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đŸŒĩ Since 01/01/2019

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🤖 New bot
📋 Name: Master Tag Alert
🆔 Username: @MasterTagAlertBot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (4.1/5 on 59 votes)
ℹī¸Description: This bot will notify you when you get tagged, mentioned or when someone replies to a your message.
🌐 Languages: English Italian German Spanish Iranian Indonesian Indian Dutch Portuguese Russian Turkish Chinese
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #groups #mention #tags #reply #messages #manager #notifications
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: Notify Me ~ 🔴Flagged as offline
🆔 Username: @iNotifyBot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (3.5/5 on 22 votes)
ℹī¸Description: With this bot you can set alarms and save your clipboard.

If you add the bot in a group it can warn you when someone tag you or reply one of your message.
🌐 Languages: English
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #notifications #feed #remember #alarms #clipboard #cloud #warn #tags #groups #reply #mention #messages
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: @all bot ~ 🔴Flagged as offline
🆔 Username: @ping_allbot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (3.6/5 on 43 votes)
⚙ī¸Developer: Ripe
ℹī¸Description: helps to mention or tag everyone in a huge group invisibly. Specific for admins or everyone or any custom ping @tag.
🌐 Languages: English
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: no
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #ping #mention #callout #shout #everyone #all
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: allsuperior_bot
🆔 Username: @allsuperior_bot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (3.8/5 on 64 votes)
ℹī¸Description: Special bot for calling @all your group without mention each user in your message.
🌐 Languages: English
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: yes
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #inline #mention #all #slack #groups
🤖 New bot
📋 Name: everyone_mention_bot
🆔 Username: @everyone_mention_bot
⭐ī¸ Rating: ⭐ī¸â­ī¸â­ī¸ (3.9/5 on 55 votes)
ℹī¸Description: Bot to gather group members attention.
You can create groups per chat to mention every user that joined the group by calling one command instead of mentioning them one by one.
For example you can use /everyone, or @ everyone, or you can even create your own groups and use @ gaming
🌐 Languages: English
đŸ’Ŧ Supports inline: yes
đŸ‘Ĩ Groups: yes
#ī¸âƒŖ Tags: #inline #mention #groups #tag #tagging