Αρυολογία☀️ (The Indo-Europeans)
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Gentleman is, obviously, another derived term.
Forwarded from Kóryos
*méldneh₂ (MIE *méldnā) - оружие Громовержца

— Кельтское *meldo- (галл. Meldos, эпитет громовержца Лукетия, валл. mellt «молния, удар грома», брет. mell «молот»)
— латинское malleus «большой молот», «кувалда»
— хеттское malatt «молот», «дробящее оружие»
— скандинавское Mjöllnir (молот громовержца Тора)
— балтское mildnā (прусс. mealde «молния, удар грома», латыш. milna «булава громовержца Перконса»)

(когнаты приведены по «Encyclopaedia of Indo-European Culture» под ред. Дж.П. Мэллори и Д.К. Адамса.)
On the Ainu People...

Ainu folk are an ethnic group indigenous to the Japanese archipelago, whose historical basis dates back at least 16,500 years.

They are first attested in the archaeological record during the Incipient Jōmon period (14,500 – 8,000 BCE). The word Jōmon is a Japanese translation of "cord-marked", in reference to their pottery style which exhibited cord marks not dissimilar to the Indo-European Corded Ware Culture of Northern Europe.

The Ainu were displaced through ethnocide and miscegenation when Japonic speakers invaded the archipelago c. 900 – 300 BCE, pushing them to the northern extremity of Japan.
Anthropology: Ainu individual with a particularly dominant European phenotype.
However, a range of phenotypes along the European-East Asian cline may be observed.

Ainu men predominantly harbour Y-haplogroups D-M55(D1a2) and C-M217. Both of these groups originate on the mammoth steppes of northern Eurasia, which was home to the Ancient North Eurasians (ANEs). This latter group's genetic signature appears strongly in Indo-Europeans, Uralic peoples and, to a lesser extent, Native Americans.
Comparative Religion..

The Ainu creation myth shows similarity to Indo-European & Uralic.

According to folklore, the first being, or the first Kamuy, created the world. The ancestor of man is sometimes said to be a bear, similar to how *Yemo- (Norse "Ymir", Rigvedic "Yama") in the Indo-European creation myth, is a giant.

In Finnish mythology, the bear (Finnish "karhu") was seen as the embodiment of the forefathers, whom they knew by epithets such as mesikämmen, "mead-paw". And in the Indo-European linguistic tradition, bears were revered which can be inferred by the practice of substituting the original word for the beast, *h₂ŕ̥tḱos, with epithets such as *berô (Germanic, "the brown one") and *medvě̀dь (Slavic, "honey-eater").

These tentatively inferred similarities may suggest a very ancient relation.

We posit that the Ainu have considerable genetic crossover with both Europeans and Finno-Ugric peoples, having once been a part of ancient hunter gatherer cultures on the mammoth steppes which heavily contributed to both Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Uralic ethnogenesis.

This is evidenced by their likely origin based upon DNA evidence, the similarity in pottery between Jōmon & later Indo-European pottery styles, their expression of European phenotypes and the comparative similarities between the abovementioned aspects of their religious tradition.

@Aryologia Admins
"One historical curiosity is some nineteenth-century attempts to relate the word for bear, *h₂ŕ̥tḱos with that for 'white', *h₂ŕ̥ĝ (only possible with some non-discriminatory nineteenth-century reconstructions) and postulate an original PIE *'white (bear)'. This was one of a number of extraordinary arguments for the theory of a polar origin for the Indo-Europeans which here required the reconstruction of *'polar bear (Thalarctos maritimus)'."

D. Q. Adams, J. P. Mallory (1997)
The derived allele of the KITLG SNP rs12821256 that is associated with – and likely causal for – blond hair in Europeans [4,5] is present in one hunter-gatherer from each of Samara, Motala and Ukraine (I0124, I0014 and I1763), as well as several later individuals with Steppe ancestry. Since the allele is found in populations with EHG but not WHG ancestry, it suggests that its origin is in the Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) population. Consistent with this, we observe that earliest known individual with the derived allele is the [Siberian] ANE individual Afontova Gora 3 which is directly dated to 16130-15749 cal BCE (14710±60 BP, MAMS-27186: a previously unpublished date that we newly report here). — Mathieson et al. (2017)
Forwarded from ODAL
Новая реконструкция женщины Фатьяновской культуры. Фатьяновская культура - предковая для индоиранцев (ариев), которые захватили Индию и Иран, жили на территории современной России и были генетически близки современным северным европейцам.

Forwarded from BC Neanderthal Mindset
Bust of Jupiter.
Roman period, A.D. 1st - 2nd century, after a Greek model of the 2nd half of the 4th century B.C.
Forwarded from Wäinölä 🇫🇮
The Proto-Uralic worldview according to Vladimir Napolskikh (1992).

Deciduous trees were seen as mediators between the middle world and the upper world, whereas coniferous trees were mediators between the middle world and the lower world. Even today sacrificial offerings are given under deciduous trees among the Finno-Ugric peoples, such as the Mari.

In the upper world there is a spring that feeds the world stream, and a lake or ocean of life, from where all human life originates and where migratory waterfowl spend the winter. The Goddess of life, the consort of the Creator God, decides over births and rebirths. She also sends the waterfowl along the Milky Way ("bird's track" in Finnish) to the middle world.

The world stream runs down to the lower world, where illnesses and all kinds of harmful things reside. This realm is guarded by the hound of the underworld, and in later times he became the helper of sages.

In the middle world there was no single supreme deity, but a host of lesser ones.
Sacred grove by Arnold Böcklin
Forwarded from Dan Davis Author
Chronology of Nordic Bronze Age boat images on bronzes (like razors and stuff) and on rocks.

You can see the development of the styles and increasing artistic sophistication over time.

Also perhaps increasingly elaborate boat development in those great curving prows and sterns.

Dates on the left are BC.

Horizontal divisions and numerals refer to the subdivisions of the Nordic Bronze Age chronology.

By Flemming Kaul 1998.
I begin to sing of Pallas Athene, the glorious goddess, blue-eyed, inventive, unbending of heart, pure virgin, saviour of cities, courageous, Tritogeneia. From his awful head wise Zeus himself bore her arrayed in warlike arms of flashing gold, and awe seized all the gods as they gazed. But Athena sprang quickly from the immortal head and stood before Zeus who holds the aegis, shaking a sharp spear: great Olympus began to reel horribly at the might of the bright-eyed goddess, and earth round about cried fearfully, and the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves, while foam burst forth suddenly: the bright Son of Hyperion stopped his swift-footed horses a long while, until the maiden Pallas Athene had stripped the heavenly armour from her immortal shoulders. And wise Zeus was glad.
Homeric Hymn XXVIII.