BullTrainers ( Anuncios & Noticias )
PancakeSwap 🥞 #Multichain
🌊🐰 The @BlueMove_OA #IFO on Aptos PancakeSwap is going live in ~30 minutes!
🛍️ Check out the #IFO page: https://t.co/QahBfqfw2q
🥞 Remember to hold $CAKE on Aptos for the #IFO sale, and $APT to pay for gas fees. https://t.co/1a4glYiU3l
🌊🐰 The @BlueMove_OA #IFO on Aptos PancakeSwap is going live in ~30 minutes!
🛍️ Check out the #IFO page: https://t.co/QahBfqfw2q
🥞 Remember to hold $CAKE on Aptos for the #IFO sale, and $APT to pay for gas fees. https://t.co/1a4glYiU3l