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Cryptobus.FM at the event 2023 in Zurich

It was a pleasure to be part of this year's event in Zurich. We would like to thank all the wonderful conversations and thoughts that were shared with us.

We stand for neutral, heterogeneous, individual and cross-border education and information sharing in the crypto world from person to person, based on the upcoming personal video podcasts (from 02.23). This is needed more than ever' in the current times.

📸 >> Anyone who has a photo of the Cryptobus.FM, please feel free to post, comment, or share it below this post. >> 📸

A big shout out goes to Zoe Faircloth. Thank you so much for your expert guidance.

#cryptobus Cryptobus.FM

Today at 19:30 (CET) the trailer will be released on YouTube.

Youtube Link:

We are looking forward to your feedback. Please don't forget to like and follow us on YouTube 😍 Thanks
1st PODCAST goes LIVE Tomorrow 01.02.23 at 19:30 (CET).

Youtube link: Please activate the notification on YouTube.

Release date 01.02.2023 on Youtube with Matthias Langer "Matthias Langer is a man who you can see his passion for the crypto world and tax law at first glance." Humanly, personally, as well as professionally a groundbreaking person. Thank you Matthias Langer!


🗨 Cryptobus.FM Message:

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🥰 Der erste Zeitungsartikel über den Cryptobus.FM - Danke liebes Vaduzer Medienhaus

Heute, 03.02.23 finden alle Liechtensteiner/Innen eine Ausgabe der Wirtschaft Regional Zeitung im Briefkasten. Wir fühlen uns geehrt, dass über uns, so ein wunderbarer Artikel auf der zweiten Seite abgedruckt wurde.

Vielen lieben und herzlichen Dank an die Wirtschaft Regional Zeitung Liechtenstein vom Vaduzer Medienhaus.

Es gibt viele Gesprächsformate zur Welt der Kryptowährungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Doch eine neue Bildungsinitiative aus Liechtenstein will mit einem auf persönlichen Erfahrungen basierenden Konzept neue Perspektiven aufzeigen. «Was sind deine persönlichen Erfahrungen in der Cryptowelt?», lautet die Grundfrage, über die Teilnehmende und Moderator Oliver Mauer in einem roten VW-Bus diskutieren. [...]. (Quelle:

Das Artikelbild zeigt Dr. Thomas Nägele {T} als Gast mit Oliver Mauer (Host) im Cryptobus.FM. Diese folge wird in 14 Tagen auf dem Youtube Kanal ( veröffentlicht. Die aktuelle veröffentlichte Video Podcast Folge ist mit Matthias Langer, welche schon auf unserem Youtube Kanal zu sehen ist.

Cryptobus Pressemitteilung:


Ihr findet uns auf allen einschlägigen Podcast Plattformen Suchbegriff: "Cryptobus.FM"
📰 Press Cryptobus.FM Liechtenstein

Today we had the honour to talk to a local newspaper again. We are very grateful that the idea, the goal, the podcast and the movement, respectively the community of the Cryptobus is so well received. We are very grateful!

Photo: @jeanninenaegele
»» 2nd PODCAST goes online TODAY at 20:00 LIVE with @thomasnaegele ««

Youtube link: Please activate the notification on YouTube.

Release date 15.02.2023 at 20:00 (CET) on YouTube with Dr. Thomas Nägele {T} "Thomas Nägele is a mediator between technology and law. He is known for his friendly and lively personality and is considered extremely competent in his field." Thank you @thomasnaegele

Cryptobus.FM Host: @OliverMauer

📽 PUBLISHING YOUTUBE LINK: & on all podcast platforms

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003 PODCAST goes LIVE TODAY at 20:00 with @johannamller !

YouTube Link:
Please activate the notification on YouTube.

Release date TODAY 01.03.2023 at 20:00 (CET) on YouTube with Johanna Müller "Johanna Müller is a courageous and confident entrepreneur who is always striving to expand her knowledge and achieve new successes. She is an inquisitive person who is open to change and enjoys taking on new challenges. As an entrepreneur, she is always looking for new opportunities to advance her business and career." Thank you @johannamller Host: 🎙 @OliverMauer

📽 PUBLISHING YOUTUBE LINK: & on all podcast platforms

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🎙 #004 Podcast soon online!

It will be another exciting week

We stood for the recording in the surroundings of the University of Liechtenstein. A beautiful little place in the middle of #Vaduz. Concentrated knowledge transfer at the university, paired with the nature of #Liechtenstein.

We were honored to welcome two fascinating personalities in the latest edition (#004 & #005) of the Cryptobus.FM podcast. Feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date:

P.S.: The dear residents were also very interested in the bus 😍
📢 004 PODCAST with Philipp Büchel is LIVE !

YouTube Link: &
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"Philipp Büchel, is an interdisciplinary trained engineer who was immersed in the world of Blockchain early on by technological curiosity and ownership. He is considered a major source of technical knowledge related to Bitcoin and Blockchain topics and founded the "Blockchain Bureau" in 2016, which is now a well-known partner for education, consulting and research." Thank you Philipp Büchel Host: 🎙 Oliver Mauer

📽 PUBLICATION YOUTUBE LINK: & on all podcast platforms

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Cryptobus.FM ist dabei: START Global Event "START Summit 2023"

📸 Fotos folgen - wir freuen uns euch alle zu sehen !

💬 Cryptobus.FM connects

Thank you very much to everyone who attended and visited. Education connects. We had the pleasure of attending the START Global Summit Event in the city of St.Gallen. It was a pleasure for us! A big thank you goes to START Vaduz for connecting us to the excellent START Global team.
📢 005 PODCAST with Martin Angerer is LIVE !

YouTube Link:
Please activate the notification on YouTube.

"He is a researcher at the University of Liechtenstein, teaching and working in the areas of Blockchain, Fintech, Pension Finance and Behavioral Finance and Economics. At the same time, he gives keynote speeches and accepts consulting engagements. His approach to any work is to deliver high quality results supported by scientific methods and evidence." Thank you Martin Angerer Host: 🎙 Oliver Mauer
📽 PUBLISHING YOUTUBE LINK: & soon on all podcast platforms.

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