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“The Coronavirus Outbreak #Covid19 is definitely originated from China. However they are now blame the virus is made from U.S.A.”

“Please separate them from the rest of the Asian, we are innocent, we dont even eat a piece of bat, not like them.”

“To solve a problem, Japanese follows Standard Operation Procedure, the rest of Asia countries choose to face with the problem.”

“To solve a problem , China choose to kill the problem finder or blame the others”


改咗少少,幫我放上Twitter,並 Tag所有知名參議員/外國勢力!


“The Coronavirus Outbreak #Covid19 is definitely originated from China. However they are now blaming the virus is made from U.S.A.”

“Please separate them from the rest of the Asian, we are innocent, we dont even eat a piece of bat, not like them.”

“To solve a problem, Japanese follows Standard Operation Procedure, the rest of Asia countries choose to face with the problem.”

“To solve a problem , China choose to kill the problem finder or blame the others”


文宣分類目錄 (1906|0405 更新) :
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