Charlie Kirk
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Founder & President: @TPUSA
Host: The Charlie Kirk Show
Author: ‘The MAGA Doctrine’
We are all sinners saved by Jesus.
Opinions here are my own.
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BREAKING: Perrie Schafer, a Ronna McDaniel voter, was just removed and replaced as Chairman of the North Dakota GOP by conservatives. Many members of RNC are losing their positions for not listening to grassroots. Congratulations to Sandi Sanford and the North Dakota GOP!
Are human beings basically good, or basically evil? One woman with insight there is North Korean defector Yeonmi Park, who survived growing up under the most brutal regime on earth… My interview with Yeonmi Park ⬇️
Media is too big
It’s been 8 years to the day since one of the most momentous moments in American history. Eight years ago, just about to the hour I think, Donald Trump descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower and announced he was running for president.

America has, quite literally, never been the same. He remade American politics, American media, American foreign policy, American culture, American life. He did it so dramatically it’s sometimes hard to imagine what things were like before.

Almost no one saw it coming. Nobody in 2015 was thinking “Oh, the Republican party is ripe to be blown up by an outsider.” The discussion in early 2015 was about how STRONG the GOP field was, with Cruz, and Rubio, and Rand Paul, and Scott Walker.

The Republican Party of old was shattered, ripped apart by voters angry at being conned again and again on immigration, and angry at the party’s fixation on foreign wars that only benefited contractors and foreigners.

He destroyed the golden calves of the conservative movement too, straw men we'd held up as orthodoxy that were actually holding our party and our country back.

It’s not all good changes, to be sure. I think it’s undeniable that the reaction to Trump’s campaign and presidency drastically accelerated the radicalization of the Democrat Party. They are vastly more pro-open borders, pro-abortion, pro-trans, pro-crime. Trump caused a dam to break, where about 30% of the country just raced as hard left as they possibly could. Blue state life is vastly more unlivable as a result, and you can see it in the state migration patterns.

But what's perhaps most incredible, we don't know how this story ends. We're still in the middle of it. Two impeachments, two indictments, probably two more coming, and two presidents later, we’re at it again.

Whatever you think of Trump, 8 years ago, everything changed, and sometimes it's important to stop and take a pause to examine the past to better assess the future.
Media is too big
Sen. Marco Rubio tried to stop the Dodgers from honoring the anti-Christian hate group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence".

He tried to run a commercial. Denied.
He tried to publish an Op-Ed in the LA Times. Ignored.

"These guys wouldn't have the guts to do that against Islam."

He's 100% spot on. Watch.

A bunch of white liberal New Yorkers just cancelled a BLEXIT/TPUSA venue for an event featuring Brandon Tatum, Candace Owens, Anthony, Davis, and Yoenmi Park—3 black Americans and 1 North Korean defector—with less than three days notice.

Our event will go on AS PLANNED at a new venue. We will not let the radical left terrorize us and win. We'll see you in NYC tomorrow.

Please let The Music Hall of Williamsburg know you don't appreciate their intolerance toward black and brown Americans.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott just signed a law shutting down ALL diversity, inclusion, equity offices at Texas public colleges.

DEI is nothing less than state-backed wokeism. Every red state should do the same — and not just at colleges. Shut down all DEI offices, everywhere in government.
A great article on the timeline of what happened with the Music Hall of Williamsburg which cancelled 3 days before today’s event. Great job @ThePierreWilson from BLEXIT detailing security check-ins, reviewing YouTube videos of BLEXIT content, and multiple conversations with venue staff BEFORE we signed a contract.

“They knew exactly who we were coming in,” the BLEXIT director added. “So everything was good, we signed a contract.”
Under new rules for the Academy Awards, no film can win Best Picture unless it hits arbitrary diversity quotas. Under this rule, The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, or Saving Private Ryan would all be ineligible.

This is what they mean by “diversity” but it’s the opposite of diversity. They want a uniform, politically correct monoculture devoid of any creativity or free expression.
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Security removed some trans activists during the middle of the National Anthem at our BLEXIT/TPUSA Liberation Tour in NYC. Maybe they were mad their flag wasn’t flying next to the Stars and Stripes? 🤔
55% of Americans think Trump’s indictment is politically motivated

56% think it’s election interference

57% think he’ll be acquitted

Trump leads Biden by 6% in the same Harvard Harris Poll

If Democrats can’t beat Trump, they investigate, impeach, indict, and arrest him.
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“In case you didn’t know, gay people are literally taking over the national parks system…Mother Nature is a lesbian”

Now even our National Parks are hosting drag queens for “Pride Month”
Karine Jean-Pierre calls herself a “historic figure,” and I agree, KJP is a historic figure. Historically entitled, historically dishonest, historically dumb, and historically bad at her job.
RFK Jr. is gaining real steam. The media is struggling to censor him. He is challenging the Democrat Party from within.