نمایی از نمایش شطرنج همزمان چشم بسته "یوهان سوکرتورت" پیش از سفرش به آمریکا برای رقابت در رویارویی قهرمانی جهان 1886
@Achmaz #BlindfoldSimul
@Achmaz #BlindfoldSimul
بلکبرن با برگزاری نمایش های سیمولتانه و چشم بسته نقش به سزایی در رواج شطرنج در کشورش و جهان داشت
@Achmaz #Blackburne
#Simul #BlindfoldSimul
@Achmaz #Blackburne
#Simul #BlindfoldSimul
کارل شلشتر در حال اجرای نمایش سیمولتانه چشم بسته در سال 1898
@Achmaz #CarlSchlechter
#Simul #BlindfoldSimul
@Achmaz #CarlSchlechter
#Simul #BlindfoldSimul
طرحی از یکی از سیمولتانه های چشم بسته پائلسن
Louis Paulsen was famous for his blindfold performances. His first effort of that kind stunned the public in New York in 1857, when he took on then-unprecedented five games simultaneously. A year later he extended the record to 14 games.
@Achmaz #LouisPaulsen #Simul #BlindfoldSimul
Louis Paulsen was famous for his blindfold performances. His first effort of that kind stunned the public in New York in 1857, when he took on then-unprecedented five games simultaneously. A year later he extended the record to 14 games.
@Achmaz #LouisPaulsen #Simul #BlindfoldSimul