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#phrasalverbs #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang


💪to bring up - підняти питання, торкнутися теми

🧷e.g. Rather than bringing up your problems with Dave in the staff meeting, talk to him one-on-one about it./Замість того, щоб піднімати свої проблеми з Дейвом на зустрічі з усім персоналом, краще поговори з ним один-на-один про них.

💪to dig in - приступити серйозно за щось, активно братися за роботу

🧷e.g. Well, I wish it was just a day. Can not really say until we dig in there, but unlikely to be just a couple of days. It's gonna take some time./Ну, я хотів би щоб це був тільки один день. Не можу точно сказати до того як ми серйозно приступимо до роботи, але малоймовірно, що це буде тільки кілька днів. Це займе деякий час.

💪to go about something - приступати до чогось, починати щось робити

🧷e.g. I think the meeting was very helpful in figuring out how we should go about reducing our expenses./Я думаю, що зустріч була дуже корисною для того, щоб розібратися як нам слід приступити до зниження наших витрат.

💪to write something up - прописати, докладно описати

🧷e.g. I need to write up the minutes of the meeting./Мені необхідно прописати протокол зустрічі.

#phrasalverbs #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang ​​



📚meaning: to delay progress on smth

📖translation: затримувати (напр. хід проекту)

📌e.g. When our key programmer got sick, it set our project back by about 2 weeks./Коли наш ключовий програміст захворів, це затримало наш проект на 2 тижні.


📚meaning: to calmly deal with something that is unpleasant and not let it affect what you are doing

📖translation: спокійно сприймати щось, спокійно відноситися до чогось

📌e.g. I take criticism in my stride./Я спокійно відношуся до критики.
📌e.g. There are often problems at work but she seems to take it all in her stride./На роботі часто проблеми але, здається, вона спокійно все це сприймає.

#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #phrasalverbs

🛑Phrasal verb in action: "run into"🛑

"You're a QA Engineer, you've been testing a feature for the last two days, it seems to be working fine, but suddenly you 'run into' an issue that you didn't expect"

❗️Meaning: "to come across something unexpectedly"

📍Translation: зіштовхнутися з чимось, натрапити на щось
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #phrasalverbs

🛑Phrasal verb in action: "catch up"🛑

"You're a Business Analyst, you've been away from the office for a week, and when you come back, you find out that the team has been working on a new feature, you tell them that you'll 'catch up' on what they've been doing"

❗️Meaning: "to become informed about something that has happened while you were away"

📍Translation: надолужити згаяне
#IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang #phrasalverbs

🛑Phrasal verb in action: "carry out"🛑

"You're a software developer, you've been assigned to implement a new feature, you tell your team leader that you'll 'carry out' the task"

❗️Meaning: "to do something that has been assigned or agreed to be done"

📍Translation: виконувати (про завдання), проводити (про дослідження, експеримент)
#phrasalverbs #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🛑Phrasal verb in action: "pick up"🛑

"You're a software developer and you've been asked to take over a project that has been abandoned by another team. You've been told that the code is a mess and it will take some time to understand it. You tell your manager that you'll 'pick up' the project."

❗️Meaning: "to begin working on something that someone else has started"

📍Translation: почати працювати над тим, що почав хтось інший
#phrasalverbs #IT_vocabulary #IT_Slang

🛑Phrasal verb in action: "look into"🛑

"You're a project manager, you've been informed that there is a bottleneck in the development process, you tell your team that you'll 'look into' it."

❗️Meaning: "to investigate or examine something"

📍Translation: досліджувати або вивчати щось