🔊 @AbyaYalaRPI • Abya Yala, Caribe Y Canarias • Sur Global • Radio Pública, Red Intuitiva • RPI ••
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April 12, 2021. Today, survivors' groups all across the network have wished to represent themselves and the channels they broadcast to using a jaguar image. This reminds us of work we've been doing and important things we've been learning about how to support the movement to safeguard Indigenous women and children. This is especially important in regards to those bearing the greatest burden of harm where they are Invisible in their communities and cut off from their communities, often striving to communicate differently and non-verbally about what's happening. • #MMIWG #LandBack • 20210412-121838 • https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicRadio/7536 • https://t.me/s/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1114 ••
12 de abril de 2021. Hoy, los grupos de sobrevivientes de toda la red han querido representarse a sí mismos ya los canales que transmiten usando una imagen de jaguar. Esto nos recuerda el trabajo que hemos estado haciendo y las cosas importantes que hemos estado aprendiendo sobre cómo apoyar el movimiento para proteger a las mujeres y los niños indígenas. Esto es especialmente importante en lo que respecta a aquellos que soportan la mayor carga de daño cuando son invisibles en sus comunidades y están aislados de sus comunidades, a menudo se esfuerzan por comunicarse de manera diferente y no verbal sobre lo que está sucediendo. • #MMIWG #LandBack • 20210412-121838 • https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicRadio/7536 • https://t.me/s/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1114 ••
🔊 Convocar • @AbyaYalaRPI • Abya Yala, Caribbe Y Canarias • Sur Global • Radio Pública, Red Intuitiva • RPI •• https://t.me/joinchat/_RrKVHkzTeM3OTMx • 20210424-042003 • https://t.me/s/AbyaYalaRPI/12 ••
"ABYA YALA is the name by which the continent that today is named America is known, which would literally mean land in full maturity or land of vital blood." •• "Different native nations also gave different names to the continent in their respective languages ​​according to their own specific cultural visions of the concept of continent or territory (Mayab in the case of the Mayas of the current Yucatan Peninsula), visions that are not identified with the Spanish idea of ​​the continent." •• "Currently, in different indigenous organizations, communities and institutions and their representatives from all over the continent prefer its use to refer to the continental territory, instead of the term America." •• "The use of this name is assumed as an ideological position by those who use it, arguing that the name 'America' ​​or the expression 'New World' would be typical of the European colonizers and not of the original peoples of the American continent." •• "Abya Yala in the Guna language means 'land in full maturity', or land in flourishing, mature land, as opposed to the term New World given after the Spanish conquest." •• "The leader of the Aimara people, Takir Mamani, defends the use of the term 'Abya Yala' in the official statements of the governing bodies of the indigenous peoples, declaring that 'placing foreign names on our villages, cities and continents is equivalent to submitting our identity at the will of our invaders and their heirs.'" • https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abya_Yala • 20210424-044236 • https://t.me/s/AbyaYalaRPI/13 ••
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MMIW podcast

10/4/19 by Spirit Mountain Community Fund


Episode: https://api.spreaker.com/download/episode/19357626/mmiw_podcast.mp3

Listen to our podcast with Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women USA as they share their genesis and shocking information regarding indigenous women in the USA.
25 de abril de 2021. BUSCANDO: ¡Amigos de este tabernáculo itinerante! Se solicitan voluntarios de DISPATCH INTUITIVO. Todos los días llevamos ayuda diaria, alimentos seguros y suministros de emergencia a vecinos gravemente discapacitados mientras transmitimos Radio Pública Intuitiva usando Telegram messenger. Está invitado a ser coanfitrión y hablar con nosotros sobre sus proyectos (¡si lo desea!). Disfrute de las colaboraciones de la comunidad móvil, salve vidas, prevenga la falta de vivienda, alivie el sufrimiento y co-cree fuentes de ingresos. Comuníquese con t.me/maxmorris & t.me/s/intuitivedispatch de inmediato para obtener la información más actualizada. • Dispatchat: https://t.me/joinchat/ItrgUFY8oJA3M2Rh • 20210425-165529 • Intuitivo, inclusivo: https://t.me/s/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1136 • https://t.me/s/IntuitiveDispatch/4 ••
African Storytelling with Kesha Christie

4/26/21 by Medicine for the Resistance


Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/122298016
Episode: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/1018618381-patty-wbk-african-storytelling-with-kesha-christie.mp3

Our guest tells us, "as a storyteller you have a responsibility not to change the story but to show your audience a different way of seeing it, seeing it from a different perspective,." Storytelling helps us to see and understand ourselves and our place in the world a little bit better. They help us to locate ourselves not only in the past and present, but in the future. To know

Kesha Christie is an Afro-Carribbean storyteller. And she is delightful.