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ای ایستادگان بر لبه‌ی قتلگاه
اسلحه‌ را بر کشید
مرگ فرو افتاد
و قلب چون دانه‌های تسبیح از هم گسست
خون از سر و صورت، بر گردن‌آویزها سرازیر شد
خانه‌ها به گورستان
سلول‌ها به گورستان
و همه جا به گورستان بدل گشت
اسلحه‌ را بر کشید
و دنبال من آیید
من شرمساری دیروز و دیشبم
پرچمم: دو تکه استخوان و یک جمجمه
شعار من: سپیده‌دم...

ترجمه: #سعید_هلیچی
کلیپ: Sahar Msf


Media is too big
زُل بزن در دو چشم خسته‌ی من
سال غم بی‌بهار خواهد رفت
بی‌دلیل از خطر فرار نکن
سرِ ما روی دار خواهد رفت

گیسوان تو آنقدر زیباست
که حلال است اگر رها بشود
مثل معشوقه‌ای که رفته، رواست
سری از تن اگر جدا بشود

این رعیت چه شورشی بکند؟
چه جوابی به ظلم خان بدهم؟
دست من را بگیر، من باید
وسط اعتراض جان بدهم

مرگ نزدیک بود و در این شهر
زندگی مثل ناسپاسی بود
توی جغرافیای جنگی اگر
حق بوسیدنت سیاسی بود

روزگار سیاه و موی سفید
باید این دفعه زیر و رو بشود
این گلوله مقدر است اینبار
بر تن خسته‌مان تتو بشود

ما برای امید جنگیدیم
کودک ناقص غم و شادی
روی قبرم به رنگ خون حک کن:
«زن، غم زندگی و آزادی»

هدیه‌ی رفیقِ هنرمند به #صدای_ماهی_سیاه


دریافتی از #هلسینکی پايتخت #فنلاند

گرافیتی در همبستگی با مبارزات مردم ایران

#زن_زندگی_آزادی #مهسا_امینی #در_ستایش_همبستگی


We lose as separate nations, united as a class we shall win

We are witnessing a diplomatic miracle (!) as the sworn enemies, Iran and Turkey, representing the axis of resistance and NATO imperialism, came together in their mission to crush people's uprisings in the middle east and end their hopes for a better future. As Turkish and Iranian armies started their simultaneous assaults against Kurds of Iran, Iraq and Syria, we are reminded once more that the animosity between bourgeois states is always inferior to their common hatred of revolution. The correct lesson is for us to apply the same principle, unite under the banner of the working classes of all nations in the region and fight together against all the repressive and reactionary states in the region.



Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Baloch women against tyranny and Reaction
November 25, 2022
Consider these few seconds of the presence of the Baloch women in the demonstration as a great victory for the Jina's Revolution.
Maybe only the Baloch woman herself knows the historical importance of these few seconds.
Remember that on the bloody Friday of Zahedan, it was only announced that a woman's name was among the martyrs' names. It took 14 days to reveal Hasti Naroei's name and 53 days to publish her picture and age.
The revolution should be understood from these outcries of Baloch women. Women who have blossomed after years of oppression and namelessness, and today women stand together in the streets testifying to one thing:
It is not the desire of Baloch women to stay in the dark corner of the house…
It is the disgraceful wish of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the opposition parties outside Iran to not see Baloch women and men... to call them separatists, to say that if there is oppression against women, it is not imported from outside.
Listen to the voices of Baloch women ... This is a revolution that has happened and cannot be cleared even if the mainstream media does not cover it.

#جنین_زند_آجوئی #زن_زندگی_آزادی #علیه_ارتجاع #علیه_سکوت #مهسا_امینی

Blackfishvoice (BFV)
Zeynab Jalalian, born March 10, 1982, a Kurdish political activist, was initially sentenced to death in 2008. In 2011, her sentence was reduced to life imprisonment.

She has spent the last 15 years without a single day out of prison, with no break. As well as needing urgent eye surgery, she is in critical need of care for severe injuries to the heart and digestive system, yet has been denied the right to medical treatment.

Over the past 15 years, Zeynab Jalalian has been transferred from Khoy Prison to five other prisons in Iran, including Dizel Abad Prison (in Kermanshah), Qarchak, Evin, Central Prison of Kerman, and now she is kept in Yazd Prison.

Moreover, she has been denied the right to appeal her current conviction. Along with the previous made-up cases against her, there are now new security cases being made up against her, adding to the already existing tortures and violent repressions.

Zeynab Jalalian is a strong and firm mountain. So, speaking up against oppression and discrimination against her will only highlight her strength and resistance.



It took them just a month between putting him on show trial and killing him this morning. #MohsenShekari, 23-year-old, is the first victim of the death penalty, on the 83rd day of the current protests in Iran. He was executed for the crime of blocking the street. 

The criminal Islamic Republic regime will execute many more if not stopped! 

Our silence would cost many lives!



#صدای_ماهی_سیاه: آنا مانتگامری کمپبل معروف به هلین قره‌چوخ (Hêlîn Qereçox ) فمینیست، آنارشیست و فعال اجتماعی بریتانیایی بود که ماه مارس ۲۰۱۸ توسط ارتش ترکیه به قتل رسید. در جریان جنگ داخلی سوریه، کمپبل آنا به یگان‌های مدافع زنان (YPJ) مناطق خودمختار شمال و شرق سوریه یا روژاوا پیوست و به نبرد علیه داعش پرداخت کمپبل در جریان موشک‌باران ارتش ترکیه علیه مواضع ی‌.پ‌.گ در مارس ۲۰۱۸ در عفرین کشته شد. یگان‌های مدافع خلق او را «سمبل زنان در مبارزه علیه فاشیسم» نامیدند.


Forwarded from Blackfishvoice.ENG
#Leian_Darvish, a political prisoner detained during the December 2017 protests, goes on hunger strike in Evin Prison

Leian Darvish, a political prisoner held in the women's ward of Evin Prison, who is serving her sentence, has been on a wet hunger strike since May 29, 2024, due to harassment and pressure from prison officials and lack of access to medical services.
She is a linguistics graduate, born in 1978, single, and a resident of Tehran.

"Leian was arrested for the first time in December 2017. The second arrest occurred in March 2018. Leian, who was held in solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin until November 2018, was transferred to a hospital due to severe physical illness, including liver disease. She did not return to prison on the scheduled date after her medical leave and went into hiding, living secretly in various cities in Iran for years."
In 2019, Leian Darvish was sentenced by the Tehran Revolutionary Court to eight years in prison "for membership in Telegram groups on charges of acting against national security, propaganda activities against the regime, and insulting the heads of the government."

After years of living in hiding, she was finally arrested on February 20, 2024, by security forces at her residence and transferred to Evin Prison after being beaten. She has gone on a wet hunger strike in protest of her poor physical condition.

