#Wiranata Tapi, Maxine ga sendiri. Ada partnernya Maxine yang ga kalah keren, siapa dia? Nanti juga tau 👍🏻
Halo semuanya, karena Maxine lagi ada kegiatan lain, #Wiranata yang bakal jawabin pertanyaan kalian yang ada diboard ya. Jadi feel free buat bertanya sebanyak-banyaknya (((kalau ada pertanyaannya)))
ALÉS Entertainment
2022 ALÉS GLOBAL AUDITION 'The Magnificent Soulmate of The Sacred Heart' ALÉS Entertainment, which produced Adolescents, has held global auditions every year since 2021 to find talents who show their performative skills that could highlight the potential…
#Wiranata FYI, lebih bagus lagi kalau kirim jawaban wawancaranya pakai Telegraph ya, tapi kalau engga juga gapapa kok.
ALÉS Entertainment via @MasterPoll_Bot
📝 Any questions about the recruitment? 👤 untuk femalenya harus dom/switch ya kak? soalnya di formnya cuma itu dua 🥺 👤 Udah mulai pemilihan belum? Kuotanya masih banyak? 👤 Sorry kalau nanya, ini beneran gak ada masa trainee? Like trial? 👤 Nanti susunan…
Good evening, folks! #Wiranata speaking here, aku cuma mau ingetin kalau kita masih buka pendaftaran menjadi idol di @Adolescents dan The Juvenile ya. Kalau ada pertanyaan yang mengganjal dihati, bisa langsung ditanyakan aja diboard yang telah disediakan, have a great day!
ALÉS Entertainment
👤 Kira-kira close kapan? @ othercaretakers please help me answer this 👤 form nya di send kemana You guys, the bot to submit the form has been written here. Here I will help you to found it faster [https://t.ly/F13V] the link is actually working.
👤 https://t.me/AlesProps/449 wawancara iti ada pertanyaan lain atau format yang disend ke bot aja?
Of course there will be another questions since we ain't do training, we look through your interview answers to identify are you qualify or not.
👤 Nanti susunan acaranya apa aja setelah close hiring?
I think there will be just an announcement that you're qualified or the otherwise after this, for another event that will be hold later is ... agency's secret lol.
Of course there will be another questions since we ain't do training, we look through your interview answers to identify are you qualify or not.
👤 Nanti susunan acaranya apa aja setelah close hiring?
I think there will be just an announcement that you're qualified or the otherwise after this, for another event that will be hold later is ... agency's secret lol.
ALÉS Entertainment
#Wiranata FYI, lebih bagus lagi kalau kirim jawaban wawancaranya pakai Telegraph ya, tapi kalau engga juga gapapa kok.
ALÉS Entertainment
👤 Kira-kira close kapan? @ othercaretakers please help me answer this 👤 form nya di send kemana You guys, the bot to submit the form has been written here. Here I will help you to found it faster [https://t.ly/F13V] the link is actually working.
#Wiranata speaking here, mau bantu jawab pertanyaan yang kira-kira close kapan nih. Kita close kalau kuota kita udah penuh ya, kuota ini bukan jumlah pendaftarnya, tapi jumlah target talent yang mau kita debutin. Jadi yang daftar harus kece dan cantik/ganteng, semangat ya <3
ALÉS Entertainment
👤 Sorry kalau nanya, ini beneran gak ada masa trainee? Like trial? Yep, there's no such things as trial or trainee. Once you've passed the interviews, you're officially part of ALÉS Entertainment.
#Wiranata mau nambahin dikit, nanti kalau keterima, ada debut a.k.a free rent, habis itu paling kena ospek talent lama /jk
#Wiranata Kalau aku lagi suka dengerin Que Sera Sera by Doris Day, lagunya nenangin banget dan bisa bikin bobo 👍
#Wiranata bener banget kita pisah, kalau debutnya mah nanti tanggal ** June, ditunggu aja ya <3