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Sydney based media personality Simeon Boikov takes to the air offering his perspective on local and international affairs.

Collaboration/Сотрудничество & Advertising/Реклама @AussieCossackBot

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And just like that the sitting Member for Reid Fiona Martin of the Liberal Party lost the election.

Unleash the public opinion. Put the Liberal Party last. Come election day Fiona Martin MP will regret arresting Australia's favourite larrikin the @AussieCossack.

Check out my youtube channel for the full video of my arrest involving Federal Police, Counter Terrorism, Local regular customers from Burwood Police and the fact that Fiona Martin MP indeed formally invited me to her event by personal email.

The scenario is a set up by Fiona Martin MP using Police as her own personal political brownshirts.

The Australian pub test says:


#FionasFail #SackThemAll #CounterCampaigning #SittingMemberLast #ReidElectorate
LIVE LEAK Intel Request: Post the video of Fiona Martin MP belly dancing to get votes at her Reid Electorate Campaign Launch.

😂It's not wonder police arrested journalists who tried to enter

Liberal party member Fiona Martin's ratings are down.. She is really resorting to desperate measures to get votes.


Vote 1 Independant Natalie Baiani for Reid.

🤡Watch Fiona Martin MP belly dancing video in the comments section below:

💥A new mobile billboard campaign has just been unleashed in the controversial Federal Electorate of Reid targeting the sitting Liberal member Fiona Martin.

😄Mobile advertising trucks blasting Fiona Martin for "voting against Christian schools" have been spotted driving through the streets of Burwood, Concord, Drummoyne, Five Dock, Homebush and Strathfield.

