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IG @kongmudwaa
// 對我而言,呢套唔係值得一睇嘅電影,而係一套好好去提醒我地 "Never Forget, Never Forgive" 一息尚存,抗爭到底嘅電影。

和你抗爭,我很愉快 :)
香港人,我地會如水再聚。 Be water, my friend. //

#時代革命 #光復香港 #如水再聚 #願榮光歸香港 #香港人加油 #周冠威 #紀錄片 #電影 #港產片 #理大圍城 #和理非 #連儂牆 #勇武抗爭
#612三週年 #manchester #UK #連儂牆 #LennonWall


日期: 2022-06-12
時間: 中午12時至下午5時
地址: Manchester Picadilly Garden

Source: IG/TG/FB @hkersoverseas
#曼徹斯特 #Manchester #UK #612三週年

曼徹斯特 612 如水再聚 莫失莫忘

地點:曼徹斯特St. Peter's Square

Source: IG @manchester_stand_with_hk

同日下午3點到5點, Hkersoverseas 會喺同一地點設 #連儂牆,請到場支持。
Forwarded from 和你報WhatsNews Media
[曼徹斯特612集會遊行逾2千人 黃傘成河 黑衫為記 初心未忘]

攝:LuCi 圖:Meow

英國時間6月12日下午,有居於曼徹斯特的香港人發起名為「如水再聚 莫失莫忘」的紀念活動,活動內容包括舉起黃色雨傘默站及遊行活動,另外亦有港人以大型橫額製成連儂牆供港人填上字句。在活動正式開始的下午3時47分前(即3年前香港警方發射第一枚催淚彈的時間),主辦單位安排義工協助港人將其黃色雨傘以準備好的噴漆及模具噴上獅子山輪廓及「STAND WITH HK」字樣。活動未開始前已有大量港人到場,不少人更備有自製標語甚至巨型橫額。亦有烏克蘭人到場聲援,更有人持咪發言指香港人與烏克蘭人同為爭取自由而遭極權壓迫,所以更應該互相支持。


#曼徹斯特 #連儂牆 #612事件 #球叔 #612三周年 #如水再聚 #莫失莫忘 #黃傘 #STAND_WITH_HK
6.12 Manchester 🇬🇧
Post on IG @hkersoverseas

三年過後 勿忘初衷
衷心感謝到場參與集會及延續香港 #連儂牆 之同路人
感謝 @manchesterstandswithhongkong 聯乘今次活動

Thank you everyone
Seeing you all at our next event
To be continued………💛

#勿忘初衷 #standwithhongkong #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #machester #lennonwall
被指連儂牆貼文宣13人全罪脫 官指警證供存疑、單憑在場不足以證犯案

獨媒報導: https://bit.ly/3Dc4o8O


#葵涌邨 #連儂牆 #刑毀 #PoliceState #欲加之罪 #消失的民主自由
// 今年我只係想做小小野令大家開心啲啲、
(都係同自己講),⁣我都想繼續邀請有心嘅大家好似上年咁將佢地印出嚟、再放係唔同嘅地方比大家免費拎,⁣不過成件事都係自然隨緣啦~⁣ //

#高清 下載:

Artist IG @iam_error505

#香港人平安 #蘋果日報 #連儂牆 #連豬 #pepe #太子831 #新聞自由無價
Forwarded from 文宣戰最前線
#讀者投稿 #連儂牆 #曼城 #黃店

✉️ 文宣戰最前線 @mansuenfrontliners
✉️ 文宣、連儂作品投稿 @msfllennon_bot
Following 2019, this particular scene is no longer visible in the streets of Hong Kong.

Artist @arkisan.hk

While @jr rightly said that the street is the largest art gallery in the world, unfortunately, not all kinds of artwork are allowed to be displayed in Hong Kong's streets. The city has been going through a period of social and political turbulence, and this has resulted in many art forms being banned or censored.

As an artist who has brought attention to issues such as immigration, poverty, and social justice through the work, I believe that Jr understand the power that art has in bringing people together and creating a dialogue. The fact that many artists in Hong Kong are currently facing censorship and restrictions on their work. I believe that the purpose of art is to continue to push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in the world.

#連儂牆 #lennonwall #消失的香港 #消失的民主自由 #創作自由
May 7,2023「聲援在囚手足街站」
“Support Hong Kong” Protest

Source: IG @vanactivistshk


Thanks to the volunteers for attending the protest
and also to many Hong Kong people who have paid attention, written on the "Lennon Wall," and chanted slogans.


Apart from hoping everyone continues to pay attention to the human rights situation and imprisoners in Hong Kong, the most important thing we want to share is to please not forget that the emergence of the Hong Kong Pathway supporting many Hong Kongers to come to Canada, and we are now able to enjoy the freedom on the foundation of the sacrifices of countless imprisoners. When we come overseas to a relatively free place, we have an absolute responsibility to continue to pay attention to and support Hong Kong!

#Canada #Vancouver #連儂牆 #街站 #LennonWall #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom