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#N0512; #PhD; #Funded; #Magnesium #Innovation Center; Institute of #Materials Research in #Geesthacht; #Helmholtz Center Geesthacht Center for Material and #Coastal Research; #Germany;

پوزیشن عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری در #آلمان، در زمینه‌ی:

#Modelling of the influence of #impurities and #alloying

💹 هدف از انجام این پروژه:

Developing of materials relations, based on experimental input and on input from DFT calculations respectively mesoscale models, for an advanced engineering tool towards prediction of #mechanical properties.

❇️ چنانچه بک‌گراند شما یکی از رشته‌های زیر باشد:

Material science, physical chemistry, #construction #engineering or a comparable research field

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!

Deadline: #March 6, 2017.

#N0519; #PhD; #Fully_Funded; #Computer; Faculty of #Media & #Communication; University of #Bournemouth; #UK;

پوزیشن عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری در #انگلستان، در زمینه‌ی:

Interactive #hybrid #modelling of #heterogeneous volumetric objects
💹 حال و هوای این پروژه:

Development of new #mathematical techniques and #algorithms, and the development of novel #software tools including an Application Programming #Interface (#API), a scripting language and a #Graphical User Interface (#GUI)

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!

Deadline: #March 3, 2017.

#N0536; #PhD; #Fully_Funded; Faculty of #Engineering and #Environment; #Northumbria University; #UK;

پوزیشن عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری در #انگلستان در زمینه‌ی:

#Combustion of High #Octane #Fuels in Direct #Injection #Engines

✳️ هدف‌های انجام این پژوهش:

- To employ different #modelling approach and identify the advantages and disadvantages with each method.
- To improve understanding the #physics of combustion of #alcohols under different engine operating conditions.
- To create a framework for #predictive modelling approach of combustion of alcohols in direct injection engines.

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!

Deadline: #March 10, 2017.

#N0537; #PhD; #Fully_Funded; #Neuroscience; #Brain #Signaling Group; Institute of Basic #Medical #Sciences; University of #Oslo;

پوزیشن بسیار عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری #نوروساینس در بهترین دانشگاه نروژ.

✳️ قابل توجه عزیزانی با بک‌گراند و یا علاقه‌مندی‎‌هایی در یکی از زمینه‌های زیر:

Neuroscience, #basal or #clinical #neurophysiology, #medicine, #psychology, #neurotechnology, #physics, #mathematics, or bioinformatics.
#Electrophysiology, #imaging, or #computational #modelling - such as #EEG, #EMG, #fMRI, #optogenetics, #magnetic #stimulation (TMS), modelling, #statistics, advanced #data #analysis

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!

Deadline: #March 10, 2017.

#N0548; #PhD; #Funded; #Cognitive Systems; School of #Informatics; University of #Skövde; #Sweden;

پوزیشن‌های بسیار عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری سیستم‌های #شناختی در #سوئد، در زمینه‌های:

#sensorimotor #interaction between cognitive #agents (#humans, #animals, #robots) and their environments,
• social interaction between people, between robots, and not least between humans and robots, and
• human interaction with different types of information #technology, in particular #decision #support systems and #computer #games.

💹 چنانچه به حوزه‌هایی زیر علاقه‌مند می‌باشد:

#Bio-inspired cognitive #robotics and (#neuro-) #computational #modelling, cognitive #ethnography of human-machine and human-human interaction, #motion capture and behavioral experiments with human subjects, cognitive systems, cognitive architectures, and cognitive modelling,

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!

Deadline: #March 14, 2017.

#N0602; #PhD; #Funded; #KTH #Royal Institute of Technology; #Sweden

سری دوم مجموعه پوزیشن‌های عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری در دومین دانشگاه برتر #سوئد در رشته‌های مختلف:

8️⃣ School of #Architecture and the Built #Environment; Department of #Transport #Science # #Urban #Traffic #Prediction;

🗞 Your background: #computer science with a strong interest in #urban transport applications, or a background in transport science such as #traffic #engineering and #modelling with strong skills in computer science. Strong programming skills in e.g. Java, Python or C/C++/C# are required, as well as strong skills in database management with PostgreSQL/PostgIS, SQL or similar

Deadline: #March 16, 2017.

9️⃣ School of Architecture and the Built Environment; Department of Real Estate and #Construction #Management #interorganisational collaboration for a #sustainable built environment

🗞 Your background: #civil engineering, environmental engineering, architecture, technology management, #business #administration or other program within #social and #behavioral sciences

Deadline: #March 16, 2017.

1️⃣0️⃣ School of Architecture and the Built Environment #Fluid and #Climate Technology

🗞 Your background: energy technology, #mechanical engineering or a similar degree.

Deadline: #March 16, 2017.

1️⃣1️⃣ School of #Electrical #Engineering; #Information Science and Engineering #Smart Meter Privacy and Energy Storage Technology

🗞 Your background: #Electrical Engineering, Engineering #Physics or similar with a strong #mathematical background

Deadline: #March 16, 2017.

1️⃣2️⃣ School of Technology and #Health; #medical #image processing

🗞 Your background: Electrical and Medical Engineering and good knowledge of mathematics and programming. Experience of #machine learning techniques and segmentation of #tumours is an advantage

Deadline: #March 16, 2017.

1️⃣3️⃣ School of Electrical Engineering; Department Electric Power and Energy Systems; #Electric #Power and Energy Systems

🗞 Your background: Electrical Engineering, #Control Engineering, Engineering #Physics or a related field.

Deadline: #March 16, 2017.

1️⃣4️⃣ School of Computer Science and Communication #dynamic/#distributed #graph #algorithms and complexity

🗞 Your background: #theoretical computer science (e.g. #data structures and complexity theory) and/or related fields (e.g. #optimization and mathematics)

Deadline: #March 16, 2017.

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!
#N0632; #Postdoc; #Funded; Department of #Transport Science; School of #Architecture and the #Built #Environment; #KTH #Royal Institute of #Technology; #Sweden;

پوزیشن عالی دوره‌ی #پسادکتری در دومین دانشگاه برتر #سوئد در زمینه‌ی:

#Systems #Analysis and #Economics

✳️ چنانچه به حوزه‌های زیر علاقه‌مند هستید::

#mathematical and #statistical #modelling

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!

Deadline: #March 30, 2017.
#N0646; #PhD; #Funded; #Multiscale #Dynamics Group; Centre for #Mathematics and #Computer Science; #Netherlands;

پوزیشن عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری در #هلند در زمینه‌ی:

#computational #modelling of #lightning

✳️ قابل توجه عزیزانی با بک‌گراندی در:

#computational science, (#applied) #physics, (applied) #mathematics, or a related field.

✔️ @ApplyTime
It’s apply time. Let’s go!

Deadline: #March 31, 2017.
#N0715; #Postdoc; #Funded; BCAM - #Basque Center for #Applied #Mathematics; #Spain;

پوزیشن‌های عالی دوره‌ی #پسادکتری در #اسپانیا در زمینه‌های:

#Machine #Learning; Applied #Analysis; #Algebraic #Geometry and #Singularity Theory; Applied Algebraic Geometry; Simulation of #Wave #Propagation; #Modelling and Simulation in #Life and #Materials #Sciences

✔️ @ApplyTime

Deadline: #April 3, 2017.
#N0816; #PhD; #Funded: Only tuition fees; Centre for Doctoral Training in #Decarbonisation of the Built #Environment ; University of #Bath; #UK;

اسکالرشیپ‌های عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری در دانشگاه #بث #انگلستان در زمینه‌ی:

Resilient design of heat-exchanger piles for sustainable use of #geothermal #energy

✳️ بک‌گراند شما:

Have a strong interest in #engineering #mechanics, #geotechnical/structural #modelling and #computational #analysis

✔️ @ApplyTime

Deadline: #April 30, 2017.
#N0819; #PhD; #Fully_Funded; Department of #Mechanical #Engineering; KU #Leuven; #Belgium;

دو پوزیشن بسیار عالی دوره‌ی #دکتری در دانشگاه #کی‌یولون #بلژیک در زمینه‌ی:

1- #Real_time motion #planning and fast model #predictive #control for #robots
2- #B_spline based motion planning and model predective control

✳️ بک‌گراند شما:

Hold a master degree in #engineering (#mechanical, #control ...) and a strong background in control and #dynamic system #modelling, #robotics, #numerical #optimization, #programming, and #identification

✔️ @ApplyTime

Deadline: #April 30, 2017.
1- 🌐
2- 🌐
6️⃣7️⃣ #N0926;

#Funded; #PhD position; #Polymers, #Nanocomposites and #Modelling Research Centre; at #Sheffield Hallam University; in #UK;

✴️ Subject: The design, preparation and characterisation of #composite, polymer membranes

✔️ @ApplyTime

Deadline: #May 15, 2017.
7️⃣1️⃣ #N0944;

#Funded; #PhD position; at #French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development; in #France;

✴️Subject: Biogeography of human emerging infectious diseases in French Guiana: socio-#economic and environmental factors

🅱️ Your background: sound understanding of #cartography (GIS, GQIS), #statistics and #modelling (R environment) and #data base #analysis along with understanding of infectious tropical diseases

✔️ @ApplyTime

Deadline: #May 30, 2017
7️⃣ #N1051;

#Funded: stipend + tuition fees award in UK/EU level; #Master position; Faculty of #Engineering and #Science; at University of #Greenwich; in #UK;

✴️Subjects: #Future #technology and the #Internet of #Things, #Mathematical #modelling for #engineering, Designing for #sustainability, Next generation #materials, #Innovative and #smart structures, Materials handling and #transport, #Communications, Engineering #enterprise.

✔️ @ApplyTime

Deadline: #June 1, 2017