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海地總統Jovenel Moïse拒絕使用聯合國的疫苗。



#海地 #Haiti #總統 #Jovenel #Moïse #Moise #JovenelMoise #聯合國 #UN #暗殺 #非洲 #離奇死亡 #疫苗 #Vaccine #Vaccination
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美國時間9月15日 #暗殺 #特朗普 未遂的疑犯 #RyanWesleyRouth 已被捕。

Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect who attempted to #Assassinate #Trump on September 15, US time, has been arrested.




20220808 Bernie Kerik :如果 聯邦調查局 突襲 不能剎停 Trump ,他們下一步會是 暗殺 。Bernie Kerik: “If FBI Raid Will Not Stop Donald Trump – Their Next Step Will Be Assassination ” (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft

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突發消息: #特朗普 「附近有槍聲,目前無恙,目前沒有更多詳情。」

BREAKING: #Trump is safe following "gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time."

來源: https://t.me/GeneralMCNews/10441

#Assasination #暗殺

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我要感謝大家的關心和祝福——這真是有趣的一天!最重要的是,我要感謝美國特勤局、警長里克·布拉德肖和他的勇敢而敬業的愛國者辦公室以及所有執法人員,感謝他們今天在特朗普國際所做的出色工作,保護了我​​作為美國第 45 任總統和即將到來的總統選舉的共和黨候選人的安全,他們的工作非常出色,我為自己是美國人而感到非常自豪!

1.18k 真相 4.4k 贊
9/15/24,晚上 10:36


I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day! Most importantly, want to thank the U.S. Secret Service, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and his Office of brave and dedicated Patriots, and, all of Law Enforcement, for the incredible job done today at Trump International in keeping me, as the 45th President of the United States, and the Republican Nominee in the upcoming Presidential Election, SAFE. THE JOB DONE WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING. I AM VERY PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

1.18k ReTruths 4.4k Likes
9/15/24, 10:36 PM

來源: https://t.me/TheWhiplashChannel/127015

#Assasination #暗殺 #Trump #特朗普

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群組👉 @HkGreatAwakeningGp
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#深層政府 #暗殺 #特朗普 的陰謀比你想象的還要險惡 | #保羅斯通 訪談

#全球主義者 決心暗殺特朗普並摧毀美國夢,暗中陰謀集團正試圖製造混亂和動蕩,讓你一貧如洗,控制你生活的方方面面。

本週,我採訪了 Colonial Metals Group 的首席執行官保羅·斯通。我們討論了即將到來的混亂的解決方案,並探討了如何利用精英們的手段,為自己和家人爭取更好的未來。

The #DeepState Plot To Kill #Trump Is More Sinister Than You Think | Interview With #PaulStone

The #Globalist s are determined to assassinate Trump and destroy the American dream. The shadowy cabal are trying to stir up chaos and volatility in order to leave the you destitute and control every aspect of your life.

This week I spoke to the CEO of Colonial Metals Group, Paul Stone. We discuss solutions to the coming chaos and explore how you can play the elite at their own game so you can secure a better future for yourself and your family.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice https://rumble.com/v5fpuh1-the-deep-state-plot-to-kill-trump-is-more-sinister-thank-you-think-intervie.html

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群組👉 @HkGreatAwakeningGp