🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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The War Crime of Pillage - IHL Applications in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Al Haq - 2022

This short segment which is part of a larger film explains how Israel, the occupying power commits the war crimes of pillage in the occupied Palestinian territory.

#Palestine #IHL #Dispossession #Colonisation #Documentary #Apartheid #Theft #Pillage #WarCrimes
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The War Crime of Pillage - IHL Applications in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Al Haq - 2022
House Demolitions- IHL Applications in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Al Haq - 2022

This short segments explains the policy of house demolitions carried out by Israel, the occupying power against Palestinian homes and property in the occupied Palestinian territory.

#IHL #Demolitions #OPT #Occupation #Colonisation #Dispossession
Water Apartheid and Corporate Complicity - Al Haq - 2022

In Palestine, a region rich in water sources, Israel’s discriminatory water policies have led to a humanitarian water crisis, resulting in water shortages, droughts and lack of accessibility to water by Palestinian communities. This is due to Israel’s water apartheid. This apartheid regime systematically denies Palestinians their right to water, institutionalizing a regime of racial domination and oppression over the Palestinian people.

#Water #IHL #AlHaq #Apartheid #Colonisation
Israel's Settler Colonial Apartheid Regime: Segregating the Palestinian People - Al Haq - 2023

In the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation, dismantling Israel’s apartheid regime is a necessary step towards decolonisation and reunifying the Palestinian people, to enable them to realise their inalienable rights of return and self-determination.

#IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliApartheidWeek #Apartheid #Palestine #DismantleApartheid #EndIsraeliApartheid #EndImpunity #AlHaq #UNInvestigateApartheid
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Israel's Settler Colonial Apartheid Regime: Segregating the Palestinian People - Al Haq - 2023

#Documentary #Apartheid #Colonisation #Segregation #AlHaq
Al-Haq Annual Field Report on Human Rights Violations in 2022
05، Jun 2023

The human rights situation in Palestine during the year 2022 has witnessed the most dramatic deterioration in almost two decades. Palestinians in the West Bank witnessed an increase in human rights violations, as well as Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who were subject to an Israeli military offensive. Moreover, attacks and targeting of Palestinian human rights movements and organizations continued during this year, as part of Israel’s settler colonialism regime manifested in increased repression and violent practices against the Palestinian people.

The prolonged occupation of the Palestinian Territories occupied in 1967, including Jerusalem, continues to be manifested in killings, land appropriation, home demolitions, expansion of settlements, violating the right of opinion and expression, imposing travel and movement restrictions, violating the right to health, education and family reunification and other violations of economic and social rights. The year 2022, witnessed an increased level of incitement and hate speech against Palestinians in the West Bank and inside the green line, especially through election campaigns leading up to Israel’s recent Knesset elections. The far-right Israeli government, with all its parties and ministries, that came into place at the end of December 2022, reflects how the situation of human rights will be during this year. 2022 marked a significant increase in killings and field executions, making it the bloodiest year since 2005. This was accompanied by large-scale raids in the West Bank and wide attacks on Palestinian human rights movements and organizations.

Based on Al-Haq field documentation, this report showcases the main Israeli human rights violations committed during 2022 against Palestinians, with a special focus on a number of violations that capture the transformation of the colonial policies that were evident throughout recent years. The report mainly addresses Israeli violations committed against the Palestinian people including killings and demolitions of private and public structures. It also, incomprehensively, includes other violations like those targeting the human rights movement in Palestine, raids, arrests and movement restrictions.

On the other hand, no change can be seen at the Palestinian internal level, i.e., the human rights violations by both the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the de facto government in the Gaza Strip. This report presents some human rights violations committed on this level, including arbitrary detention, violating the rights of adequate detention conditions, fair trial and freedom of opinion and speech.

Read the full report here.

#IHL #Report #AlHaq #InternationalLaw
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Israel's automated occupation
Part 1 - 2023

Palestinians in Hebron are some of the most heavily monitored and controlled people on the planet.

In the first episode of a two-part special, Tariq Nafi reports from the occupied West Bank on the previously unknown facial recognition system ‘Red Wolf’, uncovered by Amnesty International and Breaking the Silence.

Izzat Karaki — activist; volunteer, Youth Against Settlements
Sophia Goodfriend — journalist; researcher, Duke University
Matt Mahmoudi — researcher and adviser, Amnesty International
Former Major General B — ex-Israeli military officer who spoke to Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity

#RedWolf #FacialRecognition
#Apartheid #Palestine
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Inside Israel’s surveillance machine - 2023

Palestinian existence in Jerusalem is under threat - carefully watched, recorded and restricted. In the Old City’s narrow streets and alleys, cameras are inescapable.

In the second episode of a two-part special, Tariq Nafi reports from the occupied West Bank, on how Israel’s surveillance machine infiltrates the lives of Palestinians. He also speaks with a former Israeli lieutenant in Unit 8200 - the elite intelligence unit responsible for spying on Palestinians.

Rula Jamal - Head of Monitoring & Documentation, Al Haq
Jalal Abukhater - Writer
Amal Sumarin - Silwan resident
Helga Tawil-Souri - Associate Professor, NYU
Israeli former Lieutenant Eli - Unit 8200

#Unit8200 #Palestine #Apartheid #Surveillance #RedWolf #FacialRecognition
#Silwan #Documentary
Interactive map - Btselem

The essence of the apartheid regime in place between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is to promote and perpetuate the supremacy of one group over another. B'Tselem works to change this reality, recognizing that this is the only way to realize a future in which human rights, liberty and equality are guaranteed to all human beings living here, Palestinians and Jews alike


#Apartheid #Palestine #colonisation #maps

B’Tselem’s database provides statistics on two topics:

House Demolitions
Data on Palestinian-owned structures Israel demolished in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and in the Gaza Strip.


Data on individuals killed in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians since the beginning of the second intifada – in Israel and in the Occupied Territories

#Demolitions #fatalities #displacement #database
#OPT #WestBank #Gaza
March 2023 Demolition and Displacement Report - #ICAHD –

There are four categories of #Demolitions :
Punitive demolitions: Houses demolished as punishment for the actions of people associated with the houses.
Administrative demolitions: Houses demolished for lack of a building permit. This happens in Area C and in East Jerusalem, under exclusive Israeli authority, though prior to the existence of Areas A, B & C it occurred in other areas as well.  It is important to point out that in almost all cases, Palestinians have no choice but to build "illegally" as permits are rarely granted
Land-clearing operations/Military demolitions: Houses demolished by the IDF in the course of military operations for the purposes of clearing off a piece of land (for whatever reason), achieve a military goal or to kill wanted persons as part of Israel’s policy of extrajudicial executions
Undefined demolitions: These include mainly demolitions resulting from land-clearing operations and removal of Palestinian populations

ICAHD video illustrating demolitions in the Jerusalem area between 2004 and 2021.

See our monthly Demolition and Displacement Reports for details - ICAHD https://icahd.org/2020/03/14/monthly

More than 131,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished in Israel and the Occupied Palestine Territory (OPT)
 since 1947.
In 2022, ICAHD analysis revealed that over 926 structures were demolished and 953 people displaced in the OPT with a further 28,255 people directly affected.
In 2021, 3004 structures were demolished in the Negev/Naqab – 431 homes and 2553 agriculture and livelihood structures
.View maps here.

#Demolitions #displacement
#maps #AreaC #AreaA #AreaB
Removing Borders, Erasing Palestinians: Israeli Population Maps after 1967
How Israeli population cartography incorporated Palestinians through the very act of erasing them.

The borders that intrude into the bedroom also split towns in half and sever them from their surrounding regions. The construction of the infamous Wall within the West Bank has created enclaves in Barta’a and western Bethlehem. Despite officially being part of the West Bank, these Palestinian towns are left on the Israeli side of the Wall, which functions as a de facto new border on the ground. The border has literally moved around them. It is as if Canada built a wall around northern Vermont and then told the residents that they were all now illegal squatters on Canadian soil.

#history #cartography #maps