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是次放映會與Amnesty Leeds University合辦,活動將放映之影片紀錄著由蘋果日報、香港電台到香港記者協會、立場新聞,香港的新聞自由如何一步一步被打壓、被消滅。記者在極權打壓下被以國家安全之名為由起訴、拘留和逮捕。更請來無綫前主播報導員王俊彥拍片分享,講解香港主流媒體如何配合香港政府,以無線新聞利用不同的偏頗字眼去影響觀眾對香港政治運動的觀感。另外,亦會講述中國公民記者張展,由參與維權活動被註銷律師執照,到報導武漢肺炎的真相而被判入獄等事件。讓參與者了解中國與香港之新聞自由被打壓之實況。
Videos Sharing: The Erosion of Press Freedom in Hong Kong and China
Date: 12 Feb 2022 Saturday
Time: 1245-1445
Address: Room 6, Student Union, Leeds University, LS2 9JZ
Posted by @hongkongers_in_leeds
#Leeds #UK #海外活動 #放映會 #新聞自由 #蘋果日報 #記協 #立場新聞
Videos Sharing: The Erosion of Press Freedom in Hong Kong and China
Date: 12 Feb 2022 Saturday
Time: 1245-1445
Address: Room 6, Student Union, Leeds University, LS2 9JZ
Posted by @hongkongers_in_leeds
#Leeds #UK #海外活動 #放映會 #新聞自由 #蘋果日報 #記協 #立場新聞
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33rd Anniversary of 4 June Massacre
Worldwide commemorations, never give up.
為延續這點紀念燭火,為繼續爭取民主自由,為受到無理打壓的人平反,列斯手足連線將會舉辦 六四晚會,願我們一群身處海外的香港人能夠毋忘我們的抗爭精神和使命,繼續在世界各地悼念這些為追求民主自由而犧牲的人,向邪惡政權宣示我們不會忘記他們的惡行,希望大家當晚能夠出席。
Credit: 列斯手足連線
#列斯 #UK #Leeds #六四集會 #薪火相傳 #抹不走歷史 #六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #八九民運 #天安門屠城
33rd Anniversary of 4 June Massacre
Worldwide commemorations, never give up.
為延續這點紀念燭火,為繼續爭取民主自由,為受到無理打壓的人平反,列斯手足連線將會舉辦 六四晚會,願我們一群身處海外的香港人能夠毋忘我們的抗爭精神和使命,繼續在世界各地悼念這些為追求民主自由而犧牲的人,向邪惡政權宣示我們不會忘記他們的惡行,希望大家當晚能夠出席。
Credit: 列斯手足連線
#列斯 #UK #Leeds #六四集會 #薪火相傳 #抹不走歷史 #六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #八九民運 #天安門屠城
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#相片展 #612三週年 #UK #Leeds
Anti-extradition bill movement Photo Exhibition
⭐️ 反送中運動相片
⭐️ 呼籲捐款「細葉榕」
Date: Sunday 12 June 2022
Time: 1130 - 1500
Venue: 121 Briggate, Leeds LS1 6LX (Outside Debenhams)
Even though we are now abroad, we shouldn't forget our original intentions. We need to fight for our common purpose and continue to hold on to our belief. We must spread our words until they reaches every corner of the world.
Source: IG @hongkongers_in_leeds
Anti-extradition bill movement Photo Exhibition
⭐️ 反送中運動相片
⭐️ 呼籲捐款「細葉榕」
Date: Sunday 12 June 2022
Time: 1130 - 1500
Venue: 121 Briggate, Leeds LS1 6LX (Outside Debenhams)
Even though we are now abroad, we shouldn't forget our original intentions. We need to fight for our common purpose and continue to hold on to our belief. We must spread our words until they reaches every corner of the world.
Source: IG @hongkongers_in_leeds
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一個坐滿Victoria Square樓梯的黃昏
2022年8月31日,約400多人參與「8.31 列斯香港人集會」,有老、有幼,攜著鮮花與蠟燭,悼念一眾香港抗爭活動之死傷者。當「港共」繼續扼殺任何在港港人悼念之權利與自由時,離散港人定必毋忘初衷,繼續抗爭。
On 31 August 2022, about 400 people participated in the 831 Leeds Hongkongers Assembly. They commemorated the causalties in the protests in Hong Kong with flowers and candles. While the Communist Party oppressed our right and freedom to mourn the deceased in Hong Kong, we shall never forget our intention and keep on fighting for freedom.
Source: HongKongers in Leeds
#Leeds #UK #毋忘831 #英國 #集會 #外國港人勢力 #太子恐襲 #警謊 #黨鐵 #黑警 #警暴
2022年8月31日,約400多人參與「8.31 列斯香港人集會」,有老、有幼,攜著鮮花與蠟燭,悼念一眾香港抗爭活動之死傷者。當「港共」繼續扼殺任何在港港人悼念之權利與自由時,離散港人定必毋忘初衷,繼續抗爭。
On 31 August 2022, about 400 people participated in the 831 Leeds Hongkongers Assembly. They commemorated the causalties in the protests in Hong Kong with flowers and candles. While the Communist Party oppressed our right and freedom to mourn the deceased in Hong Kong, we shall never forget our intention and keep on fighting for freedom.
Source: HongKongers in Leeds
#Leeds #UK #毋忘831 #英國 #集會 #外國港人勢力 #太子恐襲 #警謊 #黨鐵 #黑警 #警暴
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感謝各位參與是次10.1抗極權大遊行,一同Say NO to Russia & China !
Thank you for participating in the ‘Anti-totalitarian’ match. During the event, we shouted ‘No’ to Russia and China loudly and clearly.
另外亦感謝各位參與 <取消姊妹城巿之聯署>,是次實體簽名目的為提倡成立獨立咨詢委員會對城巿外交提供指引,及推行全國公眾咨詢調查中共利用城巿合作的滲透。 稍後聯合有關資料後將會經MP代表提交國會。
We would also like to thank you all for signing the “Global Detwin with China Campaign” paper petition to help conducting a nationwide, public inquiry into cities partnerships involving foreign communities in countries with significant public sector corruption. We will then pass the signatures to London for allocation and submit to the Parliament through MPs.
Source: IG @hongkongers_in_leeds
#Leeds #UK #SayNoToMIC #十一港殤 #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光
Thank you for participating in the ‘Anti-totalitarian’ match. During the event, we shouted ‘No’ to Russia and China loudly and clearly.
另外亦感謝各位參與 <取消姊妹城巿之聯署>,是次實體簽名目的為提倡成立獨立咨詢委員會對城巿外交提供指引,及推行全國公眾咨詢調查中共利用城巿合作的滲透。 稍後聯合有關資料後將會經MP代表提交國會。
We would also like to thank you all for signing the “Global Detwin with China Campaign” paper petition to help conducting a nationwide, public inquiry into cities partnerships involving foreign communities in countries with significant public sector corruption. We will then pass the signatures to London for allocation and submit to the Parliament through MPs.
Source: IG @hongkongers_in_leeds
#Leeds #UK #SayNoToMIC #十一港殤 #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光
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Leeds Stands With Manchester Operation
Date: 23/10/2022 (Sun)
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Location: City Centre, exact location TBC
Source: 列斯手足連線
#Leeds #列斯 #二十大 #戰狼外交 #英國 #曼徹斯特 #總領事 #鄭曦原 #manchester #uk #賀佢老母 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP
Leeds Stands With Manchester Operation
Date: 23/10/2022 (Sun)
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Location: City Centre, exact location TBC
Source: 列斯手足連線
#Leeds #列斯 #二十大 #戰狼外交 #英國 #曼徹斯特 #總領事 #鄭曦原 #manchester #uk #賀佢老母 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP
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#UK #Leeds
Not Guilty - Stand With HK 47 - Leeds Silent Protest
列斯嘅默站行動喺香港人踴躍支持下順利舉行。多於47名港人及本地人戴上象徵被國安法帶來白色恐怖影響之白色面具,手持SAVEHK47大字呼籲大眾關注。現場同時播放解釋47人案嘅英文錄音,同埋願榮光歸香港、Do you hear the people sing,聲援是次行動。
The silent protest organised by Hongkongers in Leeds was successfully held with strong support from the Hongkongers community. More than 47 Hong Kongers and locals wore white masks symbolising the impact of the national security law and the white terror it brought to Hongkongers. They held up SAVEHK47 signs, calling for attention from the public. The English recording explaining the HK 47 case was played on site, along with the songs "Glory to Hong Kong" and "Do You Hear the People Sing”
Source: @hongkongers_in_leeds
#47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站
Not Guilty - Stand With HK 47 - Leeds Silent Protest
列斯嘅默站行動喺香港人踴躍支持下順利舉行。多於47名港人及本地人戴上象徵被國安法帶來白色恐怖影響之白色面具,手持SAVEHK47大字呼籲大眾關注。現場同時播放解釋47人案嘅英文錄音,同埋願榮光歸香港、Do you hear the people sing,聲援是次行動。
The silent protest organised by Hongkongers in Leeds was successfully held with strong support from the Hongkongers community. More than 47 Hong Kongers and locals wore white masks symbolising the impact of the national security law and the white terror it brought to Hongkongers. They held up SAVEHK47 signs, calling for attention from the public. The English recording explaining the HK 47 case was played on site, along with the songs "Glory to Hong Kong" and "Do You Hear the People Sing”
Source: @hongkongers_in_leeds
#47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站
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An event was held in Leeds where both Hongkongers and local people attended to show their support. Many parents also brought their children to participate so that the next generation can understand the evil acts of the CCP. We are here to let the authoritarian regimes know that people's pursuit of freedom will not end.
#Leeds #UK #六四 #八九民運 #天安門事件 #六四屠城 #Tiananmen #TiananmenMassacre #六四燭光 #薪火相傳
An event was held in Leeds where both Hongkongers and local people attended to show their support. Many parents also brought their children to participate so that the next generation can understand the evil acts of the CCP. We are here to let the authoritarian regimes know that people's pursuit of freedom will not end.
#Leeds #UK #六四 #八九民運 #天安門事件 #六四屠城 #Tiananmen #TiananmenMassacre #六四燭光 #薪火相傳
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過百熱心人士參加由列斯手足連線舉辦的 612 四周年《雖為自由人,未忘籠中鳥》活動。感謝大家站出來,證明我們雖然身在英國,但未會遺忘失去自由的手足。
Thank you all for participating in the "612 4th anniversary We will not forget them" event organised by Hongkongers In Leeds.
In addition to the rally, a street booth was organised at Briggate as part of the event. The booth aimed to display the protests happened since 12 June 2019. This was a vital initiative to showcase the atrocities committed by the CCP in Hong Kong.
Despite facing the challenges, Hongkongers continue to unite and fight for their freedom. We encourage all those who desire democracy and freedom for Hong Kong to continue to stand up and speak out against injustice. Together, we can work towards a brighter future. Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong. See you all on 721!
HongKongers in Leeds
#UK #Leeds #集會 #612四週年 #毋忘2019 #反送中
Thank you all for participating in the "612 4th anniversary We will not forget them" event organised by Hongkongers In Leeds.
In addition to the rally, a street booth was organised at Briggate as part of the event. The booth aimed to display the protests happened since 12 June 2019. This was a vital initiative to showcase the atrocities committed by the CCP in Hong Kong.
Despite facing the challenges, Hongkongers continue to unite and fight for their freedom. We encourage all those who desire democracy and freedom for Hong Kong to continue to stand up and speak out against injustice. Together, we can work towards a brighter future. Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong. See you all on 721!
HongKongers in Leeds
#UK #Leeds #集會 #612四週年 #毋忘2019 #反送中
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#UK #Leeds
#HK47 #SaveJimmyLai #SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners #國安法 #47人案 #未審先判 #欲加之罪 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯
Hongkongers in Leeds
#HK47 #SaveJimmyLai #SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners #國安法 #47人案 #未審先判 #欲加之罪 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯
Hongkongers in Leeds
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#UK #Leeds
#HK47 #SaveJimmyLai #SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners #國安法 #47人案 #未審先判 #欲加之罪 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯
Hongkongers in Leeds
#HK47 #SaveJimmyLai #SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners #國安法 #47人案 #未審先判 #欲加之罪 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯
Hongkongers in Leeds