Charlie Kirk
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Founder & President: @TPUSA
Host: The Charlie Kirk Show
Author: ‘The MAGA Doctrine’
We are all sinners saved by Jesus.
Opinions here are my own.
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This is not just about having a church service with a Ted Talk and a rock concert. It's not just about having a nice-guy sermon.

It is about preaching a hot gospel and bringing a nation to repentance, which will then lead to revival.

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"The question in front of us, as the American church is that we have had this beautiful blessing called the United States of America, handed down to us by our forefathers. This idea of liberty is God's idea, not man's idea. And whether or not the United States of America will continue to exist in any recognizable form, is completely and solely dependent on whether or not those who call themselves Christians, churches in America will be willing to say, “Lord, here I am. Use me for your purpose.” And will elevate the fight for truth, freedom, liberty, America. Much more than ease and comfort."

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GEORGE JANKO: "The show is called The George Janko Show, and so I just wanted to be authentic. And what I did is I took my sins and I put them on the table and I said, “okay, this is what I'm dealing with, and I'm going to show the world… even the ones where I'm ashamed to show it.

But I think that's the best way you can communicate with the younger generation, because now we live in a world where every single one of you guys know that when you look at the media, what do you first think? “I don't believe it. It's fake.”

But when you see a man who's truly broken and looking for God and really, really humbled himself and is meek, then I think that's when the ears could listen."

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GEORGE JANKO: “I run my household. But then, on the other hand, he asked me to serve.

You see all those men out there pounding the chest, 'i'm a man, I'm going to lead. Punch that dude in the face and steal his girlfriend.'

That's. That's not a man. That's a coward. That's a man who didn't have a man raise him. A real man would respect a woman in all shapes and forms."

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FRANK TUREK: "The most important thing tonight is who you choose for a Savior. You can't save yourself. Only Jesus can save you. Have you accepted the free gift that He has held out to you? If not, why not?”
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JENTEZEN FRANKLIN: “Quit being silenced. Quit letting cancel culture cancel your voice as a leader in work, in the workplace, and in building a successful business.

Use that business as a pulpit to say, “I support what the Word of God says, and I'm not ashamed of it.”

I need a big amen right there."
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JENTEZEN FRANKLIN: "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! It's the power of God unto salvation.

What do you mean, quieting down? What do you mean, don’t be so controversial?

I'm not controversial. They're controversial. This book is sure. This book is real. You can build your life on this book."
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JENTEZEN FRANKLIN: "Christianity is more than talk. If you're a horse, run like a horse. If you're a bird, fly like a bird. If you're a fish, swim like a fish. And if you're a Christian, for God's sake, walk like a Christian. Live like a Christian. Love your wife. Love your children. Be honest. Have integrity. Have character. Live holy. Love the Lord with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength."
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PETER NAVARRO: "If we lose this election, we will lose this country. Make no mistake about this. This is a country that was founded on Judeo-Christian values, democracy and faith. And all the forces that wound up putting me in prison are contrary to what you and I stand for.

Every red blooded patriot, north and south of Wall Street and east of that Babylon of San Francisco knows that we were better off when Donald Trump was in office."
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MICHAEL WHATLEY: "I'm very, very proud of the opportunity that I have been given to be the chair of the Republican National Committee.

But that is not why I am here tonight. I am here because I am a Christian, because I am a conservative, because I'm a husband, because I'm a father, and because I believe with every ounce of my being that we need more men and women of faith in the public square, and we need more faith in America.”
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DR. BEN CARSON: “Tell me, if our founding document says that our rights come from our Creator, doesn’t that mean something? If the Pledge of Allegiance says we are one nation under God, doesn’t that mean something? If in many courtrooms on the wall it says, “In God We Trust,” doesn’t that mean something? If every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says, “In God We trust,” doesn’t that mean something?”
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PRESIDENT TRUMP: “And we want to thank each and every one of the believers in this room for your prayers and your incredible support. I really did appreciate it.

Something was working. That we know… So I thank you very much. And I stand before you tonight, thanks to the power of prayer and the grace of Almighty God.

As I think you can see, I've recovered well. And in fact, I just took the last bandage off of my ear. I took it off for this group."
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TRUMP: "As you know, five days ago, we officially defeated the worst President in the history of the United States: Crooked Joe Biden. You know, I thought a lot about it. We defeated him. He was badly beaten. And, you know, everybody was going to him... And they were saying, “We want you out of the race. You're going to lose. We want to put somebody else in.”

How about that? It's like a prize fighter. He's losing badly, ready to be knocked out. And they say, “Well, wait, let's stop the fight. Let's put somebody else in.”

It doesn't work that way. And it's not supposed to work that way. And this really was a coup by the Democrats. This was a coup. Nothing else...

I hate to stick up for Biden, but, you know, he didn't want to do what he did. He said, “I'll never go out. I'll never, ever go out.”

Two days later, “I'm proud to go out…”
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TRUMP: "With your vote, I will defend religious liberty in all of its forms. I will protect Christians in our schools and our military and our government, in our workplaces, in our hospitals, and in our public square. And I will also protect other religions… And we will bring our country back together.“
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PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Right now, we don't feel like this is a great country. We're a laughingstock all over the world. But we can't let our country fail. As everyone here understands, the radical left ideology Kamala supports is really militantly hostile toward Americans of faith.

And you saw that during the pandemic, where people couldn't get together even when they wanted to get together with big spaces outside, they were ravaged…

And I'll tell you something I don't know… I don't know how a Catholic can vote for the Democrats because they're after the Catholics almost as much as they're after me... But they're really after the Catholics.

And, you know, I met today with Bibi Netanyahu… I said, “How can a Jewish person or a person that loves Israel… how can they vote Democrat?l

…But how does a Jewish person vote for a Democrat? How does a Catholic person vote for a Democrat with what they're doing to Catholics? I just don't get it.“
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PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Kamala Harris supports California’s outrageous new law trampling on parental rights and allowing minor children to change their gender without parental notification or consent. Can you imagine?”
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“Our crime rate is going up, while crime statistics all over the world are plunging…

We have become a dumping ground for the entire world. In Venezuela, crime is down 72%. I’m going to tell Charlie Kirk, I’m going to say, “Charlie, next year, I want to have your wonderful summit in Venezuela… there’s no crime in Venezuela. They put all of their criminals into the United States, so I want to go to Venezuela where it’s safe.”

Can you believe it?”
An amazing first day at our Believers’ Summit 🔥🔥🔥

Reminder that TOMORROW, you can sit in on these exclusive interviews HERE in West Palm Beach if you become a Charlie Kirk Exclusive member.

All of the information & how to sign up 🇺🇸 See you then!