Break The Chains Media
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Yeah...I'll never forget that 14 terrorists had visas that were rubberstamped by the state department . I'll never forget the security tape proving the vans at the WTC every night for two weeks prior.I'll never forget the 5 Israeli's arrested on the George Washington bridge with a van of explosives on the morning of 9/11 reported on by Dan Rather or the other vans of explosives radioed in by NYPD officers on that morning as well.  I'll never forget that every media outlet and government official knew who did it within 15 minutes. I'll never forget WTC 7 "collapsed" later that day around 4pm. I'll never forget that Iraq had nothing to do with it and never had WMDs. I'll never forget the 500,000 DEAD in Iraqi children and thousands more in Afghanistan. I'll never forget the loss of my civil liberties and the 3000pg Patriot Act that was rammed through without being read by any of them. I'll never forget the 2.3 trillion dollars that was announced missing from the pentagon budget they day before, I'll never forget the stand down order given to NORAD while known high jacked airliners flew around for over an hour, I'll never forget that despite being one of the most heavily surveilled buildings on the planet I've yet to see ANY footage of a plane hitting the Pentagon, I'll never forget the 8 billion dollar insurance payout Larry Silverstein got for his 150 million dollar investment to purchase the WTC complex,I'll never forget the BBC announced the collapse of one of the towers 20 minutes before it even happened, I'll never forget the over 150 recorded eye witness testimonies from fire fighters and 1st responders that witnessed explosions in the towers, I'll never forget the whistle-blowers and witnesses that have been murdered since, I'll never forget that every talking head suit who had a hand in this has at some point had a Freudian slip on live FUCKING television, telling you they blew up the towers and shot a missile at the Pentagon all as a pre-planned pretext to invade and conquer 7 specific countries in the middle east region and to scare us into not questioning ANY OF IT!

Yeah...I'll never forget!!!

#insidejob #september11 #Neverforget #WTC7 #Investigate911 #AE911truth #waronterror #patriotact
Yeah.... I'll never forget to question the official story! (Please read prior post in @BreakTheChainsMedia channel)
#insidejob #Investigate911 #BTCM #Fightforfreedom

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