Action Coin News
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MOHA is currently under maintenance and users might face troubles with some features. We are working on improving our site and appreciate your patience.

We'll be back soon!
Service to has been restored for most users. We are also moving more services over to, which we acquired after the presale. will be the primary domain for our project moving forward.
Hello World!

I want to take a few moments to thank all of our valued supporters and to provide you with some updates regarding the Action Coin project.  I am fully aware that there is a great deal of FUD surrounding our project due to the technical issues that have plagued us over the the past few months, as well as the reduced number of updates that I've been sending out.  You should all know that there are in fact many exciting things happening behind the scenes and our project is continuing to grow and evolve.

Our team now consists of over 100 energetic people from more than 50 countries.  A comprehensive global marketing plan has been set into motion and our Brand Ambassadors are being empowered with a growing list of cohesive and professionally designed marketing materials including business cards, merchant information, banners, shirts, and more.  We are also extremely active on our primary social media channels with regularly scheduled content.

Whitepaper & Roadmap

Some of you have commented that we have not yet reached many of the milestones that were defined in the original whitepaper.  The truth of the matter is that I have been making strategic changes to our plans based on unexpected challenges, successes and failures.  In my opinion, we are even ahead of schedule in some respects.

The original roadmap included the creation of many country-specific business directories and the aggregation of related content.  I originally decided that we would create these directories because I wasn’t quite certain that enough merchants would join our platform with ACTN-based discounts for our membership in the short term. I was dead wrong!  Our team of enthusiastic Brand Ambassadors has attracted close to 1,000 merchants in just a few short months, and many more are in the works! These early adopters are more than happy to offer discounts in exchange for ACTN, and in a limited number of cases we’ve been told that some merchants are even accepting ACTN for 100% of the payment on select products and services.  Just WOW!

Browse the latest deals and support our growing list of merchants via:

The roadmap also spoke about our desire to become a child chain of the all new Ardor Public Blockchain.  Negotiations in this regard dragged on for many months due to limited communications from the other team, and I was forced to back out of the deal after being presented with unsatisfactory terms.  I then decided to rapidly clone the Nxt Public Blockchain and to deploy our very own network with less than a month to our official launch. Deploying, securing and operating our own blockchain network presented a number of additional challenges, but here we stand today, with a wholly owned blockchain running on a scalable network of public nodes spread across 5 continents.  Our global network is currently able to process over 350,000 transactions per day, and we are now starting the decentralization process with the pending release of branded Linux, Mac and Windows clients.


Our websites are now being rebuilt due to performance and security concerns.  As many of you have heard (or suspect), the point to token transfer system was being gamed by one or more evil doers.  I attempted to keep the system online while we monitored their activities and made attempts to stop them, but the number of tokens that they were stealing was far too great and I decided to suspend all transfers in order to protect the overall integrity of the project.  More than 175,000 point to token transfers were processed within a few short weeks, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that we still control 84% of the entire token supply. That’s in addition to the 10% that we airdropped to over 200,000 Nxt holders as per the terms of the Jelurida Public License.

Affiliate Programs

There have been a number of problems with several different affiliate tracking systems over the course of this project.  The problems were also largely due to scammers that found ways to accumulate thousands of referrals by gaming the systems.  Their act
ivities overloaded our servers, and caused us to switch programs several times. The latest system ( is by far the best in terms of fraud control and stability.  Most of the *legitimate* affiliates from the previous system have been credited for their referrals and we’re cleaning the remainder of the payments up on a case-by-case basis. We did write a program to handle the 5,000+ affiliate payments that are currently overdue within the latest system, but apparently processing so many payments at once is too much for their software (or simply not allowed), so we will manually import the payment data to the associated Action Coin accounts once the website updates are complete.  Please ensure that your email address in the affiliate system matches your email address on our main website!

Support Tickets

Our customer support team has been working very hard to get thousands of overdue support tickets resolved.  The number of open tickets has now been reduced from over 4,500 to just 700 and we expect to be all caught up within the next 2 weeks.  Customer support may now be reached at ... Please contact support about problems with your account only!!  Refer to our knowledgebase for the answers to your most common questions.  Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter for the latest deals and important news.  Join our Telegram group (consisting of over 6,800 users) to engage in general discussion, obtain help and advice.  But be safe… Trolls and criminals exist on all channels! DO NOT share wallet or website login information with anybody, buy or sell tokens, or engage in other unsafe practices on social media.  And always, always be suspicious of external links and downloads regardless of their supposed origin.


Lastly I will talk about exchanges...  We been in touch with over 80 exchanges worldwide and continue to communicate with new (or previously unknown) exchanges on a regular basis.  Many exchanges are obviously overwhelmed with their own growing pains, as they do not respond to applications or emails, despite many follow ups.  I am intentionally withholding applications to some of the “top” exchanges until I’m satisfied that we have everything running smoothly enough to approach them, since I believe that we only have one shot at the most popular platforms.  You may also be interested to know that while *some* listings are still free (we have paid for 3/4), many of the larger exchanges charge anywhere from $50,000 to $1,000,000 USD for each pairing, which is simply not within our budget at this time.  ACTN has been listed on 3 exchanges (Stocks.Exchange, BITSSA, BiteBTC) so far, and we expect to announce the fourth and largest exchange as soon as their integration is complete. Stocks.Exchange offers an ACTN/ETH pairing, BITSSA offers a ACTN/BTCH pairing and BiteBTC offers an ACTN/BTC pairing.  I still hope and believe that BiteBTC is slow getting started due to kyc/regulatory/compliance issues... All of that said, I do continue to suggest that you HODL if you truly support our project for the long term. My office has not sold a single token outside of the presale, has no real control over the price of our token on the open market, and it’s quite obvious to me that certain individuals are purposely manipulating the price in order to buy more.

I truly hope that this update addresses some of your concerns.  You should know that my team is working very hard to make the Action Coin project a great success and I think about it almost every waking minute of everyday.   I fully expect to make Action Coin my legacy project, for it to grow beyond all expectations, and hopefully even well beyond my time here on this earth. We can do great things together!  Have faith my friends!


Nicholas Morley, CEO
Action Coin
We are now officially releasing the Action Coin desktop client for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating systems. The Mac version will be released at a later date.

Before starting you need to run Java.  Download the program from the official Oracle homepage:

Choose the file corresponding to your operating system and install it. As soon as you have Java installed we can install Action Coin!

The Windows client installs like any other application and should work on all modern versions of Windows. Once installed, you may launch it from the start menu or via the desktop icon; depending on the choices that you made during installation. The database and log files will be stored in Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\ACTION

You may install the wallet as a light client, but we do suggest that you opt to download the entire blockchain instead (ie: do not select the light client option during installation). You only need to do it once.  Do not select the testnet option during installation (we do not offer a public testnet at this time). Select the "create desktop icon" during installation for ease of use. Once installed and launched for the first time, the application will start the blockchain download process. The blockchain download will take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two depending on your hardware configuration and the speed of your connection. The desktop wallet should automatically open in "Roaming" mode within 5-10 minutes (once again depending on your system). Right click the Action icon within your system tray to check the wallet status, view the application log file, open the wallet in your browser, launch or shutdown the application.

64-bit Windows Installer (tested on Windows 7, Windows 10):

32-bit Windows Installer (tested on Windows 7):

The desktop client will not transmit your passphrase to our public nodes, and is the safest way to access your wallet on the Action Blockchain. Community support is available via Telegram, but do not provide sensitive data (such as passphrases or other login information) to anybody.  Admins WILL NOT ask you for this information.
We are now officially releasing the Action Coin desktop client for the Linux operating system.

Before starting you need to run Java.  Download the program from the official Oracle homepage:

Choose the file corresponding to your operating system and install it. As soon as you have Java installed we can install Action Coin!

I like to start the Linux desktop client from shell, so I can see the output.  You may also launch the installer by double clicking on it. The locations of the application shortcuts will vary depending on your flavor of Linux, and the options that you select during installation.  The database and log files should be stored in the .action (note the leading dot) folder located in your home directory. If you're only installing via shell (ie: no desktop), the database and log files will be stored in the application root.

You may install the wallet as a light client, but we do suggest that you opt to download the entire blockchain instead (ie: do not select the light client option during installation). You only need to do it once.  Do not select the testnet option during installation (we do not offer a public testnet at this time). Select the "create desktop icon" during installation for ease of use. Once installed and launched for the first time, the application will start the blockchain download process. The blockchain download will take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two depending on your hardware configuration and the speed of your connection. The desktop wallet should automatically open in "Roaming" mode within 5-10 minutes (once again depending on your system). Right click the Action icon within your system tray to check the wallet status, view the application log file, open the wallet in your browser, launch or shutdown the application.

Linux Installer (tested on Ubuntu 16.04.3 Desktop):

The desktop client will not transmit your passphrase to our public nodes, and is the safest way to access your wallet on the Action Blockchain.  Community support is available via Telegram, but do not provide sensitive data (such as passphrases or other login information) to anybody. Admins WILL NOT ask you for this information.
Action Deal Of The Day!

Buy an Action voucher of 497.50 ACTN and save 25% on Summer men’s watch at Seac Watches in Hungary.

Buy your voucher here:
Join our enthusiastic team!

We are looking for Action Coin Brand Ambassadors from several locations in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Apply here if you think you have what it takes to build a global e-commerce platform:
Sail your dreams and save 95 Turkish Liras for 25.00 Action on sailing lessons at Açık Deniz Akademi.

Get your deal here:
For 10.00 ACTN, save 10 US dollars daily on professional guiding services in Turkey with Tolga Kanik.

Find more information here:
KYC is Coming!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we're planning to implement KYC procedures within a week. Users that wish to convert Action points to ACTN tokens will need to provide a legible scan or photo of their official ID, as well as a matching photo of themselves holding a sign that says "Action Coin".

This is necessary in order to comply with all new Canadian regulations that will be implemented within 12 months. In addition to compliance, I believe KYC will help strengthen our project in many other ways.

Point to token transfers will resume in a strictly controlled manner following identity verification.


Nick Morley, CEO
Action Coin