💧 Metaverse DNA Bounty 💧
🏆 Tasks: ➕ $4,000 worth of DNA will be shared
🔛 Bounty Form for Metaverse DNA 🔛
💠 Join Metaverse DNA Telegram group. (Required)
💠 Follow Metaverse DNA Twitter account. (1 DNA point)
💠 Create 3 tweets containing at least 100 characters, per week. All tweets must include the following hashtags: #Dualchain #mvsdna #blockchain #cryptocurrency #DPoS #dapps.
(Up to 6 DNA points)
💠 Like and retweet the official Metaverse tweets.
(2 DNA points per retweet)
💠 Write up to 2 constructive comments containing at least 100 characters, per week on the official Metaverse DNA tweets.
(2 DNA points per comment)
💠 Create a Metaverse wallet
💠 Send your information to the airdrop form, using your Metaverse wallet address.
🗞 Notes: Participants should have a minimum of 300 real followers on Twitter. Their follower amount should not drop under this number during the time period of your participation in this campaign.
🗞 Notes: Submit your weekly tweets, likes, and comments links to this Bitcointalk thread every Tuesday. An extra pool of $1,000 worth of DNA will be reserved for short-term contests and raffles throughout the bounty campaign.
🏆 Tasks: ➕ $4,000 worth of DNA will be shared
🔛 Bounty Form for Metaverse DNA 🔛
💠 Join Metaverse DNA Telegram group. (Required)
💠 Follow Metaverse DNA Twitter account. (1 DNA point)
💠 Create 3 tweets containing at least 100 characters, per week. All tweets must include the following hashtags: #Dualchain #mvsdna #blockchain #cryptocurrency #DPoS #dapps.
(Up to 6 DNA points)
💠 Like and retweet the official Metaverse tweets.
(2 DNA points per retweet)
💠 Write up to 2 constructive comments containing at least 100 characters, per week on the official Metaverse DNA tweets.
(2 DNA points per comment)
💠 Create a Metaverse wallet
💠 Send your information to the airdrop form, using your Metaverse wallet address.
🗞 Notes: Participants should have a minimum of 300 real followers on Twitter. Their follower amount should not drop under this number during the time period of your participation in this campaign.
🗞 Notes: Submit your weekly tweets, likes, and comments links to this Bitcointalk thread every Tuesday. An extra pool of $1,000 worth of DNA will be reserved for short-term contests and raffles throughout the bounty campaign.