ترجو إدارة #مدرسة_الأنصار_العالمية لجميع طلابها التوفيق والتميز في امتحاناتهم المقبلة.
#Al_Ansar_International_School wishes you a successful examination period.
#Al_Ansar_International_School wishes you a successful examination period.
نرحب بكم؛ لاستكمال إجراءات التسجيل وتسليم الدفعات للعام الدراسي القادم2017-2018 (بحسب المواعيد المذكورة)
You are welcome to complete the registration procedures / payment of school fees for the academic year 2017-2018 (as per the official mentioned timings)
You are welcome to complete the registration procedures / payment of school fees for the academic year 2017-2018 (as per the official mentioned timings)
Al Ansar International School takes the opportunity to #thank and appreciate the efforts of its teaching faculty on the occasion of #teachersday .
Students of #al_ansar_international_school express their gratitude towards their #teachers with tokens of appreciation on the occasion of #teachersday.
Keeping up the tradition of #excellence, the students of #al_ansar_international_school #makeusproud yet again by securing highest marks in #igcse and #Alevel.
Dear students and parents,
In order to support the project of "Sharjah Child Friendly City", you are kindly requested to vote for Sharjah in the Global Child Friendly Cities Summit award - Child-friendly Social Services Category.
Voting Steps:
1. Visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3ZCRPC7
2. Follow the steps in the picture
The voting ends on 15/10/2019
Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
In order to support the project of "Sharjah Child Friendly City", you are kindly requested to vote for Sharjah in the Global Child Friendly Cities Summit award - Child-friendly Social Services Category.
Voting Steps:
1. Visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3ZCRPC7
2. Follow the steps in the picture
The voting ends on 15/10/2019
Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
Excellence has become synonymous to the students of Al Ansar International School. We are therefore proud to announce the launch Season 12 of "AL ANSAR AWARD FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE"
#award #academic #excellence #outstandingperformance #registernow #withlovewecare #alansaraward #al_ansar_international_school
Excellence has become synonymous to the students of Al Ansar International School. We are therefore proud to announce the launch Season 12 of "AL ANSAR AWARD FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE"
#award #academic #excellence #outstandingperformance #registernow #withlovewecare #alansaraward #al_ansar_international_school