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[Sent on 18 June 2021]




📖 下载抗原快速检测规划手册:go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-art-playbook

➡️ 6月21日下午3时30分 - 华语版
➡️ 6月24日下午2时30分 - 英语版

请帮忙传播信息 – 订阅建设局的Telegram,获取最新消息: go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 30 Jun 2021]
Providing Cashflow Support to Consultants Due to Impact of COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some construction projects could be delayed and subjected to further reviews. The unexpected extension of construction contract periods has led to additional works and affected the cashflow of consultants as payment milestones are now stretched over a longer period of time.

To address these difficulties faced by consultants, the Government has provided various support measures to consultants:
The Job Support Scheme (JSS) helps employers retain local employees by helping to offset their wages.
Government agencies provides ex-gratia payments to consultants for services rendered for evaluation of contractors’ COVID-19 claims.
Government agencies have also been given the flexibility to issue more regular payments in between payment milestones in light of lengthened project durations.

We also encourage BE sector clients, such as private developers and contractors in Design and Build projects, to adopt similar measures mentioned above.

Clients can take into consideration additional work scopes taken on by consultants due to the pandemic, beyond certification of COVID-related claims, and provide payment accordingly.

For more details, visit:
➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-consultants-cashflow-support

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 7 Jul 2021]
Further Simplified Claim Process for Prolongation Costs in Public Sector Construction Contracts due to COVID-19 Events

MOF and BCA have introduced a further simplified approach for non-manpower related prolongation cost claims to public sector construction contracts with contract value above $100million.

Government agencies will provide a base $100,000 for every month of certified delay due to COVID-19 as payment for cost sharing of non-manpower related cost increases under Part 8B of COTMA. No substantiation from contractors is required to accompany the claim for this base $100,000.

This is in addition to BCA’s circular dated 27 Apr 2021 on the simplified approach for non-manpower related prolongation cost claims, which provides a base 0.1% of awarded contract sum for every month of certified delay, for eligible contracts with awarded contract sum up to $100 million.

For more details, visit:
➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-further-simplified-claim-process

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 8 Jul 2021]
Streamlining Antigen Rapid Test (ART) Regime at Worksites

🏗 More than 50 worksites have piloted ART since 31 May. BCA has collected data and feedback from the pilot sites and will be streamlining the ART regime at worksites to make it easier for contractors to administer.

Key Revisions to ART Regime:
- Workers/visitors at small worksites (i.e. less than 20 non-dorm workers/visitors daily) and Singaporeans/PRs accessing worksites can:
Administer ART on site, or
Remotely administer ART at home with virtual supervision done via video call with ART supervisor

- If ART supervisors are able to at all times keep a 3m distance from those conducting self-swab, reduced PPE requirements may be adopted:
Wear surgical 3-ply face mask; and
Wear face shield

For more info on Changes to the ART Regime on worksites, refer to:
➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-streamline-art-infog

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 8 Jul 2021]
Vaccination Key to Safe Construction Workforce and Progressive Re-Opening of Singapore

MOM has provided guidance for employers who may wish to require COVID-19 vaccination as a company policy for employees in higher risk employment settings including:
🏢 Employees who live in communal dormitories
🏗 Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process (CMP) sector

Vaccination as a Company Policy:
To minimise the risk of outbreaks, employers may:
Require COVID-19 vaccination as a company policy for these higher risk employment settings
Impose vaccination requirement upfront during recruitment/advertisement for new hires

For more info on this and what you can do if employees in higher risk settings decline vaccination, refer to BCA infographic:
➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-vac-infog
The infographic must be read alongside MOM's advisory:
➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-mom-tlg-adv-vac-highrisk

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
Streamlining Antigen Rapid Test (ART) Regime at Worksites (Chinese version)

🏗 自5月31日起,超过50个工地推行了抗原快速检测试点计划。建设局已收集了试点工地的数据和反馈,并将简化工地的抗原快速检测制度,便于承包商落实检测工作。

- 小型工地的工人/访客(也就是说,每天少于20名不住在客工宿舍的工人/访客)和新加坡公民/永久居民,若需要进入工地可:

- 如果抗原快速检测监督员能够时刻确保自己与自行检测者保持至少3米的距离,监督员可以采用以下简化版的个人防护配备:

➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-streamline-art-infog-chi

请帮忙转发这则信息 – 订阅建设局的Telegram 频道获取最新消息: go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
Vaccination Key to Safe Construction Workforce and Progressive Re-Opening of Singapore (Chinese version)



➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-vaccination-infog-chi

➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-mom-tlg-adv-vac-highrisk

请帮忙转发这则信息 – 订阅建设局的Telegram频道获取最新消息: go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
Further Simplified Claim Process for Prolongation Costs in Public Sector Construction Contracts due to COVID-19 Events (Chinese version)



这是继建设局于2021年4月27日发布 关于非人力相关延期费用简化索赔程序之后推出的另一项措施。根据当时发布的通告,那些符合条件而且总值不超过一亿元的合同,工程每延误一个月,政府机构分担合同金额为中标合同金额的0.1%。

➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-further-simplified-claim-process-chi

请帮忙转发这则信息 – 订阅建设局的Telegram频道获取最新消息: go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 23 July 2021]
Ensure List of Workers Deployed to Construction Projects/Supply Works Premises is Updated

We would like to remind all main contractors to ensure that their lists of workers deployed to construction projects/supply works premises are updated (including workers from sub-contractors). This is to avoid any AccessCode issues, unnecessary RRT reminders if they are no longer working at the said premise/project site and facilitate contact tracing if needed.

In order to ensure that the lists of workers on premises are up to date, BCA will re-instate an additional check for firms submitting new or modified restart applications starting from 26 July 2021. As such, please allow for 2-3 working days for the processing of applications.

We seek your cooperation to ensure the safety of our workers and worksites.

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
Ensure List of Workers Deployed to Construction Projects/Supply Works Premises is Updated (Chinese version)




请帮忙转发这则信息 – 订阅建设局的Telegram频道获取最新消息: go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 30 July 2021]
Two Days Left to Enjoy Early Bird Promotion for IBEW 2021!
The digital International Built Environment Week (IBEW) 2021 is taking place on 7-10 September this year. COVID-19 has brought many challenges, but the Built Environment sector has stood united and persevered. Now, it is time for us to refresh and prepare for transformation. Join us to re-imagine our future, check out the latest BE innovations and connect with the local and global BE community.

Register today to enjoy $140 off the conference fee. But hurry, as the early bird promotion ends tomorrow (31st July 2021)!

➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-ibew-register

Help spread the word – Join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 5 August 2021]
Reminder to remain vigilant and ensure Safe Management Measures (SMM) compliance

There have been new cases of COVID-19 infection involving workers from the construction sector in Singapore. BCA urges firms to be extra vigilant to prevent potential disruptions to works or industry-wide shutdown should the situation worsen.

🅰️ SMMs to comply with include the following:
Ensure only permitted persons who do not exhibit symptoms of COVID are on-site
Ensure all persons on-site have undergone at least one swab test and tested negative for COVID-19 within 14 days before entering the site
Ensure all persons perform TraceTogether only SafeEntry check-in
Ensure only AccessCode “Green” workers are on-site
Ensure all personnel on-site wear a mask at all times except during activities that require masks to be removed (e.g. mealtimes)

🅱️ With effect from 16 August 2021, there will be additional requirements for the industry to:
Check the vaccination status of a person before permitting the person to enter into a worksite;
Ensure unvaccinated persons wear a unique visual identifier at all times when they are on-site
Ensure SMO/SDO closely supervises unvaccinated persons at all times when they are on-site so as to ensure unvaccinated persons comply with SMM

[Updated] These requirements are consistent with measures which the industry has been practising. For example, workers/visitors wearing different coloured vests while on site. All these measures allow the SMO/SDO to efficiently supervise all workers to ensure compliance with worksite SMM, including during breaks or swab testing and to reduce inter-mixing between grips at worksites.

Let’s keep our worksites safe together.

For more current requirements and good SMM practices at worksites, visit:
➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-reminder-smm-compliance

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at go.gov.sg/bca-tlg



🅰️ 要遵守的安全管理措施包括:


[更新] 这些规定与建筑业一直以来采取的防疫措施是一致的,例如规定工人/访客在工地时穿上彩色背心。这些措施有助安全管理专员/安全距离专员有效地监督工人/访客,确保他们遵守工地的安全管理措施,包括在休息时间或进行拭子检测时保持安全距离,减少跟区隔开来的工人在工地接触交流。


➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-reminder-smm-compliance-chi

请帮忙转发这则信息 — 通过以下链接订阅建设局的Telegram频道获取最新消息: https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 6 Aug 2021]
Commencement Of The COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020 [COTMA] – Part 10A (Reliefs For Construction Contracts Affected By Increase In Foreign Manpower Salary Costs)

Part 10A of the COTMA will commence on 6 August 2021. It was passed in the Parliament on 11 May 2021 to provide contractors relief for increase in foreign manpower salary costs incurred from 1 Oct 2020 to 30 Sep 2021.

For eligible construction contracts, contractors should discuss with their clients to reach a mutually agreeable cost-sharing arrangement to address foreign manpower (i.e. Work Permit Holders) salary cost increases.

If the discussion is unsuccessful, contractors can apply for an Assessor’s determination to adjust the contract sum of the eligible construction contracts. The Assessor will take into account all the facts, including the loss suffered or benefit obtained by any contractual party in respect of foreign manpower salary cost increases, such as Foreign Worker Levy (FWL) rebates received.

For more details, visit:
➡️ https://go.gov.sg/cotma10a

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
Commencement Of The COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020 [COTMA] – Part 10A (Reliefs For Construction Contracts Affected By Increase In Foreign Manpower Salary Costs) (Chinese version)
2019冠状病毒疾病(临时援助措施)2020法令COTMA – 第10A部分将于8月6日正式生效(为那些因外籍劳工成本攀升而受影响的建筑业者提供建筑合同方面的援助)



对于在第10A部分符合资格的建筑合约,承包商应与客户讨论, 以达成双方同意的安排,应对工程项目聘用持工作准证的外籍劳工成本增加的问题。


➡️ https://go.gov.sg/cotma10a

[Sent on 07 August 2021]
Mandating Antigen Rapid Test (ART) for the Construction Sector

More than 130 construction sites have onboarded the ART pilot since 31st May. The pilot has provided valuable feedback and data to better prepare firms to integrate the use of ART as a surveillance tool in their work processes to ensure the health and safety of their workforce.

Given the current COVID-19 situation, coupled with COVID-positive cases at worksites recently, BCA will be mandating ART for the following personnel who are not residing in dormitories:-
Workers/visitors entering construction worksites and supply works premises; and
All other Construction Account Workers (CAWs) currently on RRT and working at non-construction worksites

Mandatory ART will be implemented in two stages:
Stage 1 – by 20 August 2021
Large Worksites with Project Value of more than $3 million
Construction Supply Works Premises

Stage 2 – by 3 September 2021
Small Worksites with Project Value equal to or less than $3 million
All other CAWs on RRT working on non-construction worksites [e.g. lift and escalator installation works, renovation, minor works, repair and re-decoration works]

A separate email with details will be sent to companies on CAWs working on non-construction worksites.

Trained Supervisors
Trained Supervisors must be deployed to oversee the implementation of ART.

Ordering complimentary ART self-test kits
Contractors can register their orders through the registration form: https://go.gov.sg/bca-art-apply. For large worksites, orders must be placed by 13 August 2021. For small worksites, orders must be placed by 27 August 2021.

Should orders be failed to be placed by their respective deadlines, contractors will have to procure their own kits for ART implementation.

For more detailed information, please see the following:
Circular ➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-mandating-art
BCA’s ART webpage ➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-art-info

Help spread the word – Join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
Mandating Antigen Rapid Test (ART) for the Construction Sector


目前正在接受轮流定期检测 (RRT) 并且在非建筑工地工作的其他建筑账户工人(CAWs)


第二阶段 - 2021年9月3日之前


承包商可以通过登记表格go.gov.sg/bca-art-apply 预订试剂盒。大型工地必须在2021年8月13日之前提呈订单。小型工地则必须在2021年8月27日之前提呈订单。



通告➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-mandating-art-circular
建设局抗原快速检测网站➡️ go.gov.sg/bca-art-info

请帮忙转发这则信息 – 订阅建设局的Telegram频道获取最新消息: go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 12 August 2021]
Reminder for Large Sites to order ART self-test kits by 13 Aug 2021

With reference to BCA’s circular on Mandating Antigen Rapid Test (ART) for the Construction Sector dated 7 Aug 2021, mandatory ART will be implemented in two stages for personnel not residing in dormitories:

Stage 1 – by 20 August 2021
Large Worksites with Project Value of more than $3 million
Construction Supply Works Premises

Stage 2 – by 3 September 2021
Small Worksites with Project Value equal to or less than $3 million
All other Construction Account Workers (CAWs) on RRT working on non-construction worksites [e.g. lift and escalator installation works, renovation, minor works, repair and re-decoration works]

Complimentary ART self-test kits
Main contractors managing construction worksites and companies managing construction supply works premises can register their orders through the registration form at https://go.gov.sg/bca-art-apply. The lead time required for delivery of the ART kits is approximately one week from the order date.

When ordering, remember to include both non-dorm workers and visitors entering worksites declared to BCA via your Application to Restart Construction Works and Supply Works for the total number of kits required.

1️⃣ For LARGE worksites and Construction Supply Works Premises, orders are to be placed by 13 Aug 2021 to meet the mandatory implementation date on 20 Aug.
Contractors that register after 13 Aug 2021 will have to procure their own kits for ART implementation while waiting for the free kits to be delivered
Contractors that register by 13 Aug 2021 but do not receive kits by 20 Aug 2021 will be given further grace period to implement ART
Contractors who are already on ART can continue to register for replenishment of test kits through the same registration form for their projects

2️⃣ For small worksites, orders must be placed by 27 Aug 2021.

3️⃣ For companies with CAWs working on non-construction worksites, a separate email with implementation details and issuance of ART kits will be sent to companies by 16 Aug 2021.

For more detailed information, please see the following:
BCA’s ART webpage
➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-art-info
➡️ https://www1.bca.gov.sg/COVID-19/faqs/construction-sector/art

Help spread the word – Join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 13 Aug 2021]
New Measures to Facilitate Hiring and Retention of Work Pass Holders (WPHs) in the Construction Sector

The Government has introduced new measures to help companies in the Construction sector retain their existing Work Permit Holders (WPHs) and facilitate the inflow of new WPHs. The new measures will ensure that the sector can continue to meet manpower needs for operations, preserve core capabilities and emerge stronger from COVID-19.

The Government will support firms by:

Allowing the renewal of eligible WPHs whose work permits are expiring between July and December 2021 for up to two years, even if they do not meet the prevailing renewal criteria;

Extending the validity of In-Principle Approvals (IPAs) of foreign workers from higher COVID-risk sources by up to one year;

Introducing a six-month scheme (from 1 Sept 2021 to 28 Feb 2022) in partnership with SCAL for experienced WPHs whose previous employment have been terminated;

Removing the minimum Period of Employment (POE) requirement for new or renewal non-traditional sources (NTS)* and People’s Republic of China (PRC) WPHs to qualify for Man-Year Entitlement (MYE)-waiver.

*NTS refers to the countries of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Philippines

For more information, please see the following:
Press release by MOM
➡️ https://go.gov.sg/cmpmeasures

Help spread the word – Join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
New Measures to Facilitate Hiring and Retention of Work Pass Holders (WPHs) in the Construction Sector (Chinese version)








➡️ https://go.gov.sg/cmpmeasures

请帮忙转发这则信息 – 订阅建设局的Telegram频道获取最新消息: go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
[Sent on 19 August 2021]
Public Sector Approach for COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020 [COTMA] Part 10A – Reliefs For Construction Contracts Affected By Increase In Foreign Manpower Salary Costs

The COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020 [COTMA] Part 10A has commenced on 6 August 2021. Part 10A is premised on negotiation between contract parties to reach a mutually agreeable cost-sharing arrangement to address foreign manpower (i.e. Work Permit Holders) salary cost increases.

🏗 Approach for Public Sector Construction Contracts

📆 From 1 October 2020 to 30 April 2021
The public sector will take a proactive stance by offering a base 1.3% of monthly progress payment to address foreign manpower salary costs increase for eligible construction contracts under COTMA Part 10A. Contractors that have incurred foreign manpower salary costs increase more than the industry average of 1.3% monthly progress payment can still put up their proposed adjustment to the Contract Sum to the respective GPE for negotiation.

🏗 Approach for Private Sector Construction Contracts
Private sector contract parties (including subcontracts) are encouraged to adopt similar methods to minimise the time and resources spent in negotiation.

We hope any negotiations that contract parties have to undertake can be resolved amicably. BCA will also continue to monitor and review the impact of increased foreign manpower salary costs.

For more details, visit:
➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-cotma10-manpower-costs-relief

Help spread the word – join BCA Telegram at https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg
Public Sector Approach for COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020 [COTMA] Part 10A – Reliefs For Construction Contracts Affected By Increase In Foreign Manpower Salary Costs (Chinese version)
公共部门对COTMA 第10A部分(为那些因外籍劳工成本攀升而受影响的建筑业者提供建筑合同方面的援助)的应对措施

COTMA第10A部分已于2021年8月6日生效。第10A部分的前提是让各方通过协商,进行双方同意的成本分担安排,以应对聘用外籍劳工成本的增加 。

🏗 公共部门的应对措施

📆 2020年10月1日至2021年4月30日期间
公共部门将主动为符合条件的建筑合同提供从2020年10月1日至2021年4月30日期间,每月进度付款的1.3 %为基础,以应对因冠病疫情导致聘用持工作准证外籍劳工的成本增加。承包商若因外籍员工薪金成本攀升而支付超过业界平均的每月进度付款的1.3 %,仍可向相关公共部门提出调整合约金额的建议,进行协商。

🏗 私人领域建筑合同的处理方式

➡️ https://go.gov.sg/bca-tlg-circular-cotma10-manpower-costs-relief-chi

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