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#realworldexample #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🟣Real-world example: "Let's touch base"🟣

Explanation: "This phrase is commonly used in the context of business meetings or discussions. It means to have a brief conversation or check-in to update each other on progress or discuss any issues"

For example,
🖊"Let's touch base next week to discuss the progress of the project.

🔏Давайте зв'яжемося наступного тижня, щоб обговорити прогрес проекту."
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #realworldexample

🟣Real-world example: "Push to production"🟣

Explanation: "This phrase is commonly used in software development. It means to deploy code changes to a production environment."

For example,
🖊"We're ready to push the new feature to production, let's schedule it for next Wednesday."

🔏Ми готові до випуску нової функції на прод, давайте заплануємо це на наступну середу.
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #realworldexample

🟣Real-world example: "Drill down"🟣

Explanation: "This phrase is commonly used in the context of data analysis. It means to examine data in more detail by looking at specific aspects or subcategories."

For example,
🖊"We need to drill down into the data to see where the problem is coming from."

🔏Нам потрібно детально ознайомитися з даними, щоб побачити, звідки походить проблема.
#realworldexample #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🟣Real-world example: "On my plate"🟣

Explanation: "This phrase is commonly used to describe a workload or tasks that someone is responsible for."

For example,
🖊"I've got a lot on my plate at the moment, but I'll try to help you with that as soon as possible."

🔏Я зараз дуже зайнятий, але я спробую тобі з цим допомогти якомога раніше.
#realworldexample #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🟣Real-world example: "Spinning up a server"🟣

Explanation: "This phrase is commonly used in the context of cloud computing and servers. It means to create a new server and make it available for use."

For example,
🖊"We're spinning up a new server to handle the increased traffic on our website."

🔏Ми розгортаємо новий сервер, щоб обробляти збільшений трафік на нашому веб-сайті.