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And they shout women's right is global, we are not going back.

فریاد زد حقوق زن جهانی است و اعلام کرد ما به عقب برنمی‌گردیم.

وهم يصرخون بأن حق المرأة عالمي، لن نتراجع.


🔴 جاده‌ی زاهدان-تهران و چهلم خدانور

✍🏾 مراد روحی

جایی در نزدیکی‌های معدن طلای انجیرک زندگی می‌کنند، عده‌ی زیادی از آن‌ها سوختبر هستند و عده‌ای دیگر کپرنشین. طرح توسعه‌ی سواحل مکران از رگ گردن به آن‌ها نزدیک‌تر است، آب اما از هوتک‌ها می‌کشند برای شرب. کودکان‌شان را تمساح‌های هوتک می‌بلعند و بزرگانشان را سرداران و ژنرال‌های مرکز. کسی اما اگر جان به در برد، دار و طناب و شکنجه و ابد برای او محفوظ خواهد بود. خیلی‌هاشان شناسنامه ندارند، خیلی‌هاشان یک روز خدا نیست که خبر اعدام یکی از نزدیکانشان را نشنوند. ژنرال‌های می‌آیند، زمین‌هایشان را مصادره می‌کنند و در آن توپ و مسلسل و زندان و شکنجه‌گاه می‌کارند. شرکت‌ها می‌آیند، آن‌ها نیز زمین‌هایشان را از دست‌شان در می‌آورند، و آن‌ها را آواره می‌کنند در سرزمین خودشان. قاضی‌های پرکاری هم هم به این‌جا می‌آیند، نه برای دادوری اما، که برای صدور احکام اعدام.

جاده‌های آن بسته بسته دلارِ معادن و بنادر و منابع‌ را به سمت تهران پمپاژ می‌کنند. جاده‌ها اما در مسیر برگشت با خود سیم خاردار می‌آورند و دوشکا و گلوله‌های جنگی و میله‌های بلند پرچم و دستبد‌. چه بی‌انصاف و چه بی‌مرام هستند جاده‌هایی که ختم به تهران می‌شوند! صدسال آزرگار است که محتوای رفت و برگشت محموله‌های این‌ جاده‌ها تغییری نکرده‌ است. تا جلوتر آمده‌ایم، و تا محموله‌های غارت‌شده گرانبها‌تر و گرانقیمت‌تر شده‌اند، مرمی و سرب محموله‌های مسیر برگشت هم قوی‌تر، سنگین‌تر، برنده‌تر و کشنده‌تر شده است. این‌جا یک شکارگاه تمام عیار است برای الیت حاکم مرکز؛ الیتی که از محل شکاری در اینجا و دیگر شکارگاه‌های اطراف و اکناف ایران کرد کیسه‌ها انباشت از زر و سیم و امروز یا دارد آن سوی اقیانوس‌ها پرچم‌اش را در چشم آزادی‌خواهان فرو می‌کند، و یا در محمودیه و ولنجک دارد هول هولکی آخرین شکارهایش را به «کریپتو» تبدیل می‌کند، چمدان می‌بندد و ویزاهای وی‌آی‌پی برای لندن و ونکوور و لس‌آنجلس می‌گیرد و همزمان دارد هم به خون‌های دلمه بسته‌ی شیرآباد می‌خندد و هم به شاخ و شانه کشیدن‌های دیپلمات‌های شیک پوشی که هر روز لیست جدیدی از تحریم علیه جمهوری اسلامی و مقامات نظامی و امنیتی آن اعلام می‌کنند. آن‌ها نیک می‌دانند که در شکارگاه‌هایشان آنقدر اندوخته‌اند که سبیل نداشته‌ی دیپلمات‌ها را خوب چرب بکنند. نیز سرنوشت شکارچیان پیش از انقلاب ۵۷ و سرگذشت برادران سفرکرده‌شان در آن ایام به آن‌ها می‌گوید که می‌شود آنقدر با خود ببرند که برای چهار دهه و حتی بیشتر هم کفایت بکند.

آری بلوچستان به درازای صد سال شکارگاهی با برکت بوده است برای الیت حاکم، مردمان‌اش اما اینبار بدجوری علیه منطق شکار شوریده‌اند. آن میله و پرچمی که خدانور را به آن دستبند کردند، دیگر نمی‌تواند نشان فتح‌ را برافراشته نگاه دارد و قانون جنگل را بازتولید کند. جمعه‌های خونین بلوچستان، شورشی رهایی‌بخش است علیه بنیان‌های این میله و این پرچم و منطق شکارگری و غارتگری آن. زیاد هستند کسانی که امروز همدلی می‌کنند با درد بلوچستان، اما شاید پاسخ به این سوال در میانه‌ی این سوگواری آسان نباشد: آیا این همدلی کردن‌ها تا آن‌جا پیش خواهد رفت که شورش بلوچستان علیه محتوای رفت و برگشت جاده‌‌ی زاهدان-تهران را تا انتها و بدون اما و اگر به رسمیت بشناسد و با آن همرزمی و همسنگری بکند؟


لطفا عضو کانال شورا شوید و کانال را به دانش‌آموزان، اولیا و همکاران معرفی نمایید 👇👇👇


دریافت اخبار از طریق آیدی زیر 👇👇👇

Khodanour was a Balochi protester. The murderers of the Islamic Republic of Iran tied him to a flagpole and placed water in front of him when he was thirsty. They killed him in the Sep 30 massacre of at least 100 protesters in Zahedan. Today is the 40th day of his mourning ceremony.



Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Nasrin graduated from Allameh Tabatabai University with a bachelor's degree in philosophy. She was a political activist and for that reason she had several open political cases. For example, in 2009, she was imprisoned for a week due to a conflict with the morality police, then she was released on bail. Nasreen has been banned from leaving the country since two years ago. After graduation, she lived and worked alone in Tehran, away from her family.
On November 4, security forces entered her house by force.
She resisted against security forces in order to prevent being kidnapped. In this conflict, they hit her head with a baton, causing a concussion and eventually killing her. Nasrin's house is cleaned and staged so that they can claim she died of a seizure.
But in this scenario, they have done something strange: they confiscated all of Nasreen's electronic devices on the same day, including her mobile phone, hard drive, and laptop.
After not answering repeated calls, Nasrin's brother returns to her house. After entering, he sees Nasrin's dead body. He immediately calls the ambulance and while waiting for the ambulance, he realizes that many of Nasreen's personal belongings, including her mobile phone, are not at home.
Along with the ambulance, security forces also arrived. They took Nasrin's body to the forensic medical center.
His brother also came with them for fear of kidnapping the body. At the forensic medical center, Nasrin is immediately covered in shrouds, the case is closed, and the cause of death is declared "unknown". Meanwhile, Nasrin's parents came to Tehran from Marivan to find their daughter. As soon as the security forces recognized Nasrin's father, they threatened him. They said that if he did not give an interview and did not relate the death to an underlying disease, they would bury the body in an unknown place. In a state of shock, he accepted the interview out of fear of kidnapping his daughter. After the interview, several security forces seized the mobile phones of Ghaderi's family. Nasrin's family was accompanied to Marivan by security forces. They did not allow them to stop anywhere on the way. He reached Marivan at 5 am on Sunday. The body was immediately transferred to a local cemetery and buried. Qadri's parents and family were not allowed to see Nasreen's body and they were only able to see their daughter's face.

Taken from: @soran_mansournia



Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Who is Jafar Ebrahimi, and why was he imprisoned?

Jafar is a member of the Iranian Teacher Trade Association (ITTA).

He is concerned with liberating children's thinking and making them aware. He attaches significant importance to children and their thoughts and says, "One must have the imagination to imagine a better life and future for creating a better world."

He strives to achieve free, fair, equal, and quality education for all. In his opinion, providing such conditions for our children is not far from reality.

According to Jafar Ebrahimi, instead of top-down rules and directives, the school should be managed with the help of the teachers' council, the student council, and the parents' and teachers' association. In other words, children's education should not merely serve the market's needs but also allow students to determine their future. These three institutions already exist in schools today, but they are reactionary and anti-student.

This is how Jafar should be remembered: "Teacher of the Oppressed" and "Emancipation teacher".



Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Who is Jafar Ebrahimi, and why was he imprisoned?

Jafar is a member of the Iranian Teacher Trade Association (ITTA).

He is concerned with liberating children's thinking and making them aware. He attaches significant importance to children and their thoughts and says, "One must have the imagination to imagine a better life and future for creating a better world."

He strives to achieve free, fair, equal, and quality education for all. In his opinion, providing such conditions for our children is not far from reality.

According to Jafar Ebrahimi, instead of top-down rules and directives, the school should be managed with the help of the teachers' council, the student council, and the parents' and teachers' association. In other words, children's education should not merely serve the market's needs but also allow students to determine their future. These three institutions already exist in schools today, but they are reactionary and anti-student.

This is how Jafar should be remembered: "Teacher of the Oppressed" and "Emancipation teacher".



Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Collective statement of Evin women prisoners protesting the situation of Leila Hosseinzadeh

We in Evin prison are worried about Leila Hoseinzadeh's health condition, depriving her of contact with family and her continued detention in Adel Abad Shiraz prison, as well as her hunger strike.
We believe those in charge of the judiciary, prisons organization, and security institutions do not even deserve an extra word of shame. As confirmed by the medical documents and even the medical examiner attached to the Islamic Republic, a vote was taken not to tolerate the imprisonment of Leila Hosseinzadeh. Now her life is in danger more than ever.
Our dear Leila, the voice of your resistance reached us from Adel Abad prison. Just as when you shouted, "The story is over" from the university. Your voice has been heard and is with us. Your voice is the voice of protest in Tehran, Khuzestan, Kurdistan and the voice of Baloch men and women. You are right that there is no border between resistance outside and inside the prison. Your sisterhood and your struggle, your resistance and bravery, are a reminder of the defeat of a power whose violence is unending. Please end your hunger strike. To win, the streets, the university, and the people need your body and soul to be safe. #Leila_Hoseinzadeh




Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Yalda Aghafazli, 19 years old, was arrested on October 26 during Tehran's protests in Eghelab Square. The security forces took her to the women's prison of Qarchak in Varamin.

She embarked on a hunger strike to protest the inhuman conditions of the Qarchak prison. Although Yalda never expressed remorse nor admitted any of the false charges, she was released on November 6.

She committed suicide four days after her release, and on November 12, she died at Tehran Clinic Hospital.

The Islamic Republic regime, the security institutions, the judicial system, and the prison affairs organization are responsible for Yalda's death. Khamenei is directly responsible for the deaths of libertarian protesters. Their right to life and freedom is threatened every single day by repression, systematic violence, security files, and mental and physical torture inside and outside of prisons.



🔴 #سوران_اسکندر_لطفی و #مسعود_نیکخواه دو معلم در بند حکومت که همچنان در بند ۲۰۹ حبس شده‌اند

حاکمیت در طول بیش از دو دهە از فعالیت صنفی معلمان بە علت درد مزمن قانون‌گریزی و عدم تحمل فعالیت‌های صنفی و قانونی، فرهنگیان را با عناوین اتهامی مختلف، متحمل هزینەهای زیادی کرده است. لازم به ذکر است که حتی یک مورد از اتهامات واردە در دادگاه‌های صالحە قابل اثبات نیست.
بهتر است تا دیر نشده از منافع و مطامع زودگذر و نامشروع خود دست برداشته و معلمان دربند را هرچه زودتر آزاد کنید تا زمینه‌ی آرامش به فضای فرهنگ و تعلیم و تربیت و فعالیت‌های قانونی معلمان فراهم گردد.
یکبار دیگر خاطرنشان می‌شویم مسئولیت تداوم بازداشت، عدم دسترسی به درمان و به خطر افتادن سلامت فرهنگیان دربند، مستقیما بر عهده‌ی حاکمیت است. #سوران_اسکندر_لطفی، #مسعود_نیکخواه، #جعفر_ابراهیمی، #رسول_بداقی، #محمد_حبیبی، #مهدی_فتحی، #هاشم_خواستار و #حمید_رحمتی و دیگر زندانیان دربند را هرچه زودتر آزاد کنید.



لطفا عضو کانال شورا شوید و کانال را به دانش‌آموزان، اولیا و همکاران معرفی نمایید 👇👇👇

🆔 @kashowra

دریافت اخبار از طریق آیدی زیر 👇👇👇

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🔴 روایت شکنجه‌ی #ایلیا_رضایی کودک کار در محلات اراک

🔸#ایلیا_رضایی نوجوان چهارده ساله‌ای‌ست که روز ۲۹ آبان، هنگام برگشتن از سر کار در یک دوچرخه سازی در شهر #محلات در استان مرکزی بی دلیل هدف شلیک و سپس شکنجه و آزار و اذیت توسط نیروهای سرکوبگر قرار می‌گیرد.
او می‌گوید با اینکه به او شلیک شده بود و زخمی بود اما نیروهای سرکوبگر با شوکر او را چه داخل خودرو و چه داخل مقر سپاه مورد شکنجه قرار دادند.



لطفا عضو کانال شورا شوید و کانال را به دانش‌آموزان، اولیا و همکاران معرفی نمایید 👇👇👇
🆔 @kashowra
دریافت اخبار از طریق آیدی زیر 👇👇👇
Media is too big
🔴 تقدیم بە #جعفر_ابراهیمی

ارسالی از یکی از همراهان کانال

برای معلمم #جعفر_ابراهیمی،
که با تلاش بی وقفه اش برای یاری رساندن به کودکان بازمانده از تحصیل، کودکان کار، کودکان افغانستانی، کودکان حاشیه نشین
درس انسانیت را به ما آموزش داد




دریافت اخبار از طریق آیدی زیر 👇👇👇
Blackfishvoice (BFV)
جابه‌جایی روزمره‌ی مرزهای حقارت توسط اوباش #جمهوری_کودک_کش_اسلامی #سونیا_شریفی کودک ۱۶ ساله و دانش‌آموز سال دوم دبیرستان در تاریخ ۲۸ آبان در منزل مادربزرگش در آبدانان توسط نیروهای امنیتی ربوده شد. سونیا توسط سرکوب‌گران نیروهای در حین بازداشت اقدام به ضرب…
A 16-year-old girl named Sonia Sharifi has been accused of “enmity against God” (Moharebeh) in Ilam, western Iran, during the past few days.
Security forces arrested Sonia at her grandmother’s house in Abdanan, Ilam province, on 19 November.
She is currently held in Ilam's juvenile detention center.
The security forces severely beat Sonia during her arrest.
Security interrogators forced her to “confess” about making Molotov cocktails and writing slogans.
The family did not receive a detailed answer regarding the status of their daughter's case from Abdanan and Ilam's Public Prosecutor's Office.
During this period they refused to provide the adolescent girl with legal counsel and said she was accused of “enmity against God” (Moharebeh).



Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Shahram Khosravi:

Why Shirin Neshat is a problem for women's struggle in Iran?

Gladstone Gallery (NY) exhibits Neshat’s recent works The Fury. Neshat has a long history in creating Chador-art, works which depict women in Iran exactly as the Iranian state wishes them to be. Neshat’s representation of women is a problem because Iranian women have to fight on one hand against the state-sanctioned patriarchy inside Iran and on the other hand against the image of them created in the West.
How much time and energy women in Iran have to use to liberate themselves from tags, identities, roles, and expectations Neshat ascribe them in her works?
While she is flaneuring around in art spaces in the cloths she prefers to wear, women in her art are confined in veils (previous works). She victimizes and objectifies female bodies.
The below work is a slap in the face for the brave women in Iran who are fighting on streets against a brutal regime.
Neshat is orientalist and anti-feminist who has consumed bodies of Iranian women to get rich and famous in the West.


Blackfishvoice (BFV)
#foroughtaghipour born in 1994, is currently imprisoned in #Evinprison in #Tehran and must remain in prison for over 15 years. She is now 29 years old and will get released when she is 44 years old.

Forough was arrested for the first time in February 2020. She was taken to Evin Prison in Tehran along with her mother and was subjected to interrogation and torture for several weeks.

She was sentenced to 5 years in prison in February 2020 for the charge of association with Mujahideen, but she was released from prison in January 2023 after the order to amnesty political prisoners. Her two-year imprisonment was accompanied by numerous physical ailments.

In July 2023, while only 6 months had passed since her release, the security agencies arrested her without any specific charges in the fall and transferred her to Ward 209 of Evin.
During the #Women_Life_Freedom movement, she was imprisoned in solitary confinement. In November 2023, she was tried on the charge of "membership in opposition groups of the Iranian regime."
The Islamic regime put her in solitary confinement for two months under all kinds of physical and mental tortures so that she would agree to their scenario and confess to the accusations they had made against her.
Finally, in February of the same year, she was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
