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#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

⚠️Responding to the demo request⚠️

Make sure that when you reply to a customer who requests a demo of your product, you showcase your best customer service skills. It’s easier when you have ready-to-use chatting scripts at hand.

🔸Yes, no problem. I can schedule a demo for you. What time and day are you available?

🔸Can we schedule a quick call to discuss your requirements and how our product can help solve your needs best?

🔸Hi [client’s name]! I can see that you requested a demo for [product] on [date]. What is your availability on [date]?
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

💣Online meetings: Handle Interruptions Like a Pro💣

🔵When children/noises are unavoidable / Коли дітей/шуму не уникнути:
You’ll have to forgive the noise in the background./Пробачте за шум на задньому плані.
I need to go on mute for a second./ Мені потрібно вимкнути звук на хвилинку.

🟢When someone interrupts you/Коли тебе хтось перебиває:
Sorry, let me finish my thought and then you can go ahead./Вибач, дай мені закінчити свою думку, а потім зможеш продовжити.
One moment, please. I’d like to mention another thing before we move on./Хвилинку, я хотів би згадати ще одну річ перед тим як ми підемо далі.

🟣When you have technical issues/Коли у вас виникають технічні проблеми:
It’s completely ok to notify everyone via chat that you need to resolve a technical issue./Цілком нормально повідомляти всіх через чат про те, що вам потрібно вирішити технічну проблему.
You’re very faint./Тебе ледве чути.
You’re breaking up./Звук переривається.
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

⭐️7 New Year Quotes That Will Inspire a Fresh Start to the Year

Start 2023 off right with New Year quotes that will inspire hopes for the future and motivate you to reach for your dreams

🌟“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” —William E. Vaughan, journalist and author

🌟“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on.” —Hal Borland, author, journalist and naturalist

🌟“The book is called Opportunity, and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” —Edith Lovejoy Pierce, poet

🌟“You can find inspiration in everything. If you can’t, then you’re not looking properly.” —Paul Smith, fashion designer

🌟It’s a myth that you can’t have it all. You can have it all—just maybe not all at the same time.” —Eva Longoria, actor

🌟It is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition.” —Larry Page, entrepreneur

🌟“A surplus of effort could overcome a deficit of confidence.” —Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🔥Stay up-to-date on the latest text abbreviations🔥

🟠ICYMI: In case you missed it
🟠TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read
🟠TMI: Too much information
🟠AFAIK: As far as I know
🟠LMK: Let me know
🟠NVM: Nevermind
🟠BRB: Be right back
🟠JK: Just kidding
🟠BTW: By the way
🟠FTFY: Fixed that for you
#realworldexample #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🟣Real-world example: "Let's touch base"🟣

Explanation: "This phrase is commonly used in the context of business meetings or discussions. It means to have a brief conversation or check-in to update each other on progress or discuss any issues"

For example,
🖊"Let's touch base next week to discuss the progress of the project.

🔏Давайте зв'яжемося наступного тижня, щоб обговорити прогрес проекту."
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #phrasalverbs

🛑Phrasal verb in action: "run into"🛑

"You're a QA Engineer, you've been testing a feature for the last two days, it seems to be working fine, but suddenly you 'run into' an issue that you didn't expect"

❗️Meaning: "to come across something unexpectedly"

📍Translation: зіштовхнутися з чимось, натрапити на щось
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🔷Abbreviation spotlight: TDD🔷

🔍Full meaning: Test-driven Development

"We are using TDD as our methodology for ensuring that our code is thoroughly tested before deployment."

🔵Ми використовуємо TDD як нашу методологію для забезпечення ретельного тестування нашого коду перед розгортанням
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #realworldexample

🟣Real-world example: "Push to production"🟣

Explanation: "This phrase is commonly used in software development. It means to deploy code changes to a production environment."

For example,
🖊"We're ready to push the new feature to production, let's schedule it for next Wednesday."

🔏Ми готові до випуску нової функції на прод, давайте заплануємо це на наступну середу.
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #phrasalverbs

🛑Phrasal verb in action: "catch up"🛑

"You're a Business Analyst, you've been away from the office for a week, and when you come back, you find out that the team has been working on a new feature, you tell them that you'll 'catch up' on what they've been doing"

❗️Meaning: "to become informed about something that has happened while you were away"

📍Translation: надолужити згаяне
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🔷Abbreviation spotlight: CI/CD🔷

🔍Full meaning: Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment

"By implementing a CI/CD pipeline, we are able to catch and fix errors early in the development process and deploy our code changes more frequently."

🔵За допомогою реалізації пайплайну CI/CD, ми можемо швидко виявляти та виправляти помилки на ранніх етапах розробки та більш часто виконувати розгортання нашого коду
#synonyms #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

⚡️The Power of Synonyms: Adding Variety to Your Speech - "Starting a Project" ⚡️

Starting a project is an exciting moment, but by using synonyms, you can add variety and interest to your speech. Here are a few examples of synonyms for the word "start":

🌩Launch: We launch this project with a grand ceremony and a press release.

🌩Kick-off: We kick-off this project with a team-building event and a brainstorming session.

🌩Commence: We commence the project with a detailed project plan and a clear schedule.

🌩Initiate: We initiate the project with a series of meetings with the stakeholders.

🌩Embark: We embark on this project with a sense of adventure and a willingness to learn.