerting to see the same Zionist fingerprints all over 7/7. The War on Terror…
You've never seen this "chosenite" in your life, have you?

It's okay! We now present your J-history lesson of the day!

This is Samuel Pallache (L.A.), of the eminent, Ladino-tongued, Yahoudi family of the Iberian Peninsula--which dominated Sephardic Jewry's upper echelons in Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Portugal, Spain & the Netherlands from the 1500s to the 1900s. There's even a monument dedicated to Haim Pallache (L.A.), Izmir's former Chief Rabbi, in the Tumor's "Bnei Brak" colony.

Rabbi Samuel is historically infamous for being a pirate for hire. The Dutch colonialist regime would pay him to attack the Spaniard colonialist regime, & after pillaging sites he had subverted, he'd then dress up as a Spaniard merchant & sell the stolen goods in various Spaniard seaports.

In other words... He was a false flag terrorism pioneer.

Verily, long before Mossad, there was Samuel Pallache.

7/7. 9/11. 26/11. 3/11. These Jewish ops are all rooted in Pallache's actions.

The more you know, eh?

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Global Resistance News
“When asked which stream of Judaism the AI follows, it responds with “this AI follows the teachings of Orthodox Judaism, specifically the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. The AI is designed to provide users with reliable and authoritative information about Jewish law and practice, based on Torah sources.” 

Alexei Pavlov, the assistant secretary of the Security Council of Russia, has written in an op-ed that he believes “Neo-pagan cults [have] gained strength in Ukraine,” naming one of them as the Chabad-Lubavitch hassidic movement.

“The main life principle of the Lubavitcher followers is the supremacy of the sect’s supporters over all nations and peoples,” Pavlov said.

He offered an example and said that Jewish-Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky “is a Lubavitcher hassid, an adherent of the ultra-Orthodox religious movement.”

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Operation Popeye: Zionist Mass Murderer Henry Kissinger's Weather Warfare Against Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

How many of you can honestly say you've heard of Operation Popeye?

The Zionist media has been attempting to convince you that weather modification experiments and meteorological warfare are nothing but "conspiracy theories" (1), but yet... Meteorological warfare is exactly what the US ZOG conducted in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos back in the late 60s and early 70s.

It was a military cloud-seeding project designed to prolong the monsoon season and create road rifts, landslides and other disruptions for the Vietnamese Resistance.

Starting on March 20th, 1967 and allegedly concluding on July 5th, 1972, more than 11,000 canisters of rain-producing silver iodide or lead iodide were dropped on the aforementioned countries, increasing rainfall by 30% (2) and doing immeasurable damage to their environments... And their peoples.

The Defense Secretary at the time, Melvin Baird, was completely oblivious to these abominable war crimes. Why?! Because it was run and "tightly controlled" by notorious Bavarian-Jewish war criminal Henry Kissinger and a select few of his handpicked collaborators in the CIA and the DIA (2).

Yes. THAT Henry Kissinger. The mass murderer at the heart of two 9/11s who famously said, "How can I, as a Jew who lost [allegedly/probably not] 13 relatives in the 'Holocaust' [read:Holocrock] do anything that would betray 'Israel'?" (3)

Keep this particular comment in mind when you think of the claim that Kissinger "yielded" to 'Israeli' Ambassador Simcha Dinitz amid a back-and-forth over rearming Zion during the '73 war, which not only happened to the tune of $3 billion, but the whole ordeal ultimately allowed Kissinger to collect $500 million for his rape of Cambodia (4).

We openly wonder if it was all a dog-and-pony show, or better still, a ZOG-and-Shlomi show, so Heinous Hank could fund Operation Popeye. Our inquisitive fervor seems to be all but confirmed by heavyweight Zionist ideologue Martin Peretz, who says in no uncertain terms that Killer Kissinger did what he had to - and Jewed who he had to Jew - to bail the Tumor out of a pickle (5). A kosher dill if you will!

We conclude by noting that Kissinger and his Shabbos Goyim were manipulating the weather and creating meteorological hellscapes over FIFTY years ago...

... And you think that today, considering all of the technological advancements made by Western ZOGs and the usurping 'Israeli' regime, i.e. the "start-up nation" which has gone as far in its transgressions against ALLAH (SWT) to 3D-print meat in a lab (6), it is farfetched to surmise that 'Israel' simulated an earthquake with its Geophysical Institute to achieve geopolitical goals in Turkey and Syria (7)?

We dare say Ladies and Gentilemen... Kindly, KINDLY think again.









🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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One of the heroes of what I like to call the rise of Western Masculinity named Jordan Peterson is openly saying to call your congressman to demand the US to overthrow the government of Iran now.

It appears that Peterson's ''message to the religions'' videos about Christianity and Islam was merely the start of his wild and benzodiazepine-induced schizophrenia. His meetings with Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro was nothing more but to turn a blind eye towards reality and live the life of pseudo-intellectuality. People ought to know that Peterson is no ally, was never an ally and only gaslighted people about his anti-war identity.

Albeit many believe he is a conservative, Peterson's beliefs are nothing more but adhering to the same system that worships neo-liberalism as a golden calf. He criticized Islam and Christianity, sat with Netanyahu around the table, supports israel and wants to overthrow Iran. This is a clear example of a wolf wearing sheep's clothing. Stick to psychology, bozo.

#GRNIntel #TheNoticing
🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
On a positive note, pro-israel professor Sadegh Zibakalam and Azar Mansouri were summoned to court for trial.

The judiciary announced that due to baseless claims of Zibakalam & Azer Mansouri and not providing any evidence for their claims, they were summoned to the court.

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Media is too big
Listen to the words of Razieh Keshavarz’s parents who lost their young daughter during the 2008 Shiraz bombing that killed 14, masterminded by ‘Jamshid Sharmahd’.

In 2020, the IRGC caught Jamshid, the one who claimed nobody would find, in his FBI safehouse, little did he know where he’d end up. He’s now sentenced to death.

This is the same Jamshid Sharmahd, who the West labels as a “journalist”, he masterminded the 2008 bombing in Shiraz that killed 14, including a 8 and 10-year old.

You can also see here, ‘Zan Zendeghi Azadi’-CIA-agent Masih Alinejad, defending him, saying that they stand with Jamshid. She’s openly siding with a terrorist.

The situation should be pretty clear now…

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance