ALÉS Entertainment via @MasterPoll_Bot
📝 Any questions about the recruitment? 👤 untuk femalenya harus dom/switch ya kak? soalnya di formnya cuma itu dua 🥺 👤 Udah mulai pemilihan belum? Kuotanya masih banyak? 👤 Sorry kalau nanya, ini beneran gak ada masa trainee? Like trial? 👤 Nanti susunan…
Wondrous morning-soon-to-be-afternoon everyone, #Maxine is speaking here. Since no one has answered all the questions above, I will be in charge to feed your curiosity about this event. Prithee, don't hesitate to submit your question into the board.
ALÉS Entertainment
Biar mudah dipahami, kita pake analogi aja ya. Jadi Adoles itu gambarannya NCT nah ALÉS itu SM. Jadi ALÉS itu bukan mutual, agensi baru, atau temennya Adoles. Tapi semacam management yang ngehandle Adolescents. Terus kenapa kok tiba-tiba ada channelnya, kemarin…
#Maxine While you guys read it, I will grab my lunch ya. Happy studying the Ales universe
#Maxine, good morning folks! Have you guys submitted your application form?