✅ The main company behind OKEx exchange, OK group is investing approximately $1.4 million in a blockchain startup in Wuhan, China, called Yun Qu Technologies. Wuhan has been.... Read the full news here 👉 https://bit.ly/3aW92HI
#Okex #Okexexchange #blockchain #blockchainstartup #Wuhan #China #bitcoin #YunQuTechnologies #Blockchainnews #blockchaintehnology #cryptocurrency #cryptonews #cryptonewschina #bitcoinnews #OKgroup
#Okex #Okexexchange #blockchain #blockchainstartup #Wuhan #China #bitcoin #YunQuTechnologies #Blockchainnews #blockchaintehnology #cryptocurrency #cryptonews #cryptonewschina #bitcoinnews #OKgroup
📢 The global telecommunication giant Vodafone and the Energy Web (EWT), a blockchain startup, has recently collaborated to link billions of distributed energy which creates assets with the help of internet-of-things (IoT) and distributed ledger technology (DLT)....Read more 👉🏻https://bit.ly/2XF6p7t
#Distributedledgertechnology #DLT #Internetofthings #IoT #EnergyWeb #EWT #GlobaltelecommunicationgiantVodafone #Blockchain #BlockchainStartup #Blockchaintechnology #WalterKok #EWTtoken
#Distributedledgertechnology #DLT #Internetofthings #IoT #EnergyWeb #EWT #GlobaltelecommunicationgiantVodafone #Blockchain #BlockchainStartup #Blockchaintechnology #WalterKok #EWTtoken