The Ancient Egyptian Civilization
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Ballana and Qustul.Ballana is located on the west bank of the Nile opposite to Qustul, 300 km south of Aswan. The excavations conducted at the site between 1928 and 1931 revealed one of the cemeteries of Lower Nubia known as the Ballana and Qustul Culture or the X-Group. The tombs may have belonged to several kings, queens, and nobles of “Nobatia”, one of the Nubian kingdoms that flourished after the fall of the Kingdom of Meroe, but before the rise of the Christian kingdoms of Nubia between 350 and 600 AD. The tombs were distinguished by their pure Nubian origins and contents, in addition to many objects that were imported from Byzantine Egypt or the Mediterranean which indicated their relation with the Byzantine world before the spread of Christianity.A crown made of silver and precious stones, probably for one of the kings of the Kingdom of "Nobatia".displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

The Ancient Egyptians excelled in the art of architecture since the beginning of the civilization. Different forms of architecture emerged according to the need, religious, civil and military architecture, and till this day the Great Pyramid is evidence of the ingenuity and precision of the Egyptians in building and construction.The skill of the Egyptians in architecture led to the invention of construction equipment and tools that are still used today, such as sledge to pull huge stones, and measuring tools such as the cubit, angle, and horizontal and vertical plumb to adjust the locations and angles of building points with high accuracy.Construction tools from the Tomb of Sennedjem, tomb No. 1 in Deir El-Madina, dating back to the Nineteenth Dynasty (1295: 1186 BC) of the New Kingdom.Displayed in The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

An ostracon depicting a scene of a concert and a banquet for some nobles. This scene was on the walls of one of the tombs in western Thebes.Limestone, Deir el-Bahari, New Kingdom.Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization held a concert in celebration of its two-year opening anniversary, and in conjunction with International Music Day.The concert was held at the outer area overlooking the Ain al-Hayat Lake, as part of the activities of "Eternal Egypt" in partnership with RMC, which was launched by the museum in the framework of organizing several artistic and cultural concerts.

Niobe the daughter of Tantalus, king of Phrygia in Asia Minor, and wife of Amphion who founded the Greek city of Thebes and built its walls. The Greeks considered her a patroness of education and knowledge, and a goddess of Thebes. Niobe and Amphion had seven sons and seven daughters, all of them were of beauty and splendor, and Niobe always bragged about them, which provoked the jealousy and anger of the goddess Leto, the wife of Zeus, who only gave birth to Apollo and Artemis. Which lead Leto to plan a revenge on Niobe, where Apollo killed the boys and Artemis killed the girls; Niobe wept for the loss of her children, until she turned to rock over the Mount Sipylus.
Marble, 2nd century AD, loxur.Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, Cairo.

The purification tent of princess Isetemkheb II, Deir el Bahri Cache 1881, ca. 1046 – 1037 BC. Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

The Holy Ka'aba Key Bag. Green silk embroidered with serma, Ottoman period, reign of Sultan Al-Ghazi Abdul Majid Khan (1839-1861AD). Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

Tanagra figurines are among the most famous artifacts of the Greek era since the seventh century B.C, and got their name from the Greek city of Tanagra. The figurines were made of burnt clay, and they usually depicted women wearing gowns with folds, or scenes of workers and young children and were placed in homes as they were and as offerings to be placed next to the deceased. Alexandria and Naukratis are among the most important centers of Tanagra production in Egypt, showing aspects of life and of the fashion in Egypt during the Greco-Roman era Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC). Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

The priest Psmatik Seneb holding naos of the god Atum, Tanis, (ca. 747 - 332 B. C). Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

This multi-story building model depicts a Purgos house, a style of multi-story dwellings that was common in the Greco-Roman era, and this three-story model was a gift to a temple, perhaps to seek protection for the house. It appears in it the way of building the mud brick coruses in a wavy way to support and stabilize the building.
The Roman era (30 BC - 395 AD), Sakha - Kafr El-Sheikh, limestone. Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat organized a cultural and heritage event entitled "Heritage of Musical Instruments”.The event sheds light on the heritage of musical instruments in Egypt, in cooperation with the Music Hall of the National Books and Documents House and the Guitar Institute of Music, with the participation of a number of Egyptian artists who play various musical instruments.

A painting of Coptic textile depicting a monk wearing a long cloak and topped with Coptic writing that reads (Petrus). Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

The Egyptian woman has played a prominent role throughout Egyptian history. She was the wife, the mother, and the companion in life and in hardship. The Egyptian woman enjoyed her unique position and held prominent positions in various fields, including intellectual, scientific, and political. History is full of women who made significant contributions to society over the ages.

In honor of International Women’s Day, on March 7, 2024, National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt will host a temporary exhibition entitled "Belladonna,” which will showcase a selection of the museum's unique collection that highlights the status of Egyptian women throughout history and provides insights into the lives, adornment, and beauty of women throughout time. The museum will hold the exhibit for an entire month.

Offering list or "Debhet Hetepw" lintel depicts one of the most popular Ancient Egyptian scenes, that of an offering table with the food presented to the dead. This scene highlights the diversity of Ancient Egyptian cuisine due to the wide variety of agricultural crops, and bread was always a staple, with over forty different varieties.

A lintel with a scene representing a woman sitting in front of a table and offering list
From the Old Kingdom, late 4th Dynasty: Early 5th Dynasty, Saqqara (Titi cemetery), limestone.Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian women enjoyed a high status that set them apart from other civilizations. This prestige was reflected in the artistic creations left by the Egyptians, particularly those of Mrs. Neferihi, who lived in the twenty-fourth century BC. She was shown standing and resting on a pillar with her name and titles, one of the noblewomen close to the monarch.

Old Kingdom, Fifth Dynasty, limestone, Giza Cemetery.This unique artifact is on display in the museum's Egyptian Textile Hall as part of the Belladonna temporary exhibit at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo,Egypt.

Jugs and bowls were among the most widely used tools for washing both on dining tables and for ablution, some of them were also used for decoration and as an essential element of the bride’s trousseau. The outer and inner surfaces were decorated with exquisite geometric and floral patterns and inscriptions, and some were embellished with silver or gold.A copper bowl and jug covered with silver, Mamluk era (8th century Hijri/ 14th century). Displayed at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

The statue of the supervisor of the royal textile workshops "Merer- Nisu".Old Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, Giza, Granit

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization launched an “audio guide” service inside the Royal Mummies Hall, where guidance is prohibited, to provide a comprehensive historical explanation via special headphones to visitors in both Arabic and English.This service will be provided to visitors for a fee in addition to the price of the museum entry ticket, which the visitor can book through the museum’s ticket office.

Senet was depicted in various scenes, including a scene at the door of the Tomb of the foreman of Deir al-Madina; Sennedjem, sitting next to his wife playing Senet, from the New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty (1295 - 1186) B.C. Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.

Statue of Visir Paser, Granite, New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, Karnak Cachette. Displayed in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, Egypt.